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on Saturday, May 28, 2011
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When it comes to the family pets, the dogs seem to always get everything. They have dog houses, a load of toys, they get to do the outside walks and rides in the car. But, what about the family cat? Other than a few jingle bell toys, and maybe one mouse on a bouncy string, what does the cat get? Not a heck of a lot. If you ask me, that’s unfair to the cat. It’s like playing favorites among the kids, and the cat is losing. You may say your cat is unfriendly. Well, you would be unfriendly too if you saw a sibling getting all the goods and you didn’t get any. It’s time the cat gets its fair due.
So, you ask, what does a cat need? Well, how about a cat house? The dog has a house, the cat could have one too. This does not mean you should toss your cat outside with the dog and put a house up for him. Cat houses are actually meant to be inside. They are a space that you can allow your cat to call their own. Cat houses are their safe haven in the world.
There is no shortage of cat houses that are available, so you may need to get ready for the variety you are going to find when you start looking.
First, if your cat is a climber or jumper, you may want to consider multi-level cat houses. These cat house condos are a number of rooms that are build on top of one another, often with tunnels attaching them, where your cat can find a safe place to curl up and take a nap. These multi-room cat houses are especially good if you have more than one cat. They can each find their own space within the levels.
You can often attach many of your cats toys to the tops or edges of cat houses, to give them built in play-time, and if you look for the cat houses that are made of carpet, it is a ready-to-use scratch pad as well.
If you have an older cat, or a cat with medical conditions that is not as likely to be doing any athletic feats, you may want to keep your cat houses closer to the ground. Instead of looking for height, you may want to look for cat houses that have a few rooms side by side at ground level. This gives your cat a choice of places to curl up, without any pain or difficulty that may be associated with climbing.
If you really want to go all out, you can look into the really large cat houses. Some of these are really like a cat’s home within your home. They have spaces for litter boxes, food and water bowls and a bed for your cat. While you may think that’s overkill, if you have a dog that likes to get into the litter pan, you may not think twice and appreciate the idea of having all the cats items out of the dogs reach.
Jennifer Akre, owner of numerous online specialty shops, shares her insight on products perfect for pampering your pet including fabulous cat furniture, stunning cat houses, and fun cat trees. Each would make a great gift for your furry feline companion.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Akre
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So, you ask, what does a cat need? Well, how about a cat house? The dog has a house, the cat could have one too. This does not mean you should toss your cat outside with the dog and put a house up for him. Cat houses are actually meant to be inside. They are a space that you can allow your cat to call their own. Cat houses are their safe haven in the world.
There is no shortage of cat houses that are available, so you may need to get ready for the variety you are going to find when you start looking.
First, if your cat is a climber or jumper, you may want to consider multi-level cat houses. These cat house condos are a number of rooms that are build on top of one another, often with tunnels attaching them, where your cat can find a safe place to curl up and take a nap. These multi-room cat houses are especially good if you have more than one cat. They can each find their own space within the levels.
You can often attach many of your cats toys to the tops or edges of cat houses, to give them built in play-time, and if you look for the cat houses that are made of carpet, it is a ready-to-use scratch pad as well.
If you have an older cat, or a cat with medical conditions that is not as likely to be doing any athletic feats, you may want to keep your cat houses closer to the ground. Instead of looking for height, you may want to look for cat houses that have a few rooms side by side at ground level. This gives your cat a choice of places to curl up, without any pain or difficulty that may be associated with climbing.
If you really want to go all out, you can look into the really large cat houses. Some of these are really like a cat’s home within your home. They have spaces for litter boxes, food and water bowls and a bed for your cat. While you may think that’s overkill, if you have a dog that likes to get into the litter pan, you may not think twice and appreciate the idea of having all the cats items out of the dogs reach.
Jennifer Akre, owner of numerous online specialty shops, shares her insight on products perfect for pampering your pet including fabulous cat furniture, stunning cat houses, and fun cat trees. Each would make a great gift for your furry feline companion.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Akre
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Let's get this straight. Cat Stevens did not write or record "Cat's In The Cradle" despite listings to the contrary on the web and the perhaps natural popular misconception.
"Cat's In the Cradle" was written by the late great performing songwriter/activist Harry Chapin. (Actually, the words to the song were written by Chapin's wife, now widow, Sandy Chapin.)
Harry Chapin died in a car crash on the Long Island (N.Y.) Expressway in 1981. He was only 38 years old.
I saw Harry Chapin in concert in the 1970s while in college at the University of Florida. The show was held up for almost an hour because Chapin had not yet arrived. When he finally took the stage, he apologized for the delay and explained that his flight into Tampa had been delayed. He had rented a car, he said, and driven from the Tampa Airport to Gainesville in less than an hour and a half. It's well over 125 miles from Tampa International to Gainesville! Man, he was "flying" in that "Taxi." ("Taxi" of course is perhaps Chapin's most famous song.)
Like Harry Chapin, Cat Stevens wrote and recorded some of the greatest songs ever, including, "Wild World," "Moonshadow" and the multiple-time mega hit, "The First Cut Is The Deepest." He has also been covered by some of the most popular artists of our time: Dolly Parton, Rod Stewart, Sheryl Crow...to name just a few.
