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Cats mainly communicate through body language. Do you know what your cat is trying to tell you with her tail, ears, or body position? You can learn a lot about your cat's state of mind if you know what to look for. Cats show anger with arched backs , flattened ears, dilated pupils and fluffed-up tails. A swishing tail can be a sign of impending attack. A cat who is trying to stare you down is issuing a challenge. Cats don't like for you to stare at them.
A relaxed cat has eyes that are half open. Cats express affection by blinking their eyes slowly. Kneading motions with the paws shows happiness. When the cat rubs her head against you, she is either greeting you or showing affection. A cat who licks you is expressing love as licking is grooming behavior. Cats rub up against you to mark you with their scent to claim you as their human. Cats also roll around on their backs when they see their owner as a sign of happiness. Some cats may give tiny bites to express affection. A submissive cat will roll over on her back. Her ears will be laid down and to the side. Her tail may be tucked between her legs. This stance might be seen when a beloved owner is approaching the cat.
A cat that is ready to play has erect ears, large pupils and a tail held upright. If your cat is crouching and not moving, she is getting ready to pounce on something, maybe even you. A twitching tail is a sign to stop what you are doing. As the cat gets angrier, the tail will twitch harder and faster. A cat may also bite or scratch as a warning to stop petting them. If the cat is carrying her tail downward, she is not happy or is not feeling well. Cats who shake their paws are expressing disgust or displeasure. You may see this when the cat accidentally steps in water.
By learning how your cat expresses herself, you will have a more rewarding relationship with your cat and learn to enjoy her expressions of affection. Also, you will know when to leave her alone such as when she is angry or unhappy.
Learn more about cat behavior, cat-related products and other cat topics at http://www.felineinfo.com/blog
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Annie_Clark
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A relaxed cat has eyes that are half open. Cats express affection by blinking their eyes slowly. Kneading motions with the paws shows happiness. When the cat rubs her head against you, she is either greeting you or showing affection. A cat who licks you is expressing love as licking is grooming behavior. Cats rub up against you to mark you with their scent to claim you as their human. Cats also roll around on their backs when they see their owner as a sign of happiness. Some cats may give tiny bites to express affection. A submissive cat will roll over on her back. Her ears will be laid down and to the side. Her tail may be tucked between her legs. This stance might be seen when a beloved owner is approaching the cat.
A cat that is ready to play has erect ears, large pupils and a tail held upright. If your cat is crouching and not moving, she is getting ready to pounce on something, maybe even you. A twitching tail is a sign to stop what you are doing. As the cat gets angrier, the tail will twitch harder and faster. A cat may also bite or scratch as a warning to stop petting them. If the cat is carrying her tail downward, she is not happy or is not feeling well. Cats who shake their paws are expressing disgust or displeasure. You may see this when the cat accidentally steps in water.
By learning how your cat expresses herself, you will have a more rewarding relationship with your cat and learn to enjoy her expressions of affection. Also, you will know when to leave her alone such as when she is angry or unhappy.
Learn more about cat behavior, cat-related products and other cat topics at http://www.felineinfo.com/blog
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Annie_Clark

A breed of cat as old as recorded history, the Egyptian Mau ('Mau' means 'cat' in Egyptian) can be seen in the artwork of the ancient Egyptians. It is thought that Egyptian Maus are descended from species of the African Wild Cat. In that culture, the cats were worshiped, protected by laws and mummified. The Egyptian Mau is the only breed of cat that has naturally occurring spots on its short coat. Found in a random pattern on the fur, these spots can also be found on the skin. The coat can be silver, bronze or smoke colored with variations occurring between these three colors.
Egyptian Maus have striking green eyes and an unusual flap of skin extending from the flank to the back knee, which allows for agility. It is the fastest breed of cat, able to reach speeds of more than thirty miles per hour. Average adult male Egyptian Maus will reach weights between ten to fourteen pounds. Females will average six to ten pounds.
Egyptian Maus are described as talkative almost musical and have very distinct vocalizations. They are curious cats and like to explore, but they can also be lap cats, preferring the relative comfort and safety of a warm and friendly lap. Egyptian Maus are very friendly with their families and enjoy their company immensely, but are wary of strangers. They are also known to wag their tails like a dog when happy.
Egyptian Maus have some important differences from other domesticated cats. They are more sensitive to temperatures and prefer very warms climates. Egyptian Maus are also more sensitive to medicines and anesthesia. They have a longer than average gestational period. The normal period for cats is sixty-nine days but seventy-three days is still considered normal for an Egyptian Mau. This breed is also prone to food allergies, hot spots, cardiomyopothy and feline asthma.
There is a website that has great information on Egyptian Mau and most other breeds of cats. It has details that pertain to a cat breeds health, grooming, living conditions, best food choices and more, the website is called: Dog And Cat Facts, and can be found at this url:
By Robert W. Benjamin
Copyright © 2007
You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter, or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.
Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 5 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25+ years. He first released products on the AMIGA and C64 computer systems in the late 1970's-80's.
Medical Health Info
Source: High Quality Article Database - 365articles.com
Dogs and cats have different personalities, and often they like to do different things. But both have one thing in common: They love their people, which, when you come right down to it, is the single most important quality a friend can have.
Top Ten Most Popular Dog Breeds:
1. Labrador retriever
2. Golden retriever
3. Yorkshire terrier
4. German shepherd
5. Beagle
6. Dachshund
7. Boxer
8. Poodle
9. Shih tzu
10. Miniature schnauzer
(According to the American Kennel Club)
Top Ten Most Popular Cat Breeds:
1. Persian
2. Maine coon
3. Exotic
4. Siamese
5. Abyssinian
6. Ragdoll
7. Birman
8. American shorthair
9. Oriental
10. Burmese
(According to The Cat Fanciers’ Association)
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by David the Dogman
I have discovered that when it comes to feeding dogs that many owners are blinded by myths and misconceptions. Many owners insist that their dogs are practically human and so should get along fine on the same food that the rest of the family is eating. The irony here, of course, is that most human meals are not all that nourishing. What may be healthy enough and appropriate for humans may be not be suitable for a dog or cat.
I can understand that many owners will not give their dogs and cats conventional pet food. For those who are looking for a healthy diet I offer the following diet, which is on the basis that I have witnessed sick dogs that have been on steroids and strong drugs scratching and licking themselves, failing to put on weight that have completely changed after a few weeks on this diet.
The food has to be naturally fresh, but for food to be fresh and alive it must not be sterile and neutral in biological form. The food must not have any chemical contamination or additives.
The first rule of this diet is that no food can be cooked in a microwave. Bear in mind that dogs and cats are hunters and need fresh food, and it should be varied and always balanced. Meat and fish should be served raw but vegetables and cereals should be cooked lightly.
Exercise your pet every day and only give this diet once a day preferably after exercise in the morning. Cats may have two meals a day.
Cook for 2 minutes in boiled water 3 to 4 vegetables (6/800 grams) with brown rice, or oats, pasta cereals, whole wheat bread.
Raw meat or fish approx.
* 200 grams of beef, stomach, heart, jaw chuck (The least expensive meat)
* Give only horse meat if the dog is to have long periods of exercise and training.
* Chicken: Heart, stomach, no liver or kidneys.
* Never give your pet pork or pork products.
Every seventh day no meat or fish, only vegetables with cereals.
Include every day two tablespoons of one of the following: - olive oil, wheatgerm, cod liver oil, brewers yeast, seaweed, honey (always natural).
Never give your dog any snacks of sugar, sweets, and chocolates. Raw fruit or vegetables, raw cereals, nuts (not processed or roasted) avocado, olive, carrot, apple etc.
Commitment, Firmness, but kindness.
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I have discovered that when it comes to feeding dogs that many owners are blinded by myths and misconceptions. Many owners insist that their dogs are practically human and so should get along fine on the same food that the rest of the family is eating. The irony here, of course, is that most human meals are not all that nourishing. What may be healthy enough and appropriate for humans may be not be suitable for a dog or cat.
I can understand that many owners will not give their dogs and cats conventional pet food. For those who are looking for a healthy diet I offer the following diet, which is on the basis that I have witnessed sick dogs that have been on steroids and strong drugs scratching and licking themselves, failing to put on weight that have completely changed after a few weeks on this diet.
The food has to be naturally fresh, but for food to be fresh and alive it must not be sterile and neutral in biological form. The food must not have any chemical contamination or additives.
The first rule of this diet is that no food can be cooked in a microwave. Bear in mind that dogs and cats are hunters and need fresh food, and it should be varied and always balanced. Meat and fish should be served raw but vegetables and cereals should be cooked lightly.
Exercise your pet every day and only give this diet once a day preferably after exercise in the morning. Cats may have two meals a day.
Cook for 2 minutes in boiled water 3 to 4 vegetables (6/800 grams) with brown rice, or oats, pasta cereals, whole wheat bread.
Raw meat or fish approx.
* 200 grams of beef, stomach, heart, jaw chuck (The least expensive meat)
* Give only horse meat if the dog is to have long periods of exercise and training.
* Chicken: Heart, stomach, no liver or kidneys.
* Never give your pet pork or pork products.
Every seventh day no meat or fish, only vegetables with cereals.
Include every day two tablespoons of one of the following: - olive oil, wheatgerm, cod liver oil, brewers yeast, seaweed, honey (always natural).
Never give your dog any snacks of sugar, sweets, and chocolates. Raw fruit or vegetables, raw cereals, nuts (not processed or roasted) avocado, olive, carrot, apple etc.
Commitment, Firmness, but kindness.
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I do not know why, cats always make my feel vibrant! Perhaps because of their funny behavior, or perhaps because their humorous face. Sometimes, I play with them to kill the time. Saw their actions, my tired became lost. Switch with the feelings of joy and pleasure. How about you? Do you also play with your lovely cat?
The Persian cats are a breed all their own and the most popular cat in America. They have many special qualities and unique habits, which help to make them the most popular and beloved cat in America.
Cat owners around the world have discovered the many benefits of becoming friends to the furry feline.
Cats were probably not domesticated until approximately 5,000-8000 short years ago (this compares to 14,000 years of domestication for their canine counterparts). Cats first appeared some 35-40 million years ago according to fossil discoveries. In Egypt, cats were worshipped as goddesses. They felt the Goddess Bast controlled the heat of the sun. This was shown as a statue of a woman's body with a feline's head. The Egyptians also believed the cat was the daughter of Isis and the Goddess of the Sun and the Moon. The glow from cat's eyes held captive the light of the sun according to the Egyptians. Cats that belonged to the Egyptian pharaohs were mummified alongside them. This fact probably proved cats were held in great esteem by the Egyptians. They made carved wooden figurines, jewelry and furniture in the form of the fair feline. All these items have been found among the possessions of ancient Egyptians.
Cats were not only cherished for their extreme beauty. Humans found them to be very helpful in controlling rodent populations, which protected precious grain and food supplies. Cats proved to be an asset to almost every community in which humans settled. However, the world soon discovered not all cats are the same.
This mysterious creature comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and temperaments. Before the 1600's, the only cats appearing in Europe and the rest of the world all had short hair. You can just imagine the surprise and ultimate delight of those who came across the first luxurious longhaired cats.
It is difficult for cat historians to determine exactly when Persians first found their way into civilization. In fact, it is a general consensus among cat historians:
• We do not know the exact origins of the Persian
• We do not know how they came into existence
• We do not know where they were first developed
Persians are a mystery, and probably due mostly to people not keeping records.
Some facts historians can tell us about the Persian are:
• A man named Petro della Valle is accredited with introducing the first longhaired cats into Europe
• Della Valle brought several pairs from the land of Persia (known today as Iran) to Italy in approximately 1620
• The name "Persian" is derived from the area in which they were discovered
• For many years following the discovery of longhaired felines, Europeans referred to all longhaired cats as Persians or Angoras
• Angoras was brought to Turkey by a Frenchman named Nicholas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
• There was a difference between these two types of cats: Persians and Angoras: the Persian cats had fuller, woollier coats and were stockier, while the Angoras from Turkey had a silkier coat of fur and a lighter frame
• Longhaired cats were the result of, or even a mutation of, cross-breeding between the furry European wild cat and the Steppe Cat, discovered by the German naturalist, Peter Simon Pallas
• The long, dense hair was necessary for these felines to protect themselves from the cold Asian environments of Persia and Angora
Source: Persian Cats by Sandra L. Toney, published by T.F.H., the world's largest and most respected publisher of pet literature
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Written by: Connie Limon For more information about Persian cats visit: http://smalldogs2.com/PersianCats - For a variety of FREE reprint articles visit Camelot Articles at http://www.camelotarticles.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Connie_Limon
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Cat owners around the world have discovered the many benefits of becoming friends to the furry feline.
Cats were probably not domesticated until approximately 5,000-8000 short years ago (this compares to 14,000 years of domestication for their canine counterparts). Cats first appeared some 35-40 million years ago according to fossil discoveries. In Egypt, cats were worshipped as goddesses. They felt the Goddess Bast controlled the heat of the sun. This was shown as a statue of a woman's body with a feline's head. The Egyptians also believed the cat was the daughter of Isis and the Goddess of the Sun and the Moon. The glow from cat's eyes held captive the light of the sun according to the Egyptians. Cats that belonged to the Egyptian pharaohs were mummified alongside them. This fact probably proved cats were held in great esteem by the Egyptians. They made carved wooden figurines, jewelry and furniture in the form of the fair feline. All these items have been found among the possessions of ancient Egyptians.
Cats were not only cherished for their extreme beauty. Humans found them to be very helpful in controlling rodent populations, which protected precious grain and food supplies. Cats proved to be an asset to almost every community in which humans settled. However, the world soon discovered not all cats are the same.
This mysterious creature comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and temperaments. Before the 1600's, the only cats appearing in Europe and the rest of the world all had short hair. You can just imagine the surprise and ultimate delight of those who came across the first luxurious longhaired cats.
It is difficult for cat historians to determine exactly when Persians first found their way into civilization. In fact, it is a general consensus among cat historians:
• We do not know the exact origins of the Persian
• We do not know how they came into existence
• We do not know where they were first developed
Persians are a mystery, and probably due mostly to people not keeping records.
Some facts historians can tell us about the Persian are:
• A man named Petro della Valle is accredited with introducing the first longhaired cats into Europe
• Della Valle brought several pairs from the land of Persia (known today as Iran) to Italy in approximately 1620
• The name "Persian" is derived from the area in which they were discovered
• For many years following the discovery of longhaired felines, Europeans referred to all longhaired cats as Persians or Angoras
• Angoras was brought to Turkey by a Frenchman named Nicholas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
• There was a difference between these two types of cats: Persians and Angoras: the Persian cats had fuller, woollier coats and were stockier, while the Angoras from Turkey had a silkier coat of fur and a lighter frame
• Longhaired cats were the result of, or even a mutation of, cross-breeding between the furry European wild cat and the Steppe Cat, discovered by the German naturalist, Peter Simon Pallas
• The long, dense hair was necessary for these felines to protect themselves from the cold Asian environments of Persia and Angora
Source: Persian Cats by Sandra L. Toney, published by T.F.H., the world's largest and most respected publisher of pet literature
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Written by: Connie Limon For more information about Persian cats visit: http://smalldogs2.com/PersianCats - For a variety of FREE reprint articles visit Camelot Articles at http://www.camelotarticles.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Connie_Limon
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Bringing home a kitten is a great addition to any family. But don't forget these following items, food dish with a design that fits your cat's fashion, and of course the litter box. Food would also be helpful. If you have all of these items you're all set for the kitten to come into your home.
Maybe not after all. In the beginning your kitty explored all over the house, consumed way too much food, and has been using his litter box with no accidents at all. Recently, however, you've realized your kitten is starting to have problems that you had not anticipated before.
Maybe there are a few more items that you want to take into account when overcoming these unwanted cat problems. Believe me; many other have already come across the necessity of some basic tips on kitten training to better the behavior of their new kitten.
So how do you go about kitten training when every time you turn around kitten is jumping off the walls, attacking your feet and hands, jumping on the countertops and tables to use as a wrestling arena, and that new furniture you just bought is now well on its way to being shredded in two.
Relax. Many a pet owner has been appalled to find that his or her sweet little kitten has turned into a fearsome beast! You can handle this, and your initial step will be to pick up a few necessary items. The first is a scratching post. Don't spend lavishly on a fancy one, since an ordinary one from your neighborhood pet store or department store will be just fine.
What if the monster kitten is still destroying furniture? When you catch him, rub his paws up and down the scratching post, using the same motion he used on the sofa. When done, make sure you praise him for using the post! Repeat this process as many times as needed until your new family member uses his post- and not the furniture- to sharpen those claws!
If you want to be able to keep your kitty in line, fill an aluminum can with rocks and put tape over the front. The next time you see your kitten doing something he shouldn't be doing, shake the can vigorously. The loud sound will scare him and he will develop an association between the scary sound and doing something wrong.
And a final note in kitten training is how to deal with the age old issue of kitten bites. Whenever you catch your kitten becoming unruly with your hands or feet give him a toy to replace your skin with. Any standard kitten toy will do such as a fur mouse or jingle bell ball.
Okay. You now know the essential elements of kitten training. Remember to let your kitten know how much you love him or her. Praise your pet for good behavior. Use positive reinforcement to create a strong bond with your cat for years to come. Your kitten and you, both, will be happier. Your pet will give you hours of enjoyment and will show you unconditional love.
About the Author
Bringing home a kitten is a great addition to any family. But don't forget these following items: a food dish, food, water bowl, and of course the litter box. When trying to correct cat problems, there are a few more things you should consider doing.