Stevens has also frequently been credited with writing "Morning Has Broken" which he recorded on Tea For The Tillerman and with which he is closely identified. "Morning Has Broken" is actually a Christian hymn with lyrics written by Eleanor Farjeon (1881–1965).
Cat Stevens was born in London as Steven Demetri Georgiou in 1948. He took the name Cat Stevens in the late '60s and, after becoming a convert to Islam in the 1970s, he changed his name again, to Yusuf Islam.
Like the late Chapin, Cat Stevens is also known as an out-spoken peace advocate. In fact, his song "Peace Train" has become something of a peace anthem.
The lives and songs of Chapin and Stevens have paralleled to some degree, and they are indeed similar in their folksy, poetic, politically conscious, singer-songwriter styles.
Cat Stevens was back in 2006 with a new album, An Other Cup, under his Islamic name, Yusuf Islam. It met with mixed, but generally luke-warm reviews.
DA Jack Hayford is the editor of the popular music reference website, Events-in-Music.com. Mr. Hayford is also the Program Director and co-founder of DurangoSong.com, the online home of the ten-plus-year old Durango Songwriters Expo, a premier annual educational and inspirational event for aspiring songwriters.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DA_Jack_Hayford
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"Cat's In the Cradle" was written by the late great performing songwriter/activist Harry Chapin. (Actually, the words to the song were written by Chapin's wife, now widow, Sandy Chapin.)
Harry Chapin died in a car crash on the Long Island (N.Y.) Expressway in 1981. He was only 38 years old.
I saw Harry Chapin in concert in the 1970s while in college at the University of Florida. The show was held up for almost an hour because Chapin had not yet arrived. When he finally took the stage, he apologized for the delay and explained that his flight into Tampa had been delayed. He had rented a car, he said, and driven from the Tampa Airport to Gainesville in less than an hour and a half. It's well over 125 miles from Tampa International to Gainesville! Man, he was "flying" in that "Taxi." ("Taxi" of course is perhaps Chapin's most famous song.)
Like Harry Chapin, Cat Stevens wrote and recorded some of the greatest songs ever, including, "Wild World," "Moonshadow" and the multiple-time mega hit, "The First Cut Is The Deepest." He has also been covered by some of the most popular artists of our time: Dolly Parton, Rod Stewart, Sheryl Crow...to name just a few.
Stevens has also frequently been credited with writing "Morning Has Broken" which he recorded on Tea For The Tillerman and with which he is closely identified. "Morning Has Broken" is actually a Christian hymn with lyrics written by Eleanor Farjeon (1881–1965).
Cat Stevens was born in London as Steven Demetri Georgiou in 1948. He took the name Cat Stevens in the late '60s and, after becoming a convert to Islam in the 1970s, he changed his name again, to Yusuf Islam.
Like the late Chapin, Cat Stevens is also known as an out-spoken peace advocate. In fact, his song "Peace Train" has become something of a peace anthem.
The lives and songs of Chapin and Stevens have paralleled to some degree, and they are indeed similar in their folksy, poetic, politically conscious, singer-songwriter styles.
Cat Stevens was back in 2006 with a new album, An Other Cup, under his Islamic name, Yusuf Islam. It met with mixed, but generally luke-warm reviews.
DA Jack Hayford is the editor of the popular music reference website, Events-in-Music.com. Mr. Hayford is also the Program Director and co-founder of DurangoSong.com, the online home of the ten-plus-year old Durango Songwriters Expo, a premier annual educational and inspirational event for aspiring songwriters.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DA_Jack_Hayford
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As a cat owner there are certain things you should be watching for. Cats are just like us, they have times when they feel good and times when they just don't feel good and times when they are sick. You should know your cat well enough to spot these different symptoms. After all your cat can't tell you but his actions should give you plenty warning.
Here's a list of common health problems that may affect your cat.
As cats get older just like people they become less active. They tend to stay home more, become less energetic and may not eat regularly. If it's eating habits change drastically it could be a sign of diabetes. Watch his drinking and urination habits, if he goes to the bathroom more often than normal and always seems to be thirsty its time take him to the friendly neighborhood vet for a check up.
Changing your cats diet may cause a sever case of diarrhea. If this happens you can keep him on the same diet and see if it continues after a few days or go back to the original food source. In either case if the diarrhea continues its probably due to something else, a virus or some other infection. If this is the case it's time to seek professional help.
Cats can also contract FIV. Somewhat similar to HIV, the dreaded disease contacted by humans. The only way you can be sure this never happens is to keep your cat in there house so he never comes in contact with other cats that may pass along this disease. This is the only way you can truly keep you cat safe from the numerous ailments that can be passed along from other felines. FIV can be disastrous for your cat. If suspected you should again seek professional help to avoid losing your pet.
If your cat begins to throw up the first thing you should take note of is; does this happen after he eats certain foods? His system just like ours changes, what once had no affect can change due to age or metabolism, if after eating certain foods he vomits, change his diet to see if it helps. He may have developed an allergy that he didn't have before. Another reason might be the common hairball. Brush his coat frequently to remove loose hairs and the problem may disappear. Throwing up can lead to dehydration. Try to get your cat to drink plenty of fluids to avoid this problem.
When your pet is a cat, as with any other animal, observation is your best weapon. Watch him and observe his habits. When you notice a difference try to figure out the cause, it might be something simple or it might be something serious. As the owner you have to decide when it's time to take serious action. Your cat is depending on you. Don't let him down.
I'm a pet lover, if my observations help just one pet lead a better, more healthful life, then I'm happy. If you would like to learn more visit my site " Pet Paradise " at: http://zzd.in/cats
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Doug_Sheridan
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Bringing home a cuddly ball of purrs, otherwise known as a kitten, can be fun and exciting for any family. I know you didn't forget the cute food dish with little fish on it so that your kitten can be dining in style. I know you certainly didn't forget the litter box or litter, right? What more can you possibly need?
Well, perhaps not. At first your new kitten carefully sniffed out every nook and cranny within its reach, ate half the bag of food, and has been faithfully breaking in his new litter box. But you've started to notice that your new cuddle monster is starting to break in a little more than you intended.
Maybe there are a few more items that you want to take into account when overcoming these unwanted cat problems. Believe me; many other have already come across the necessity of some basic tips on kitten training to better the behavior of their new kitten.
So just how does someone go about starting kitten training, when every time they turn around, their new kitten is bouncing off of the walls, gnawing on their owners' fingers, jumping on top of the kitchen counters, fighting on the kitchen table, and exercising their claws on your brand new furniture?
Don't worry, you're not the first to have encountered monster kitten syndrome. To begin your kitten training adventures you'll want to invest in a few things. First you'll want to save your furniture by purchasing a scratching post. It doesn't need to be fancy, any scratching post from your local department store will do.
But what if monster kitten is still destroying furniture? If you catch him red handed (or pawed as the case may be) carefully rub his paws up and down the scratching post mimicking the motion he naughtily performs on the furniture. Now pet and praise him! He did a good job! Now, you may have to repeat many times, but eventually your new family member will start to understand what you want.
Next you will need an aluminum can. Fill the can with rocks and tape the opening shut. Now, next time you catch your kitten in a place he shouldn't be, maybe ripping up your newspaper in the kitchen, shake that can loudly. This is harmless for your kitten but he will learn that when he does something "naughty" he will hear a loud, scary sound.
One last thing of importance during kitten training is the issue of what to do about kitten bites. If your kitten starts biting and scratching at you while playing, give him a toy to gnaw on instead. A kitten toy like a jingle bell ball or a mouse will work just fine.
That's it! You've just learned the basics of kitten training. And don't forget to shower your new kitten with lots of love and praise whenever he does something good. Positive rewards will make for a much happier companion in the long run. Remember, the two of you will be spending many happy years together in the future.
Kittens are typically playful, and can be mischievous, which is why the best training begins early in a cat's life. Teaching your kitten some basic rules can help prevent adult cat problems later on. Kitten training typically involves teaching it not to scratch furniture, which can be remedied with a scratching post. The problem of kitten bites can be solved by offering your cat a toy to chew on instead. Another method to rid your kitten of unwanted behaviors is to shake a can filled with stones or coins when she is misbehaving, which will scare her. Finally, always praise your kitten for doing well to reinforce good behaviors.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathrynn_Kelley
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Well, perhaps not. At first your new kitten carefully sniffed out every nook and cranny within its reach, ate half the bag of food, and has been faithfully breaking in his new litter box. But you've started to notice that your new cuddle monster is starting to break in a little more than you intended.
Maybe there are a few more items that you want to take into account when overcoming these unwanted cat problems. Believe me; many other have already come across the necessity of some basic tips on kitten training to better the behavior of their new kitten.
So just how does someone go about starting kitten training, when every time they turn around, their new kitten is bouncing off of the walls, gnawing on their owners' fingers, jumping on top of the kitchen counters, fighting on the kitchen table, and exercising their claws on your brand new furniture?
Don't worry, you're not the first to have encountered monster kitten syndrome. To begin your kitten training adventures you'll want to invest in a few things. First you'll want to save your furniture by purchasing a scratching post. It doesn't need to be fancy, any scratching post from your local department store will do.
But what if monster kitten is still destroying furniture? If you catch him red handed (or pawed as the case may be) carefully rub his paws up and down the scratching post mimicking the motion he naughtily performs on the furniture. Now pet and praise him! He did a good job! Now, you may have to repeat many times, but eventually your new family member will start to understand what you want.
Next you will need an aluminum can. Fill the can with rocks and tape the opening shut. Now, next time you catch your kitten in a place he shouldn't be, maybe ripping up your newspaper in the kitchen, shake that can loudly. This is harmless for your kitten but he will learn that when he does something "naughty" he will hear a loud, scary sound.
One last thing of importance during kitten training is the issue of what to do about kitten bites. If your kitten starts biting and scratching at you while playing, give him a toy to gnaw on instead. A kitten toy like a jingle bell ball or a mouse will work just fine.
That's it! You've just learned the basics of kitten training. And don't forget to shower your new kitten with lots of love and praise whenever he does something good. Positive rewards will make for a much happier companion in the long run. Remember, the two of you will be spending many happy years together in the future.