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Maybe not after all. In the beginning your kitty explored all over the house, consumed way too much food, and has been using his litter box with no accidents at all. Recently, however, you've realized your kitten is starting to have problems that you had not anticipated before.
Maybe there are a few more items that you want to take into account when overcoming these unwanted cat problems. Believe me; many other have already come across the necessity of some basic tips on kitten training to better the behavior of their new kitten.
So how do you go about kitten training when every time you turn around kitten is jumping off the walls, attacking your feet and hands, jumping on the countertops and tables to use as a wrestling arena, and that new furniture you just bought is now well on its way to being shredded in two.
Relax. Many a pet owner has been appalled to find that his or her sweet little kitten has turned into a fearsome beast! You can handle this, and your initial step will be to pick up a few necessary items. The first is a scratching post. Don't spend lavishly on a fancy one, since an ordinary one from your neighborhood pet store or department store will be just fine.
What if the monster kitten is still destroying furniture? When you catch him, rub his paws up and down the scratching post, using the same motion he used on the sofa. When done, make sure you praise him for using the post! Repeat this process as many times as needed until your new family member uses his post- and not the furniture- to sharpen those claws!
If you want to be able to keep your kitty in line, fill an aluminum can with rocks and put tape over the front. The next time you see your kitten doing something he shouldn't be doing, shake the can vigorously. The loud sound will scare him and he will develop an association between the scary sound and doing something wrong.
And a final note in kitten training is how to deal with the age old issue of kitten bites. Whenever you catch your kitten becoming unruly with your hands or feet give him a toy to replace your skin with. Any standard kitten toy will do such as a fur mouse or jingle bell ball.
Okay. You now know the essential elements of kitten training. Remember to let your kitten know how much you love him or her. Praise your pet for good behavior. Use positive reinforcement to create a strong bond with your cat for years to come. Your kitten and you, both, will be happier. Your pet will give you hours of enjoyment and will show you unconditional love.
About the Author
Bringing home a kitten is a great addition to any family. But don't forget these following items: a food dish, food, water bowl, and of course the litter box. When trying to correct cat problems, there are a few more things you should consider doing.
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A Look At the Fascinating Ocicat
Admirers of leopards and ocelots will learn that there is a cat with the same exotic appearance that is domesticated, the Ocicat. While the extra-large feral spotted cats can be lethal, these cats make wonderful pets. The Ocicat was developed completely by accident when a American breeder tried to develop a Siamese of had a different color. The breeder mated a Siamese cat with an Abyssinian cat and the result was a mottle-spotted kitten with a wonderful personality, but which looks wild and dangerous. They named it an "Ocicat" to describe why it looked like a cross between an Ocelot and a Cat.
The Ocicat is a medium-sized cat, weighing in at 6-14 pounds. Its powerful, graceful mass is set on muscular legs. This breed's head has a distinct wedge shape, which is topped by large, Siamese like ears. These cats have eyes with a slightly Oriental shape that are surrounded by dark color. Many cat lovers say this rim of color makes Ocicats look as though they are wearing glasses. A long, gracefully tapered tail completes the wild appearance of this breed.
While the original Ocicat was ivory-colored with golden spots, there are now many additional recognized colors. You might discover these spotted cats in Tawny, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Blue, Lavender, and Fawn colors. In addition, Ocicats come in spotted tabby, spotted silver tabby, and spotted smoke patterns of all of the above colors.
If you are a busy person who is never at home, you should not own an Ocicat. These cats are highly people-oriented and become depressed and upset if they are left alone for long periods. This love of people makes this breed the ideal family pet. In fact, even visiting family and visiting relations will be happily greeted by these outgoing cats. While the Ocicat thrives on human attention, this sociable cat also enjoys compatible living happily in the company of other cats, making it an excellent breed choice for a multiple cat home.
These cats are very playful, so it's important therefore to keep your Ocicat happy, you should be sure to set out plenty of toys. However, this doesn't mean you need to go broke. Simple toys, like a big feather or a crumpled piece of paper, provide hours of entertainment for these sweet-natured animals.
The Ocicat is among highly intelligent cat breeds. You can easily teach your cat simple commands, such as how to come and fetch, but don't stop there. These fast learners have been able to learn to quite a many other commands, as well.
People who don't enjoy grooming their cats will be happy to know that the Ocicat does not actually need to be groomed frequently. A quick brushing once a week should keep your Ocicat looking sleek and healthy. But, since this breed enjoys the attention, you may want to groom your cat several times a week.
If one wants to take in a cat that looks as striking as the jungle cats, then you may just want to get an Ocicat. These cats provide the best of both worlds - a wild look and a sweet nature.
For more info, see Ocicat and Siamese Ron King is a web developer; visit his website Abyssinian
Copyright 2007 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact and the links live.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ron_King
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Admirers of leopards and ocelots will learn that there is a cat with the same exotic appearance that is domesticated, the Ocicat. While the extra-large feral spotted cats can be lethal, these cats make wonderful pets. The Ocicat was developed completely by accident when a American breeder tried to develop a Siamese of had a different color. The breeder mated a Siamese cat with an Abyssinian cat and the result was a mottle-spotted kitten with a wonderful personality, but which looks wild and dangerous. They named it an "Ocicat" to describe why it looked like a cross between an Ocelot and a Cat.
The Ocicat is a medium-sized cat, weighing in at 6-14 pounds. Its powerful, graceful mass is set on muscular legs. This breed's head has a distinct wedge shape, which is topped by large, Siamese like ears. These cats have eyes with a slightly Oriental shape that are surrounded by dark color. Many cat lovers say this rim of color makes Ocicats look as though they are wearing glasses. A long, gracefully tapered tail completes the wild appearance of this breed.
While the original Ocicat was ivory-colored with golden spots, there are now many additional recognized colors. You might discover these spotted cats in Tawny, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Blue, Lavender, and Fawn colors. In addition, Ocicats come in spotted tabby, spotted silver tabby, and spotted smoke patterns of all of the above colors.
If you are a busy person who is never at home, you should not own an Ocicat. These cats are highly people-oriented and become depressed and upset if they are left alone for long periods. This love of people makes this breed the ideal family pet. In fact, even visiting family and visiting relations will be happily greeted by these outgoing cats. While the Ocicat thrives on human attention, this sociable cat also enjoys compatible living happily in the company of other cats, making it an excellent breed choice for a multiple cat home.
These cats are very playful, so it's important therefore to keep your Ocicat happy, you should be sure to set out plenty of toys. However, this doesn't mean you need to go broke. Simple toys, like a big feather or a crumpled piece of paper, provide hours of entertainment for these sweet-natured animals.
The Ocicat is among highly intelligent cat breeds. You can easily teach your cat simple commands, such as how to come and fetch, but don't stop there. These fast learners have been able to learn to quite a many other commands, as well.
People who don't enjoy grooming their cats will be happy to know that the Ocicat does not actually need to be groomed frequently. A quick brushing once a week should keep your Ocicat looking sleek and healthy. But, since this breed enjoys the attention, you may want to groom your cat several times a week.
If one wants to take in a cat that looks as striking as the jungle cats, then you may just want to get an Ocicat. These cats provide the best of both worlds - a wild look and a sweet nature.
For more info, see Ocicat and Siamese Ron King is a web developer; visit his website Abyssinian
Copyright 2007 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact and the links live.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ron_King
By Kate Garvey
Four years ago I was living in a community with a high rate of unwanted animals. During the summer, the city shelter was forced to euthanize 14 to 17 thousand animals each month. Feral cats and cats that had Feline Aides (FIV) were euthanized immediately. At the time I did not have knowledge or experience with feral cat trap and release programs. I was sharing my house with six healthy cats when I met Scruffy, a sweet, adorable, athletic feral cat, that tested positive for FIV.
I tried to find a home for Scruffy where he would be the only cat in the household, but no one was interested in adopting him. After that my choices were limited, I could have Scruffy euthanized, I could have him neutered and leave him as an outdoor cat knowing he might infect other cats, or I could merge him with my healthy cats (I had four other rescued cats at the time). There was and still seems to be an ongoing debate about how cats contract FIV. Some veterinarians believe FIV can be passed by mutual grooming, and eating out of a food dish. Others believe FIV can only be passed through blood; a bite or during gestation from a mother to her offspring. All my research led me to believe that FIV cats can lead a reasonably normal life, provided they have good nutrition, and a safe, comfortable indoor environment. Dr. Mike Richards says, "Feline immune deficiency virus infection does not lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in cats as often as human immunodeficiency virus leads to AIDS in people." The largest threat to FIV-positive cats is secondary infections, such as bladder, skin, and upper respiratory infections. Kidney failure is also frequent in cats with FIV. So keeping all this in mind, I made a decision to neuter scruffy and merge him with my other cats. My deepest fear was that I would expose my other cats to FIV. The vaccine for FIV had just been placed on the market, but it was controversial so I choose not to vaccinate the healthy cats.