Kittens are typically playful, and can be mischievous, which is why the best training begins early in a cat's life. Teaching your kitten some basic rules can help prevent adult cat problems later on. Kitten training typically involves teaching it not to scratch furniture, which can be remedied with a scratching post. The problem of kitten bites can be solved by offering your cat a toy to chew on instead. Another method to rid your kitten of unwanted behaviors is to shake a can filled with stones or coins when she is misbehaving, which will scare her. Finally, always praise your kitten for doing well to reinforce good behaviors.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathrynn_Kelley
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on Thursday, May 26, 2011
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As a cat owner there are certain things you should be watching for. Cats are just like us, they have times when they feel good and times when they just don't feel good and times when they are sick. You should know your cat well enough to spot these different symptoms. After all your cat can't tell you but his actions should give you plenty warning.
Here's a list of common health problems that may affect your cat.
As cats get older just like people they become less active. They tend to stay home more, become less energetic and may not eat regularly. If it's eating habits change drastically it could be a sign of diabetes. Watch his drinking and urination habits, if he goes to the bathroom more often than normal and always seems to be thirsty its time take him to the friendly neighborhood vet for a check up.
Changing your cats diet may cause a sever case of diarrhea. If this happens you can keep him on the same diet and see if it continues after a few days or go back to the original food source. In either case if the diarrhea continues its probably due to something else, a virus or some other infection. If this is the case it's time to seek professional help.
Cats can also contract FIV. Somewhat similar to HIV, the dreaded disease contacted by humans. The only way you can be sure this never happens is to keep your cat in there house so he never comes in contact with other cats that may pass along this disease. This is the only way you can truly keep you cat safe from the numerous ailments that can be passed along from other felines. FIV can be disastrous for your cat. If suspected you should again seek professional help to avoid losing your pet.
If your cat begins to throw up the first thing you should take note of is; does this happen after he eats certain foods? His system just like ours changes, what once had no affect can change due to age or metabolism, if after eating certain foods he vomits, change his diet to see if it helps. He may have developed an allergy that he didn't have before. Another reason might be the common hairball. Brush his coat frequently to remove loose hairs and the problem may disappear. Throwing up can lead to dehydration. Try to get your cat to drink plenty of fluids to avoid this problem.
When your pet is a cat, as with any other animal, observation is your best weapon. Watch him and observe his habits. When you notice a difference try to figure out the cause, it might be something simple or it might be something serious. As the owner you have to decide when it's time to take serious action. Your cat is depending on you. Don't let him down.
I'm a pet lover, if my observations help just one pet lead a better, more healthful life, then I'm happy. If you would like to learn more visit my site " Pet Paradise " at: http://zzd.in/cats
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Doug_Sheridan
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on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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Cats can be trained, but not in the same way as dogs. In general, dogs respond to commands to please their owners whereas cats perform to please themselves. Cats only do what you want them to do if there's some reward in store for them. Using this little piece of information, you can select positive training methods combine with lots of love and treats to achieve maximum results.
With plenty of patience, persistence and positive reinforcement, cats can also be taught to perform tricks and entertain audiences. However that's not most cat owners really want. Instead, what cat owners really want is for their cats to stay off countertops and refrain from climbing the draperies or clawing the furniture.
Here are pointers when training your cat:
Consistency and timing is the key to training your cat. Correct your cat's mistakes immediately if it does anything wrong. Your correction must be at that exact moment when you see the mistake being made, not minutes or hours later but immediately. If you don't correct immediately, later on if you come home, and find that while you were away, your cat has clawed and tarnished your furniture and then you start screaming at it, you will only succeed in making your cat fearful of you. Your cat does not have the ability to connect the corrective action to the misdeed hours after it happened.
If you are able to anticipate your cat's misbehavior, initiate your corrective action at the moment before your cat misbehaves. The end results will be much better.
Use a stern tone to reprimand. Your voice is your most accessible disciplinary tool. Use your voice in a stern but not overly forceful tone. At the same time, you can clap your hands sharply. Use a negative word such as "NO" or "BAD" and consistently use that word in a firm and stern tone whenever you correct your cat's behavior. In time to come, your cat will come to acknowledge it with bad behavior.
Avoid linking negative remarks with your cat's name. Refrain from using your cat's name in any reprimand. For example, do not say "No, Baby" or Bad girl, Baby". By refraining from such usage, your cat will only develop positive and pleasant associations when its name is being called.
Whatever training methods and tools you use, train your cat with love, not fear, so that your cat will learn to trust you, not fear you. Never ever strike your cat with your hand or any object. Be swift, stern and immediate when a correction is necessary and remember to communicate your displeasure clearly. But be even more generous with your praise and pats when your cat behaves appropriately.
About the Author
Albert recently developed a eCourse for looking after your cat's mental and physical needs. If you are interest in learning more about this free eCourse and taking good care of your cat, please go to http://catcentral.justastore.com or you can send an email to catcentral@getresponse.com to request for your free eCourse.
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Cats like the same thing for Christmas that they enjoy every other day of the year--good food, fresh water, clean litter and a bit of their preferred chin scratching, head-to-tail petting and cuddling. However, most cats would not say, "No" to a little nip of catnip in a stuffed toy or slathered all over a scratching post. In fact, they might say, "Yes!" with great enthusiasm in the way only cats can--by rolling all over the catnip area and the odd bit of drooling.