Four years later, Scruffy is still a sweet, adorable, athletic cat with FIV. My other cats are all healthy and still test negative for FIV. Maybe I was lucky, or maybe this is proof that the disease is not transferred through mutual grooming. It’s estimated about 12% of cats in the United States have FIV. Many never develop symptoms of the illness. I think part of the reason that Scruffy and my other cats remain healthy is that my house is a good place for animals; routine bedtimes, good quality food, constant accessibility to clean water, and a lack of external stress—my house is quiet and peaceful most of the time. If you adopt a cat with FIV, plan on keeping it indoors. Also, find out how far the disease has progressed. A cat with FIV exposure is far different from a cat with high FIV symptoms, or secondary symptoms of the illness. Many FIV exposed cats can live a relatively normal life provided they are in indoor pet, and receive good pet care.
For more free pet care or animal welfare tips, visit http://www.PetCareRCA.com Kate Garvery is the founder and director of the Pet Care Resource Center of America. She is also a freelance writer and provides professional writing services for individuals and business owners http://www.kategarvey.net Kate is the author of 3 non-fiction books and more than 40 non-fiction articles.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Garvey
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Four years ago I was living in a community with a high rate of unwanted animals. During the summer, the city shelter was forced to euthanize 14 to 17 thousand animals each month. Feral cats and cats that had Feline Aides (FIV) were euthanized immediately. At the time I did not have knowledge or experience with feral cat trap and release programs. I was sharing my house with six healthy cats when I met Scruffy, a sweet, adorable, athletic feral cat, that tested positive for FIV.
I tried to find a home for Scruffy where he would be the only cat in the household, but no one was interested in adopting him. After that my choices were limited, I could have Scruffy euthanized, I could have him neutered and leave him as an outdoor cat knowing he might infect other cats, or I could merge him with my healthy cats (I had four other rescued cats at the time). There was and still seems to be an ongoing debate about how cats contract FIV. Some veterinarians believe FIV can be passed by mutual grooming, and eating out of a food dish. Others believe FIV can only be passed through blood; a bite or during gestation from a mother to her offspring. All my research led me to believe that FIV cats can lead a reasonably normal life, provided they have good nutrition, and a safe, comfortable indoor environment. Dr. Mike Richards says, "Feline immune deficiency virus infection does not lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in cats as often as human immunodeficiency virus leads to AIDS in people." The largest threat to FIV-positive cats is secondary infections, such as bladder, skin, and upper respiratory infections. Kidney failure is also frequent in cats with FIV. So keeping all this in mind, I made a decision to neuter scruffy and merge him with my other cats. My deepest fear was that I would expose my other cats to FIV. The vaccine for FIV had just been placed on the market, but it was controversial so I choose not to vaccinate the healthy cats.
Four years later, Scruffy is still a sweet, adorable, athletic cat with FIV. My other cats are all healthy and still test negative for FIV. Maybe I was lucky, or maybe this is proof that the disease is not transferred through mutual grooming. It’s estimated about 12% of cats in the United States have FIV. Many never develop symptoms of the illness. I think part of the reason that Scruffy and my other cats remain healthy is that my house is a good place for animals; routine bedtimes, good quality food, constant accessibility to clean water, and a lack of external stress—my house is quiet and peaceful most of the time. If you adopt a cat with FIV, plan on keeping it indoors. Also, find out how far the disease has progressed. A cat with FIV exposure is far different from a cat with high FIV symptoms, or secondary symptoms of the illness. Many FIV exposed cats can live a relatively normal life provided they are in indoor pet, and receive good pet care.
For more free pet care or animal welfare tips, visit http://www.PetCareRCA.com Kate Garvery is the founder and director of the Pet Care Resource Center of America. She is also a freelance writer and provides professional writing services for individuals and business owners http://www.kategarvey.net Kate is the author of 3 non-fiction books and more than 40 non-fiction articles.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Garvey
Most days your kitty gives you a special calm and inner peace by showing her love and trust for you when she curls up in your lap and purrs herself to sleep as you gently stroke her body. She makes you laugh as she plays with her toys or speeds through the house.
But there can be those other days...Days she drives you crazy when she scratches your furniture, sneak attacks your ankles, stops using the litter box, knocks over your plants, insists on getting into things and places she's never bothered before or other strange and frustrating behavior you're positive she's doing just to get back at you for some reason. And sometimes you're looking right at her when she does these things!
Your first reaction when any of this happens is to discipline your cat. Let me tell you right now that a cat doesn't respond to discipline in a positive learning way.
First off, grabbing hold of your cat to begin administering the punishment will result in kitty fighting back. She has no idea that she has just done something you didn't like. All she knows is that right now, something bigger than her that has always been kind is holding her against her will. Rubbing your kitty's nose in the piddle she just left will probably get you bit or scratched but will also start a feeling of resentment and mistrust in your cat that may never go away.
A common form of behavior modification many people use on their cats is a squirt bottle. If you are doing this, PLEASE STOP. All you're doing is creating fear and mistrust in your cat that takes you from the "friend" category to the "enemy/predator" category in your cat's mind. You're instilling a fear of water in your cat plus you could accidentally get water in her ear, which can cause other problems entirely.
Your cat needs guidance. You need to teach your cat what behavior you'll accept but temper the lessons with love and patience. You need to begin to understand the basic nature of cats and their instincts. The "why" of their behavior.
An important first step to finding out why kitty is acting like she is is to take her to the vet for a check-up. Once you have the assurance of a clean bill of health, you need to ask yourself what has changed in the home.
The best way to stay in a loving friendship with your cat is to have patience, perseverance. Have you added something new to the house, changed the furniture around, changed cat foods, changed the location of the litter box, changed the litter, added a new pet, added a new baby or had a change in the social situation of the house? There are so many things that can upset kitty that it's going to be like solving a major detective mystery. Start putting all the clues together until the puzzle is finished and the reason revealed. There is always a reason why kitty is acting out. In the end, kitty will thank you for doing this for her instead of giving up.
Research has shown that most pets are given to animal shelters, or worse dumped somewhere; because of common behavior problems their owners didn't want to take the time to fix or didn't know how to solve. Once you understand why your cat is behaving the way she is, you will be able to fix the problems and live peaceably with her again.
Ruth Walby
These links will help you to understand why bad behavior occurs, what you are dealing with, and how to correct it. Remember; never, ever hit an animal for doing something, which to it, is only natural.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruth_Walby
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But there can be those other days...Days she drives you crazy when she scratches your furniture, sneak attacks your ankles, stops using the litter box, knocks over your plants, insists on getting into things and places she's never bothered before or other strange and frustrating behavior you're positive she's doing just to get back at you for some reason. And sometimes you're looking right at her when she does these things!
Your first reaction when any of this happens is to discipline your cat. Let me tell you right now that a cat doesn't respond to discipline in a positive learning way.
First off, grabbing hold of your cat to begin administering the punishment will result in kitty fighting back. She has no idea that she has just done something you didn't like. All she knows is that right now, something bigger than her that has always been kind is holding her against her will. Rubbing your kitty's nose in the piddle she just left will probably get you bit or scratched but will also start a feeling of resentment and mistrust in your cat that may never go away.
A common form of behavior modification many people use on their cats is a squirt bottle. If you are doing this, PLEASE STOP. All you're doing is creating fear and mistrust in your cat that takes you from the "friend" category to the "enemy/predator" category in your cat's mind. You're instilling a fear of water in your cat plus you could accidentally get water in her ear, which can cause other problems entirely.
Your cat needs guidance. You need to teach your cat what behavior you'll accept but temper the lessons with love and patience. You need to begin to understand the basic nature of cats and their instincts. The "why" of their behavior.
An important first step to finding out why kitty is acting like she is is to take her to the vet for a check-up. Once you have the assurance of a clean bill of health, you need to ask yourself what has changed in the home.
The best way to stay in a loving friendship with your cat is to have patience, perseverance. Have you added something new to the house, changed the furniture around, changed cat foods, changed the location of the litter box, changed the litter, added a new pet, added a new baby or had a change in the social situation of the house? There are so many things that can upset kitty that it's going to be like solving a major detective mystery. Start putting all the clues together until the puzzle is finished and the reason revealed. There is always a reason why kitty is acting out. In the end, kitty will thank you for doing this for her instead of giving up.
Research has shown that most pets are given to animal shelters, or worse dumped somewhere; because of common behavior problems their owners didn't want to take the time to fix or didn't know how to solve. Once you understand why your cat is behaving the way she is, you will be able to fix the problems and live peaceably with her again.
Ruth Walby
These links will help you to understand why bad behavior occurs, what you are dealing with, and how to correct it. Remember; never, ever hit an animal for doing something, which to it, is only natural.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruth_Walby

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All cat owners want their cat to have a long, happy and healthy life. However, this doesn't just happen, it is your responsibility as a cat owner to make it happen. Remember that your cat relies on you for its safety and protection, and therefore need to pay attention to these issues and take your responsibility seriously.
Perhaps the single most important thing that you can do to improve your cat's safety is to make your cat an indoor cat. This removes the risk of your cat being injured by traffic, or stolen or injured by maladjusted people (unfortunately there are some people like that out there). Of course, making your cat an indoor cat is a big decision, and one that you should consider very carefully - because many people feel that indoor cats are deprived of many of the pleasures that cats enjoy.
Whether or not you decide to make your cat an exclusively indoor cat, your cat will be spending a lot of time in your home. You must therefore ensure that your home is cat safe:
- Get down to floor level and look for things that may be potentially dangerous to your cat. For example: remove anything that your cat may swallow and choke on it, tie-up or remove any dangling electrical wires, and either remove or put houseplants inaccessible locations (since many common houseplants are poisonous to cats).
- Many cats are injured or killed by falls from high places. Second story or higher windows should be closed and preferably locked, or at least securely screened.
Regular visits to your vet are also an important aspect of looking after your cat. You should be sure to discuss having your cat spayed or neutered, with your vet - as apart from unwanted kittens and the unpleasant behavior of a cat in heat, this can prevent many types of cancers and cat diseases, and also stops male cats getting into fights over females.
By S. Tanna. First published at http://www.guide2pets.com/p1_articles_cats_safety.php
Discover more pet articles, info and shopping at http://www.guide2pets.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sunil_Tanna
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Perhaps the single most important thing that you can do to improve your cat's safety is to make your cat an indoor cat. This removes the risk of your cat being injured by traffic, or stolen or injured by maladjusted people (unfortunately there are some people like that out there). Of course, making your cat an indoor cat is a big decision, and one that you should consider very carefully - because many people feel that indoor cats are deprived of many of the pleasures that cats enjoy.
Whether or not you decide to make your cat an exclusively indoor cat, your cat will be spending a lot of time in your home. You must therefore ensure that your home is cat safe:
- Get down to floor level and look for things that may be potentially dangerous to your cat. For example: remove anything that your cat may swallow and choke on it, tie-up or remove any dangling electrical wires, and either remove or put houseplants inaccessible locations (since many common houseplants are poisonous to cats).
- Many cats are injured or killed by falls from high places. Second story or higher windows should be closed and preferably locked, or at least securely screened.
Regular visits to your vet are also an important aspect of looking after your cat. You should be sure to discuss having your cat spayed or neutered, with your vet - as apart from unwanted kittens and the unpleasant behavior of a cat in heat, this can prevent many types of cancers and cat diseases, and also stops male cats getting into fights over females.
By S. Tanna. First published at http://www.guide2pets.com/p1_articles_cats_safety.php
Discover more pet articles, info and shopping at http://www.guide2pets.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sunil_Tanna
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For centuries a popular folklore in Iceland has been that of the Grýla and Leppalúði, the parents of the 13 Yule Lads. Grýla is a wicked witch like character, used to scare the children. Around Christmas time, she would come down from the mountains in Dimmuborgir, Myvatnssveit and take away the naughty children. The family's pet, the Yuletide cat would come on Christmas and snatch the children who did not get new clothes on the day. The Yule Lads were no better either, their names suggesting the type of mischief they were likely to get in; Spoon Licker, Pot Licker, Meat-snatcher, Sheepfold-stick, Gilly Oaf, Shorty, Window-peeper, Bowl-licker, Door-slammer, Skyr-glutton, Sausage-pilfer, Sniffer and Candle-beggar.
In pre-Christian, times most of the Europe celebrated the winter festival of Yule during the month of December and later the dates for the festival were fixed to match the Christian calendar, on 25th December. During the last couple of centuries, the family's image has taken a turn for the better. Yule Lads, who earlier came one by one before Yule to create mischief, now have taken up the task of gifting children around Xmas time. The children in the town place their best shoe in the window and each night, for thirteen nights, one of them comes down from the mountains and places a gift in it if the child has been good. The naughty ones, on the other hand, only get a rotten potato.
The change in the folklore came with the arrival of Santa Claus on the scene. Icelanders, around the start of the 20th century, decided to change the Yule Lads' image, and it became a mixture of Santa Claus and the Scandinavian Julenisser. The Lads, originally dressed in rags, but now they have taken up Santa's garb as well, black boots, red pants, tunic and hat with white trimmings. The change has really been for the good and now a days, instead of snatching and stealing, they tend to ask and normally get what they want.
The Lads also make special appearances at the Christmas dances and sing carols with the kids and always leave a bag of goodies for the children before they leave. At Xmas time, Dimmuborgir in Myvatnssveit, is the place to be for kids. Children can meet these cheeky Santas and get their picture taken in this beautiful natural setting. The Lads come out at their caves door every day from the 3rd of December from 1 to 3 p.m.
For adults also, the place promises a trip of a life time. Visit Godafoss (waterfall of the gods), Lake Myvatn and the lava formation of Dimmuborgir. At night look out for the northern lights to brighten up the sky. You can venture around in the area where the Lads live and take a dip in the geothermal nature baths of Myvatn. The place is blessed with nature's beauty in abundance, and the town is bursting with the spirit of Christmas, a perfect place to be, during the holiday season.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
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Cats like the same thing for Christmas that they enjoy every other day of the year--good food, fresh water, clean litter and a bit of their preferred chin scratching, head-to-tail petting and cuddling. However, most cats would not say, "No" to a little nip of catnip in a stuffed toy or slathered all over a scratching post. In fact, they might say, "Yes!" with great enthusiasm in the way only cats can--by rolling all over the catnip area and the odd bit of drooling.
Another thing not many people know that cats like is honeysuckle. It's not as crazy-making as catnip, but spray a little honeysuckle on a toy or scratch post and many cats will get right down and savor it by rubbing their cheeks on it to catch every last bit of scent. I've had great luck in alternating sprays of honeysuckle with scattering of catnip on a stand-up sisal scratch post right next to a chair or sofa that might tempt the cats to sharpen their claws. The catnip and honeysuckle are so much more appealing that the furniture gets ignored. Your claw-sharpening mileage may vary.
Three holiday dangers for cats are:
First and foremost ribbons! String, yarn and dental floss can also be fatal to a cat. Okay, I know you don't wrap presents with dental floss, but I'm just saying that long thread-y things attract cats. If you've ever had your cat lick your hand, you know that their tongues are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to their rough tongues, get swallowed, and knot up in their guts. Very serious.
All those pictures of cats playing with balls of yarn drive me crazy. The first Christmas that we a kitten, my husband and I narrowly avoided a trip to the pet emergency hospital when he swallowed a ribbon. Fortunately it was a very short ribbon and it came out the other end, but these beautiful things can kill your cat, so please don't leave them out.
Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are poisonous to cats and should be kept out of reach.
Last but not least, is the water at the base of a living Christmas tree. Some cats are tempted to drink it, and it's safer to securely cover the base so they can't get at it.
On the other hand, one thing cats love about Christmas morning is discarded wrapping paper! A very economical gift to your cat is to let him or her (or them) charge around and attack wrapping paper piles. If you've ever seen a kitten, or even a normally dignified, grown-up cat, once the gifts are opened, diving and scattering wrapping paper or hopping into and out of gift boxes with glee, you can experience the pure, undiluted joy that cats can create at Christmas that few other creatures can!
Lynne Powell
Your Cat's Secret Life
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynne_Powell
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Another thing not many people know that cats like is honeysuckle. It's not as crazy-making as catnip, but spray a little honeysuckle on a toy or scratch post and many cats will get right down and savor it by rubbing their cheeks on it to catch every last bit of scent. I've had great luck in alternating sprays of honeysuckle with scattering of catnip on a stand-up sisal scratch post right next to a chair or sofa that might tempt the cats to sharpen their claws. The catnip and honeysuckle are so much more appealing that the furniture gets ignored. Your claw-sharpening mileage may vary.
Three holiday dangers for cats are:
First and foremost ribbons! String, yarn and dental floss can also be fatal to a cat. Okay, I know you don't wrap presents with dental floss, but I'm just saying that long thread-y things attract cats. If you've ever had your cat lick your hand, you know that their tongues are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to their rough tongues, get swallowed, and knot up in their guts. Very serious.
All those pictures of cats playing with balls of yarn drive me crazy. The first Christmas that we a kitten, my husband and I narrowly avoided a trip to the pet emergency hospital when he swallowed a ribbon. Fortunately it was a very short ribbon and it came out the other end, but these beautiful things can kill your cat, so please don't leave them out.
Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are poisonous to cats and should be kept out of reach.
Last but not least, is the water at the base of a living Christmas tree. Some cats are tempted to drink it, and it's safer to securely cover the base so they can't get at it.