Another thing not many people know that cats like is honeysuckle. It's not as crazy-making as catnip, but spray a little honeysuckle on a toy or scratch post and many cats will get right down and savor it by rubbing their cheeks on it to catch every last bit of scent. I've had great luck in alternating sprays of honeysuckle with scattering of catnip on a stand-up sisal scratch post right next to a chair or sofa that might tempt the cats to sharpen their claws. The catnip and honeysuckle are so much more appealing that the furniture gets ignored. Your claw-sharpening mileage may vary.
Three holiday dangers for cats are:
First and foremost ribbons! String, yarn and dental floss can also be fatal to a cat. Okay, I know you don't wrap presents with dental floss, but I'm just saying that long thread-y things attract cats. If you've ever had your cat lick your hand, you know that their tongues are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to their rough tongues, get swallowed, and knot up in their guts. Very serious.
All those pictures of cats playing with balls of yarn drive me crazy. The first Christmas that we a kitten, my husband and I narrowly avoided a trip to the pet emergency hospital when he swallowed a ribbon. Fortunately it was a very short ribbon and it came out the other end, but these beautiful things can kill your cat, so please don't leave them out.
Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are poisonous to cats and should be kept out of reach.
Last but not least, is the water at the base of a living Christmas tree. Some cats are tempted to drink it, and it's safer to securely cover the base so they can't get at it.
On the other hand, one thing cats love about Christmas morning is discarded wrapping paper! A very economical gift to your cat is to let him or her (or them) charge around and attack wrapping paper piles. If you've ever seen a kitten, or even a normally dignified, grown-up cat, once the gifts are opened, diving and scattering wrapping paper or hopping into and out of gift boxes with glee, you can experience the pure, undiluted joy that cats can create at Christmas that few other creatures can!
Lynne Powell
Your Cat's Secret Life
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynne_Powell
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At least one American in 20 sufferers from an allergy to a furry animal. This is usually a reaction to dander (particles from feathers, skin or hair) and saliva. Some of the symptoms include eye irritation, sneezing, and asthma. These allergies are sometimes specific, for instance, a person allergic to cats may not be allergic to dogs and vice versa. About one half of sufferers from cat allergies say they will keep their cats in spite of the problem. Even so, many pets end up in the pound or are abandoned because their owners are allergic to them. What’s good to know is that allergic children improve with age.
Note that the greater amount of dander the animal sheds, the greater the allergic person’s reaction. The secret to allergy control is to reduce the amount of dander. Some breeds of animals produce less dander: for example, all sizes of poodles, the bichon fries, and the Portuguese water dog are relatively dander-free.
Some Helpful Tips When Dealing with Allergies
1. Talk to an allergist.
2. Research allergy shots (desensitization or immunotherapy). It’s been proven that one-third of allergy sufferers improve greatly after this is done, as they have been successful in solving or alleviating the problem.
3. Buy an air conditioner, air cleaner, or humidifier for the home. These help to purify the air and prevent at least 90% of dander. Be sure to do a thorough research on the best product for your home.
4. Dust and vacuum at least once a week (more if possible). Use special filter in the vacuum (one with HEPA filtration preferably). 5. Keep animals out of bedroom and in places with washable surfaces.
6. Brush the animal once a day and put shed hair in a sealed bag. Wipe animal off with a damp towel. Bathe it at least once or twice a month.
7. Ask vet to recommend product(s) that keep down allergens on the animal.
8. Feed the animal a pet food with enough fat so that the skin does not dry. Add a teaspoon of oil in its food. [This also puts a shine on a dog’s fur!]
9. Use unperfumed cat litter and change it as often as possible.
10. Keep dogs outside in a fenced yard (at least part of the time). It is recommended that cats be kept inside.
11. Minimize other allergy-causing materials in the house. Cover mattresses and pillows with non-allergenic covers. Avoid down and feathers.
About the Author
This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pets.
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on Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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When I first heard Audrey Hepburn sing “These are a few of my favorite things” in the evergreen movie “ My fair Lady”, I never thought I’d have an occasion to present my own list some day. But you know what they say, “Every dog ahs his day”, and I got mine too. This Christmas, my dear owner in my eyes, is no less beautiful than Audrey. Hepburn herself, has asked me for a list of 10 things that I want. And God! I can’t wait to get started.
• The first and foremost thing I want is to have my own bean bag, in front of the television. With my own Bean Bag, I can be a part of the prime time audience.
• I also want to have my own car and a driver, so that I can go for long drives as and when I want. Oh what fun would it be, to just hop on to the back seat of a convertible, have the wind blowing in my face and to have no one pushing me to the extreme corner of the car seat. I can’t wait to lie back and say to myself, “Now that’s the way to live!!!
• One thing I always dream of is to have a cupboard full of dog bones, in all flavors – chicken, pork, mutton, egg and even fish!!! I can chew on it all day and treat my palate to my heart’s leisure. That’s called getting a real taste of life!!!!
• Another thing that has always been a secret passion for me is to have cat in my captivity. But something tells me, this wish of mine will remain a wish considering my owner goes “Oh chooo chweet” every time she sees a cat at her window still, sitting majestically – much to my rising blood pressure !!!
• One thing I have always dreamt doing is to fly first class. After all, my owner has always made me feel that I deserve the best!!! I would love to lie back in the comfy cozy chairs I see in the television ads, be served chicken/mutton soup, with chop lambs and a jug of my favorite milk that I can keep lapping up while admiring the clouds and the sky outside. I would love to be on cloud nine literally, this X’mas.