On the other hand, one thing cats love about Christmas morning is discarded wrapping paper! A very economical gift to your cat is to let him or her (or them) charge around and attack wrapping paper piles. If you've ever seen a kitten, or even a normally dignified, grown-up cat, once the gifts are opened, diving and scattering wrapping paper or hopping into and out of gift boxes with glee, you can experience the pure, undiluted joy that cats can create at Christmas that few other creatures can!
Lynne Powell
Your Cat's Secret Life
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynne_Powell
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Over the years, all the expense starts to add up. As your pet gets older, the cost will increase slightly due to the fact that older canines are prone to more illnesses and veterinarian visits. In other words, the policyholder is expected to visit the vet a number of times before filing a claim.
The term of the insurance coverage is the only time in which the insurer will have to pay out should the insurance be needed. There are discussions and information sessions give on the health issues that most pet owners should know to help them take care of their pets. Again, you want to check the market, since plans will also cover the common flea and tick problems.
If your pet has current conditions when you take out insurance, most companies will not cover the animal. North American pet owners can choose from a variety of coverage choices, ranging from injury/accident-only to all-inclusive.
The requirement for pet insurance can be easily justified, and after a few regular visits to the vet, it is not difficult to understand why. Few policies have a 'voluntary excess' charge, which entails an x amount of dollars each year will be deducted from your premiums. When comparing your pet insurance coverage options you also need to look at things such as deductibles, copy's, and lifetime limits. Having appreciated that most reasons for an appointment at the vet are uninsurable, what do we get for our premiums. The business then pays the premiums and receives any lump sum payout. Usually, the information given aims to teach pet owners how to monitor the health of their pets.
Buying auto insurance online is so convenient for most people. It is then important for business owners to come up with a business plan, which can help them strategize and plan the operations of the business. A pet insurance plan can help cover some of the expenses involved in pet ownership.
This simply means that for any given claim, you as the policy holder will be liable to pay a certain amount towards the claim. Cat owner should remember that the time to research the various types of pet health-care insurance is normally before they purchase their pet. Get quotes through the online brokers to get a general idea of what your costs will be. Pets are pets after all, they easily fall prey to numerous pet diseases and ailments. It also has a special plan for cancers treatment for pets called VPI Cancer Rider.
There is considerable investment that goes into training exotic and working animals and with their death this investment is lost. Trying to decide if you should get insurance on your pet? If so, do you have pet insurance? If not, you may well want to read on if you want to save yourself millions of pounds If you are a risk-taker when it comes to insurance and would be okay covering any health-related costs yourself, you shouldn't bother getting pet insurance. In the unfortunate instance that your pet is never returned, the pet insurance company will offer you anything from £500 to £1500 for the value of your pet, usually the only condition in your policy will be evidence that your pet has been missing for thirty to ninety days. As the name suggests, with a pet accident insurance you are getting the basic minimum in pet insurance - accident coverage. If your pet is susceptible to illness or you find yourself at the vet's office often then check out pet insurance plans.
Now that pet health insurance is becoming more popular, there is a good chance that the staff at your veterinary surgery will be familiar with and will accept the various pet insurance programs. With the rising costs of pet healthcare and with the extremes that many of us would go to for our pets, pet insurance is becoming very popular with pet owners. Included in many pet insurance policies are the covering costs of advertising in your area and local newspapers for your lost pets safe return. Most pet insurance policies carry an excess which means that you have to pay a small amount towards the cost of any treatment claimed for under the policy.
When purchasing pet insurance online or requesting a quote, you will have to fill out a form that asks for standard information such as the breed of your pet, etc. That may well be the case if you don't have pet health insurance. Pet health insurance is a burgeoning market, one that has reportedly grown at an annual pace of 45% over the past five years. The best pet health care insurance companies that offer services online are pet plan.
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The term of the insurance coverage is the only time in which the insurer will have to pay out should the insurance be needed. There are discussions and information sessions give on the health issues that most pet owners should know to help them take care of their pets. Again, you want to check the market, since plans will also cover the common flea and tick problems.
If your pet has current conditions when you take out insurance, most companies will not cover the animal. North American pet owners can choose from a variety of coverage choices, ranging from injury/accident-only to all-inclusive.
The requirement for pet insurance can be easily justified, and after a few regular visits to the vet, it is not difficult to understand why. Few policies have a 'voluntary excess' charge, which entails an x amount of dollars each year will be deducted from your premiums. When comparing your pet insurance coverage options you also need to look at things such as deductibles, copy's, and lifetime limits. Having appreciated that most reasons for an appointment at the vet are uninsurable, what do we get for our premiums. The business then pays the premiums and receives any lump sum payout. Usually, the information given aims to teach pet owners how to monitor the health of their pets.
Buying auto insurance online is so convenient for most people. It is then important for business owners to come up with a business plan, which can help them strategize and plan the operations of the business. A pet insurance plan can help cover some of the expenses involved in pet ownership.
This simply means that for any given claim, you as the policy holder will be liable to pay a certain amount towards the claim. Cat owner should remember that the time to research the various types of pet health-care insurance is normally before they purchase their pet. Get quotes through the online brokers to get a general idea of what your costs will be. Pets are pets after all, they easily fall prey to numerous pet diseases and ailments. It also has a special plan for cancers treatment for pets called VPI Cancer Rider.
There is considerable investment that goes into training exotic and working animals and with their death this investment is lost. Trying to decide if you should get insurance on your pet? If so, do you have pet insurance? If not, you may well want to read on if you want to save yourself millions of pounds If you are a risk-taker when it comes to insurance and would be okay covering any health-related costs yourself, you shouldn't bother getting pet insurance. In the unfortunate instance that your pet is never returned, the pet insurance company will offer you anything from £500 to £1500 for the value of your pet, usually the only condition in your policy will be evidence that your pet has been missing for thirty to ninety days. As the name suggests, with a pet accident insurance you are getting the basic minimum in pet insurance - accident coverage. If your pet is susceptible to illness or you find yourself at the vet's office often then check out pet insurance plans.
Now that pet health insurance is becoming more popular, there is a good chance that the staff at your veterinary surgery will be familiar with and will accept the various pet insurance programs. With the rising costs of pet healthcare and with the extremes that many of us would go to for our pets, pet insurance is becoming very popular with pet owners. Included in many pet insurance policies are the covering costs of advertising in your area and local newspapers for your lost pets safe return. Most pet insurance policies carry an excess which means that you have to pay a small amount towards the cost of any treatment claimed for under the policy.
When purchasing pet insurance online or requesting a quote, you will have to fill out a form that asks for standard information such as the breed of your pet, etc. That may well be the case if you don't have pet health insurance. Pet health insurance is a burgeoning market, one that has reportedly grown at an annual pace of 45% over the past five years. The best pet health care insurance companies that offer services online are pet plan.
About the Author
Learn more about Horse Pictues and horse related information like horse care by visiting our site
Maine Coon Cats are,"the complete package". Their appearance is impressive; enhanced by their substantially larger than average size (13-20 lbs on average, although some reach 25 lbs) and the luxuriously long fur coat. And this is all backed up by intelligence, a well balanced character and a pleasant temperament. It's no wonder that this cat is very popular and apparently gaining in popularity.
Maine Coon Cats come in a myriad of colors and patterns only equaled by the Persian for variety. This is a natural breed (e.g. the breed has evolved on its own without man kinds interference), which further adds to the attraction.Originating in the breed's hunting and sturdy ancestors, the Maine Coon is built for hunting with large eyes and ears and a large muscular body.read more

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Maine Coon Cats come in a myriad of colors and patterns only equaled by the Persian for variety. This is a natural breed (e.g. the breed has evolved on its own without man kinds interference), which further adds to the attraction.Originating in the breed's hunting and sturdy ancestors, the Maine Coon is built for hunting with large eyes and ears and a large muscular body.read more
Three cats. 3 amigos. Seems like they were in some bar, cat in the middle is drunk and two friends leading him and helping him get home :lol:
Or maybe, cat in the middle is wounded.
Or third posibility is cats here are preparing to attact on some group of mouses, together.
Anyway, here is great wallpaper for your desktop, in 1024x768 or 800x600, you can chose.
There's always been a certain air of bulkiness and ugly familiarity of conventional cat care products. Lately, there's been a craze sweeping across cat lovers to make cat products as unique and stylish as their owners. Of course, quality and durability is essential to withstand even the toughest cat. Here are some fun products, from beds to litter pans, that your cat will love using and you'll love looking at!
The stylish Feline Lotus Cat Furniture set looks more like a work of art than a multi-tiered cat lounger and bed. It has two flat tiers, and a wonderfully designed third tier that's gently curved for kitty comfort. At the bottom, it comes with a huge scratching pad and a spacious privacy bed.
To top it off, this cat furniture comes with an extra-durable mahogany, birch or cherry finish. These wood finishes are neutral enough to match any furniture color scheme and actually add to the stylish value of the room!