• I also want a nice big bed all to myself. Even though I have been provided a decent bed and I am practically the master of the whole house (at least my owner tells me so), I still would love to have a master bed, where I can sleep without having to worry about stretching too much. Sometimes, I feel I don’t manage to catch the other dogs and cats in my dreams, because I don’t have that much of space to run while dreaming.
• I also desperately need a mobile phone. You might not believe me, but I do have quite a few local friends. They are cool dudes and it’s nice to meet them when I go for my walks. But there are times when I’m getting bored in the house. No cat or mouse in the house to hold my attention and no maids or squirrels to bark at. That’s when you feel like just calling up your friends.
• I would love to have my own personal shrink. There are so many things I want him to analyze for me, especially my dreams. I want to know why I only dream to cats and dogs and chasing them unsuccessfully all over town. I wonder if I have any karmic debts to settle with them or is it just my ID, my ego or the super ego that is causing me so much of heartburn.
• You might find this funny but I would also love to have a skateboard for myself. You know how it is. Sometimes you just feel so tired. I do want to go out for a walk, but I somehow don’t have the energy to walk. At such to just step on to the skateboard and look around. Now that would be a real smooth walk, don’t you think????
• And last, but not the least, I would like to have my own ATM card. There are times when you feel like indulging in something particular, but my owner does not understand exactly what I want. That’s when I feel my ATM card would be very useful. I can just go and withdraw money and head straight for the nearest dog store and buy whatever goodies I feel like eating. With time I might even cajole my owner to get me my own credit card. I have seen how easy it becomes when you have one. Then I can got o the jazziest dog store and have a blast.
Come to think of it, my list can go on and on, but I have been told to stop at 10 things for now. I can’t wait for December and the jingle bells ringing. With my wish list all set for my very own Santa Clause, I have already started my countdown. I am going to be the happiest dog this Christmas with all my wishes set to be fulfilled. And all those who love my kind and me, please come forward and join me in chorus to say “Amen” to that. Soon, I shall call all of you from my mobile and thank you all personally for all your good wishes. Merry X’mas!
We are INDIPETS remember and visit us. Bulk importers and wholesellers click here to buy in wholesale http://www.indipets.com/wholesale. Retail buyers can visit the site http://www.indipets.com/irb. Those who want to see a one page product details on dog products can see it at http://www.geocities.com/presencemakessense if you require to buy chihuahua pups. visit us we sell top quality pups from our facility in USA. We also sell live reptiles,corals and other fishes and reptiles (Cites certified and non cites certified ) from our facilities in Indonesia,India,thailand,tanzania etc.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Babu_Banik
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• The first and foremost thing I want is to have my own bean bag, in front of the television. With my own Bean Bag, I can be a part of the prime time audience.
• I also want to have my own car and a driver, so that I can go for long drives as and when I want. Oh what fun would it be, to just hop on to the back seat of a convertible, have the wind blowing in my face and to have no one pushing me to the extreme corner of the car seat. I can’t wait to lie back and say to myself, “Now that’s the way to live!!!
• One thing I always dream of is to have a cupboard full of dog bones, in all flavors – chicken, pork, mutton, egg and even fish!!! I can chew on it all day and treat my palate to my heart’s leisure. That’s called getting a real taste of life!!!!
• Another thing that has always been a secret passion for me is to have cat in my captivity. But something tells me, this wish of mine will remain a wish considering my owner goes “Oh chooo chweet” every time she sees a cat at her window still, sitting majestically – much to my rising blood pressure !!!
• One thing I have always dreamt doing is to fly first class. After all, my owner has always made me feel that I deserve the best!!! I would love to lie back in the comfy cozy chairs I see in the television ads, be served chicken/mutton soup, with chop lambs and a jug of my favorite milk that I can keep lapping up while admiring the clouds and the sky outside. I would love to be on cloud nine literally, this X’mas.
• I also want a nice big bed all to myself. Even though I have been provided a decent bed and I am practically the master of the whole house (at least my owner tells me so), I still would love to have a master bed, where I can sleep without having to worry about stretching too much. Sometimes, I feel I don’t manage to catch the other dogs and cats in my dreams, because I don’t have that much of space to run while dreaming.
• I also desperately need a mobile phone. You might not believe me, but I do have quite a few local friends. They are cool dudes and it’s nice to meet them when I go for my walks. But there are times when I’m getting bored in the house. No cat or mouse in the house to hold my attention and no maids or squirrels to bark at. That’s when you feel like just calling up your friends.
• I would love to have my own personal shrink. There are so many things I want him to analyze for me, especially my dreams. I want to know why I only dream to cats and dogs and chasing them unsuccessfully all over town. I wonder if I have any karmic debts to settle with them or is it just my ID, my ego or the super ego that is causing me so much of heartburn.
• You might find this funny but I would also love to have a skateboard for myself. You know how it is. Sometimes you just feel so tired. I do want to go out for a walk, but I somehow don’t have the energy to walk. At such to just step on to the skateboard and look around. Now that would be a real smooth walk, don’t you think????