Cats always needs fresh clean water. In the past, cat owners have always been baffled as to why cats gravitate towards running water to drink. The key to this is basic water chemistry. The longer water sits, the lower the pH becomes as it loses oxygen, and the more sour water tastes. By using the Vet Ventures Drinkwell Pet Fountain, which circulates water and also passes it through a carbon filter, you provide the freshest and most natural tasting water possible. Keeping more than one in separate rooms makes sure you never run out of water for your kitty! It can also hold up to a gallon of water, plenty for even 3 or more cats.
Tired of keeping your kitty's ugly plastic bulky litter box hidden away in a closet? Now you can incorporate the often awkward litter box into stylish end tables! The "Refined Feline Litter Box" comes in a regular size and a larger size (to support automatically cleaning litter boxes). It looks like a stylish simple table, and it comes in mahogany, birch or cherry. It has two opening doors on the front and a nicely sized cat entrance on the side.
This trendy litter box is also highly functional. With your cat's litter box being enclosed as it is in the Refined Feline Litter Box, odor and tracked litter will be minimized or even eliminated. The trays slide out for cleaning and it also has a storage drawer for convenience.
The days of boring old cat products are out! These new products are a treat for your cat and you to enjoy and admire!
Dominic Lee is the spokeperson for PetPetSupplies.com - the premier internet destination for pet supplies, accessories, and products for pets. Please check out http://www.petpetsupplies.com/cats-cat-furniture-scratchers.html for more trendy cat furniture and accessories
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dominic_Lee
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The stylish Feline Lotus Cat Furniture set looks more like a work of art than a multi-tiered cat lounger and bed. It has two flat tiers, and a wonderfully designed third tier that's gently curved for kitty comfort. At the bottom, it comes with a huge scratching pad and a spacious privacy bed.
To top it off, this cat furniture comes with an extra-durable mahogany, birch or cherry finish. These wood finishes are neutral enough to match any furniture color scheme and actually add to the stylish value of the room!
Cats always needs fresh clean water. In the past, cat owners have always been baffled as to why cats gravitate towards running water to drink. The key to this is basic water chemistry. The longer water sits, the lower the pH becomes as it loses oxygen, and the more sour water tastes. By using the Vet Ventures Drinkwell Pet Fountain, which circulates water and also passes it through a carbon filter, you provide the freshest and most natural tasting water possible. Keeping more than one in separate rooms makes sure you never run out of water for your kitty! It can also hold up to a gallon of water, plenty for even 3 or more cats.
Tired of keeping your kitty's ugly plastic bulky litter box hidden away in a closet? Now you can incorporate the often awkward litter box into stylish end tables! The "Refined Feline Litter Box" comes in a regular size and a larger size (to support automatically cleaning litter boxes). It looks like a stylish simple table, and it comes in mahogany, birch or cherry. It has two opening doors on the front and a nicely sized cat entrance on the side.
This trendy litter box is also highly functional. With your cat's litter box being enclosed as it is in the Refined Feline Litter Box, odor and tracked litter will be minimized or even eliminated. The trays slide out for cleaning and it also has a storage drawer for convenience.
The days of boring old cat products are out! These new products are a treat for your cat and you to enjoy and admire!
Dominic Lee is the spokeperson for PetPetSupplies.com - the premier internet destination for pet supplies, accessories, and products for pets. Please check out http://www.petpetsupplies.com/cats-cat-furniture-scratchers.html for more trendy cat furniture and accessories
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dominic_Lee
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By Grace Heal
I have always said, "I don't own my cat; He own me!" You know how it is? You sit down in your favourite lounge chair to relax and read the paper. Puss spies you out, jumps on your lap. He creeps to your shoulder, extending a paw either side and you are engulfed by him! Well this is the scene I inadvertably find myself in. My cat, "Tom" (as in "Tom and Jerry") is the most possessive creature!... but I love him. He is adorable and very spoilt. He is also good company.
Cats make over 100 different vocalization sounds, and their hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs. They are the only animals that purr.
Cats have 30 vertebrae, which is 5 more than humans, and have 230 bones, which is 24 more than humans.
Cats can jump 5 times their height. When they do jump, their foot pads absorb the shock of landing. It is a myth that cats always land on their feet, they may instinctively fall feet first, but can receive broken bones. Most cats can survive a fall of 30 feet.
Most cats have no eyelashes. They are born with 6 or 7 front toes and extra back toes are called polyduct! Cats walk on their toes.
Cats are also good swimmers, but they just don't like water.
Their whiskers are specialized sensory hairs located in 3 locations on the cats head, this being 12 on each side of their nose.
All cats are born with blue eyes. IN dim lights cats eyes must be open as wide as possible for them to "see in the dark", but must be able to contract to very small to protect the retina which is very sensitive in bright sun light. They also have a field of vision of 185 degrees.
A large majority of cats with white fur have blue eyes and are deaf. These cats with white fur are susceptible to sunburn, which can leas to skin cancer.
Flea eggs can survive for more than 10 years if the conditions are favourable.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grace_Heal
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I have always said, "I don't own my cat; He own me!" You know how it is? You sit down in your favourite lounge chair to relax and read the paper. Puss spies you out, jumps on your lap. He creeps to your shoulder, extending a paw either side and you are engulfed by him! Well this is the scene I inadvertably find myself in. My cat, "Tom" (as in "Tom and Jerry") is the most possessive creature!... but I love him. He is adorable and very spoilt. He is also good company.
Cats make over 100 different vocalization sounds, and their hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs. They are the only animals that purr.
Cats have 30 vertebrae, which is 5 more than humans, and have 230 bones, which is 24 more than humans.
Cats can jump 5 times their height. When they do jump, their foot pads absorb the shock of landing. It is a myth that cats always land on their feet, they may instinctively fall feet first, but can receive broken bones. Most cats can survive a fall of 30 feet.
Most cats have no eyelashes. They are born with 6 or 7 front toes and extra back toes are called polyduct! Cats walk on their toes.
Cats are also good swimmers, but they just don't like water.
Their whiskers are specialized sensory hairs located in 3 locations on the cats head, this being 12 on each side of their nose.
All cats are born with blue eyes. IN dim lights cats eyes must be open as wide as possible for them to "see in the dark", but must be able to contract to very small to protect the retina which is very sensitive in bright sun light. They also have a field of vision of 185 degrees.
A large majority of cats with white fur have blue eyes and are deaf. These cats with white fur are susceptible to sunburn, which can leas to skin cancer.
Flea eggs can survive for more than 10 years if the conditions are favourable.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grace_Heal
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Back in the ancient times, the cats are already around. They are even placed in elevated positions in civilizations like Egypt.
Today, any one can enjoy owning a cat. There are no restrictions at all in owning them, unlike other pets that require high maintenance and are subject to state or federal regulation.
A cat can also help you forget an exhausting day at work or at school. It can cuddle up to you and purr. It makes you feel protective over the cat.
Caring for a Cat
Any cat lover out there does not need any reason or question for owning one. Yet, for those who do not have a cat they may think that this is a tremendous task.
Actually, cats are the easiest pets to own. Cats are the perfect companions. They do not require much from the owner. They only have to be regularly fed. They also need a shelter.
Cats can be toilet trained too. A simple tray and a few training sessions can dispense with the problem of dealing with their dirt, especially for indoor cats.
Getting Your Own Cat
Having a cat in the household will definitely be an experience you do not want to miss. Again, they can be easily maintained in the household, so there is no need to worry.
All you have to do is to pick one type that will best suit your personality. There are a big number of cat breeds out there to choose from, not to mention those that have been cross-bred.
Each breed has its own distinct characteristic and personality. This can affect how they will behave, how they play and even if they will require further maintenance.
The best thing to do is to pick the best breed for you. Here are the top 10 breeds that you can choose from.
1. Persian Cat
The Persian cat is one of the most popular breeds in town. They are known for their long and fluffy hair that can grow up to 3 inches. They also have beautiful colors that range from white, black, gray, orange or a combination of these colors.
Persian cats require more maintenance in terms of their hair. They also need comfortable environments and they have to feel secured.
2. Siamese Cat
Siamese cats are also very popular. They have markings in their hair that make them very distinct. They also have slender bodies and very elegant posture.
A Siamese cat always wants to be the center of attention. They want to be cared for. They tend to get too noisy or cry a lot if they want to call your attention.
3. Maine Coon Cat
The Maine Coon Cat, or as some would say Mancoon cat, is one of the oldest breeds of cats. Everywhere in the world, there is one you will find as they can withstand warm and even cold climates.
One will be a very loyal addition to the family. They are fun-loving. Their good-natured personality will make them very safe with kids.
4. Ragdoll
Another wonderful breed for soon-to-be pet owners is the ragdoll. This cat has medium length of hair. They are very gentle, easy-going and affectionate.
They are perfect for any household. They only have to be kept indoors, away from the aggressive animals.