• And last, but not the least, I would like to have my own ATM card. There are times when you feel like indulging in something particular, but my owner does not understand exactly what I want. That’s when I feel my ATM card would be very useful. I can just go and withdraw money and head straight for the nearest dog store and buy whatever goodies I feel like eating. With time I might even cajole my owner to get me my own credit card. I have seen how easy it becomes when you have one. Then I can got o the jazziest dog store and have a blast.
Come to think of it, my list can go on and on, but I have been told to stop at 10 things for now. I can’t wait for December and the jingle bells ringing. With my wish list all set for my very own Santa Clause, I have already started my countdown. I am going to be the happiest dog this Christmas with all my wishes set to be fulfilled. And all those who love my kind and me, please come forward and join me in chorus to say “Amen” to that. Soon, I shall call all of you from my mobile and thank you all personally for all your good wishes. Merry X’mas!
We are INDIPETS remember and visit us. Bulk importers and wholesellers click here to buy in wholesale http://www.indipets.com/wholesale. Retail buyers can visit the site http://www.indipets.com/irb. Those who want to see a one page product details on dog products can see it at http://www.geocities.com/presencemakessense if you require to buy chihuahua pups. visit us we sell top quality pups from our facility in USA. We also sell live reptiles,corals and other fishes and reptiles (Cites certified and non cites certified ) from our facilities in Indonesia,India,thailand,tanzania etc.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Babu_Banik
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How many years have you spent, with your cat finding your Christmas Tree irresistible? Younger cats love to play with the baubles hanging off the tree, as they are shiny and interesting things that they don’t see very often. What normally happens when your cat spots the baubles is that it will tap it and tap it, then it grabs it and pulls the bauble off the tree. The chaos then follows! If you have a large real tree, you can guarantee having an excess of pine needles covering your carpet, or if you have an artificial Christmas tree, your cat will probably have moved the lower branches causing your Christmas lights and tinsel to hang off the tree; which then causes even more of a problem by leaving the temptation of more hanging objects for your cat to pull down.
The only way to stop your cat from causing devastation around your Christmas tree is to use a deterrent. Many people will use all sorts of things to try and stop the cat from getting close to the tree, some people will put the Christmas tree in a children’s play pen (however often the cat will happily jump over this or squeeze through the bars), other people will recommend leaving citrus peel around the bottom of your tree, I don’t recommend this method as you can end up staining your floor or carpet if you are not very careful, especially as the fruits contain acid.
I have found by far the best cat deterrent for any type of Christmas tree is home made decorations. It is true that cats do not like the smell of citrus, their noses are very sensitive, and often citrus can be overpowering and they will not approach, this is why I recommend making the old fashioned orange and clove hanging tree ornaments. That way the Christmas tree will still look nicely decorated, and you’ve got a built in cat deterrent.
The ideal way to make these is to purchase large oranges (not the easy peel type), you’ll want to dry these out as much as possible. Dry them in a oven on a very low temperature, you want to evaporate the moisture in the orange rather than cooking the orange. When the orange has dried to a good degree (but not too hard), you need to push in the cloves all the way around the orange, covering as much of the skin as you can. Decide now how you are going to attach the ribbon (to hang the orange on the tree), you could put the ribbon through the orange and secure it at the bottom with a loop at the top, or you could tie the ribbon like a parcel around the orange, if you want to pass the ribbon through the orange, then make sure you make a whole now. Return the oranges to the oven on a low temperature to finish drying. Once dry, let them cool and then tie on the ribbon.
Your oranges are now ready to decorate your Christmas tree. Your house will be wonderfully fragranced with the scent of oranges and cloves, and I can guarantee your cat will avoid the Christmas tree for the entire Christmas season. If it looks like your oranges won’t last that long, then purchase some more and start the process again.
Written by Laura Marsh. For more cat information on cats and cat care visit http://www.caringforyourcat.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Marsh
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on Monday, May 23, 2011
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on Sunday, May 22, 2011
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Many people are ecstatic when their feline friend can use the litter box, but think of how great it would be if your cat knew how to use a toilet. It sounds like a great way to make having your cat around a little more convenient. Here are some important tips when toilet training your cat:
Be Consistent
Being consistent is crucial to toilet training your cat. (Before you start toilet training make you're your cat is using the litter box every time they need to.) Consistency is what holds this whole training technique together, so keep doing it. Make sure you show kitty exactly where they need to go. When kitten training be sure to take them over and even put them in the litter box, right after every meal, when the wake from a nap, and in the morning after a nights sleep. Cats are naturally diurnal, and they will stay this way if trained correctly.
This instinct is needed so that when you are sleeping so is your cat. Making the toilet available at all times is another important step. Plus, when they are using the litter box, keep an eye on them. Make sure your cat's feet are on the bowl of the toilet and not in the box.
Rewards don't work - But Cleanliness Does
Cats are not interested in rewards for doing their good behavior. Cats don't need you to approve of their actions, unlike a dog that thrives on rewards and praise. What does catch your cat's fancy? Cleanliness! A clean litter box can make the difference in your cat using or not using their litter box, and later on the toilet.
Make it seem like their Idea
When you are implementing toilet training with an older cat, this is even more important to remember. Any cat, especially older cats take to an idea faster, and more easily if they think it was their idea to begin with. Let your feline friend, find their litter box all on their own. Then after they find the litter box and start to use it, move it. Don't move it far, you must gradually take it to the toilet. This way your cat will use this new toilet idea right off the bat.