5. Burmese Cat
Burmese cats are shorthaired. They have big yellow eyes and very satiny hair. Stroking their hairs are enough for grooming.
Burmese cats tend to be vocal like the Siamese. They only have softer voices. They can get really bonded and trusting with their owners.
6. Manx
The Manx cats are very distinct because of their peculiar backs that end in a shortened tail. Their structure gives them a very rounded look that makes them more adorable and cuddly.
Manx cats are very intelligent and playful. They are even considered as social cats as they love people very much. They can even be playful even around water, making it easier to groom them.
7. Siberian Cat
Siberian cats are known for their proportioned bodies and their furs. Some even claim that their furs are hypoallergenic, although this is still subject to be confirmed.
These cats are intelligent, loyal and very affectionate. They are almost dog-like in their personality.
8. Somali Cat
Somali cats are long-haired cats that wee from the Abyssinian breed. They have fluffy hair and bottle-brush tails.
They are perfect for owners who want an active, intelligent and playful pet. They can also get very curious. They also shed little hair and thereby perfect for those who do not want too much grooming time.
9. Russian Blue
This breed of cat has blue to bluish-gray coat. They usually have green or dark eyes.
Russian Blues are very playful and intelligent. They also bond really well with their owners but they are very shy to strangers.
10. American Bobtail
American Bobtails are distinctly recognized for their tails that are shorter than the ordinary type and look like it has been specially bobbed. They can have short or long coats. Their eye colors can also vary.
Cats are the most wonderful creatures in the world. They are the beloved pets in most households and neighborhoods. So get your own cat now.
Lee Dobbins writes for www.epet-center.com where you can learn all about pets and pet care. Visit the cat center to find out more about cat breeds cat care.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Dobbins
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Today, any one can enjoy owning a cat. There are no restrictions at all in owning them, unlike other pets that require high maintenance and are subject to state or federal regulation.
A cat can also help you forget an exhausting day at work or at school. It can cuddle up to you and purr. It makes you feel protective over the cat.
Caring for a Cat
Any cat lover out there does not need any reason or question for owning one. Yet, for those who do not have a cat they may think that this is a tremendous task.
Actually, cats are the easiest pets to own. Cats are the perfect companions. They do not require much from the owner. They only have to be regularly fed. They also need a shelter.
Cats can be toilet trained too. A simple tray and a few training sessions can dispense with the problem of dealing with their dirt, especially for indoor cats.
Getting Your Own Cat
Having a cat in the household will definitely be an experience you do not want to miss. Again, they can be easily maintained in the household, so there is no need to worry.
All you have to do is to pick one type that will best suit your personality. There are a big number of cat breeds out there to choose from, not to mention those that have been cross-bred.
Each breed has its own distinct characteristic and personality. This can affect how they will behave, how they play and even if they will require further maintenance.
The best thing to do is to pick the best breed for you. Here are the top 10 breeds that you can choose from.
1. Persian Cat
The Persian cat is one of the most popular breeds in town. They are known for their long and fluffy hair that can grow up to 3 inches. They also have beautiful colors that range from white, black, gray, orange or a combination of these colors.
Persian cats require more maintenance in terms of their hair. They also need comfortable environments and they have to feel secured.
2. Siamese Cat
Siamese cats are also very popular. They have markings in their hair that make them very distinct. They also have slender bodies and very elegant posture.
A Siamese cat always wants to be the center of attention. They want to be cared for. They tend to get too noisy or cry a lot if they want to call your attention.
3. Maine Coon Cat
The Maine Coon Cat, or as some would say Mancoon cat, is one of the oldest breeds of cats. Everywhere in the world, there is one you will find as they can withstand warm and even cold climates.
One will be a very loyal addition to the family. They are fun-loving. Their good-natured personality will make them very safe with kids.
4. Ragdoll
Another wonderful breed for soon-to-be pet owners is the ragdoll. This cat has medium length of hair. They are very gentle, easy-going and affectionate.
They are perfect for any household. They only have to be kept indoors, away from the aggressive animals.
5. Burmese Cat
Burmese cats are shorthaired. They have big yellow eyes and very satiny hair. Stroking their hairs are enough for grooming.
Burmese cats tend to be vocal like the Siamese. They only have softer voices. They can get really bonded and trusting with their owners.
6. Manx
The Manx cats are very distinct because of their peculiar backs that end in a shortened tail. Their structure gives them a very rounded look that makes them more adorable and cuddly.
Manx cats are very intelligent and playful. They are even considered as social cats as they love people very much. They can even be playful even around water, making it easier to groom them.
7. Siberian Cat
Siberian cats are known for their proportioned bodies and their furs. Some even claim that their furs are hypoallergenic, although this is still subject to be confirmed.
These cats are intelligent, loyal and very affectionate. They are almost dog-like in their personality.
8. Somali Cat
Somali cats are long-haired cats that wee from the Abyssinian breed. They have fluffy hair and bottle-brush tails.
They are perfect for owners who want an active, intelligent and playful pet. They can also get very curious. They also shed little hair and thereby perfect for those who do not want too much grooming time.
9. Russian Blue
This breed of cat has blue to bluish-gray coat. They usually have green or dark eyes.
Russian Blues are very playful and intelligent. They also bond really well with their owners but they are very shy to strangers.
10. American Bobtail
American Bobtails are distinctly recognized for their tails that are shorter than the ordinary type and look like it has been specially bobbed. They can have short or long coats. Their eye colors can also vary.
Cats are the most wonderful creatures in the world. They are the beloved pets in most households and neighborhoods. So get your own cat now.
Lee Dobbins writes for www.epet-center.com where you can learn all about pets and pet care. Visit the cat center to find out more about cat breeds cat care.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Dobbins
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Of course as a responsible and loving pet owner, you want to ensure that your cat is both happy and safe. In aiming for those goals, one of the most important decisions that you must make is whether your cat should be an outdoor cat or not.
Many people feel that the only truly happy cat is an outdoor cat. While it's certainly true that cats have been domesticated for many millennia, it's also true that they still many retain attributes and behaviors of their wild ancestors. When we see a cat chasing a squirrel or stalking prey, we see the cat performing its natural behaviors, and we assume that as a result it is a happy cat. On the other hand, an indoor cat seems to be deprived of many, if not all, such opportunities.
The other side of the coin is that, from a safety point of view, provided you ensure that your home is cat-safe, indoor would be the only way to go. Outdoor cats face risks that indoor cats do not:
- Outdoor cats can be killed or injured by road traffic.
- There are unfortunately some malicious people out there, who may injure, harm or steal your cat.
- Outdoor cats may get involved in fights with other cats, wild animals such as foxes (including urban foxes), and dogs.
Of course, all of these risks (except perhaps for wild animals) tend to be much higher in urban and densely populated areas.
All of these issues are something that you will need to consider when deciding whether your cat should be an indoor or outdoor cat. The indoor/outdoor choice is not a simple one: you must carefully weight up all the advantages and disadvantages of both lifestyles for your cat.
By S. Tanna. First published at http://www.guide2pets.com/p1_articles_cats_indoor_or_outdoor.php
Discover more pet articles, info and shopping at http://www.guide2pets.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sunil_Tanna
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Many people feel that the only truly happy cat is an outdoor cat. While it's certainly true that cats have been domesticated for many millennia, it's also true that they still many retain attributes and behaviors of their wild ancestors. When we see a cat chasing a squirrel or stalking prey, we see the cat performing its natural behaviors, and we assume that as a result it is a happy cat. On the other hand, an indoor cat seems to be deprived of many, if not all, such opportunities.
The other side of the coin is that, from a safety point of view, provided you ensure that your home is cat-safe, indoor would be the only way to go. Outdoor cats face risks that indoor cats do not:
- Outdoor cats can be killed or injured by road traffic.
- There are unfortunately some malicious people out there, who may injure, harm or steal your cat.
- Outdoor cats may get involved in fights with other cats, wild animals such as foxes (including urban foxes), and dogs.
Of course, all of these risks (except perhaps for wild animals) tend to be much higher in urban and densely populated areas.
All of these issues are something that you will need to consider when deciding whether your cat should be an indoor or outdoor cat. The indoor/outdoor choice is not a simple one: you must carefully weight up all the advantages and disadvantages of both lifestyles for your cat.
By S. Tanna. First published at http://www.guide2pets.com/p1_articles_cats_indoor_or_outdoor.php
Discover more pet articles, info and shopping at http://www.guide2pets.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sunil_Tanna

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The Cat is back as Mike Myers in this zany Cat in the Hat screensaver based on the Dr. Seuss classic. Red and white hat on the cat, in brown roum.

If one screensaver just isn't enough, then you can have some more fun with this The Cat in the Hat screensaver. The perfect desktop companion for all ages. Blue free screensaver with famous cat.

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If one screensaver just isn't enough, then you can have some more fun with this The Cat in the Hat screensaver. The perfect desktop companion for all ages. Blue free screensaver with famous cat.