Here's a trick to getting a cat that doesn't use the litter box, to use it and make them believe it was their idea. Get your cat and put them in a location where it's just them, a bowl of food, water, and a toy. There should only be these items in the room with them. Take out any clothes, towels, and if possible any and all furniture.
Don't Play Hide the Litter Box
Cats are creatures of habit. If you put their litter box in one area, keep it there. If you are trying to toilet train the cat, place the litter box right next to the toilet. Don't switch it up and move it around. If you move your cat's litter box, you will probably find that the cat will use the area where the litter box was. Don't confuse poor Kitty.
Leave the litter box where it is and don't move it around a lot. Hide the litter box is not a fun game for Kitty, in fact, it is quite stressful. Plus, you want to direct kitty to the toilet so the only time you should move it is when you are raising the litter box to be level with the toilet, then over the toilet, the remove it altogether.
Move at the cat's pace
Be sure you are moving at your cats pace. If your cat stresses out they are more likely to have accidents. So if you notice your cat is having trouble or having accidents, go back a step until you are sure they understand. Then, you can move continue on with toilet training your cat.
Cats like to be clean and they like having their own litter box, but they respond well to toilet training as well.
Have a cat behavior problem that needs solving? If so, you'll want to visit http://www.secretsofcats.com today to get expert information on how to train your cat and eliminate cat problems quickly.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathrynn_Kelley
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Be Consistent
Being consistent is crucial to toilet training your cat. (Before you start toilet training make you're your cat is using the litter box every time they need to.) Consistency is what holds this whole training technique together, so keep doing it. Make sure you show kitty exactly where they need to go. When kitten training be sure to take them over and even put them in the litter box, right after every meal, when the wake from a nap, and in the morning after a nights sleep. Cats are naturally diurnal, and they will stay this way if trained correctly.
This instinct is needed so that when you are sleeping so is your cat. Making the toilet available at all times is another important step. Plus, when they are using the litter box, keep an eye on them. Make sure your cat's feet are on the bowl of the toilet and not in the box.
Rewards don't work - But Cleanliness Does
Cats are not interested in rewards for doing their good behavior. Cats don't need you to approve of their actions, unlike a dog that thrives on rewards and praise. What does catch your cat's fancy? Cleanliness! A clean litter box can make the difference in your cat using or not using their litter box, and later on the toilet.
Make it seem like their Idea
When you are implementing toilet training with an older cat, this is even more important to remember. Any cat, especially older cats take to an idea faster, and more easily if they think it was their idea to begin with. Let your feline friend, find their litter box all on their own. Then after they find the litter box and start to use it, move it. Don't move it far, you must gradually take it to the toilet. This way your cat will use this new toilet idea right off the bat.
Here's a trick to getting a cat that doesn't use the litter box, to use it and make them believe it was their idea. Get your cat and put them in a location where it's just them, a bowl of food, water, and a toy. There should only be these items in the room with them. Take out any clothes, towels, and if possible any and all furniture.
Don't Play Hide the Litter Box
Cats are creatures of habit. If you put their litter box in one area, keep it there. If you are trying to toilet train the cat, place the litter box right next to the toilet. Don't switch it up and move it around. If you move your cat's litter box, you will probably find that the cat will use the area where the litter box was. Don't confuse poor Kitty.
Leave the litter box where it is and don't move it around a lot. Hide the litter box is not a fun game for Kitty, in fact, it is quite stressful. Plus, you want to direct kitty to the toilet so the only time you should move it is when you are raising the litter box to be level with the toilet, then over the toilet, the remove it altogether.
Move at the cat's pace
Be sure you are moving at your cats pace. If your cat stresses out they are more likely to have accidents. So if you notice your cat is having trouble or having accidents, go back a step until you are sure they understand. Then, you can move continue on with toilet training your cat.
Cats like to be clean and they like having their own litter box, but they respond well to toilet training as well.
Have a cat behavior problem that needs solving? If so, you'll want to visit http://www.secretsofcats.com today to get expert information on how to train your cat and eliminate cat problems quickly.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathrynn_Kelley
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My girlfriend Lynn and I share a chubby 9 year old female cat named Raja. We became worried about her weight after her last vet visit. In one year she gained over 2 pounds! Wow! That's like a 120 lb. person gaining 24 pounds!
When Science Fails...
We promised the vet we would put her on a diet, which consisted of senior and weight-loss formulas from a "scientific" brand of cat food. We continued to feed her dry cat food because she liked it fine and it was convenient for us. One small bowl a day and she and we were satisfied. We also started measuring her food to prevent overeating, according to the vet's instructions.
After a couple of months, we and guests to the house noticed that she seemed even fatter and more lethargic. We became very concerned, but still trusted in our "science" dry food.
Then, I just happened to come across a book at the local library while browsing the new book section. It was called: "Your Cat: Simple New Secrets to a Longer, Stronger Life." I decided to look up "obesity" in the index and found some very shocking information.
According to the author, Elizabeth M. Hodgkins, D.V.M., the dry food we were feeding Raja was not only the cause of her weight gain and laziness, but it had the potential to cause more severe problems, like feline diabetes! I was surprised to learn that cats are not like us or even like dogs... they are "obligate carnivores", which means they get their entire nutrition from meat. Unlike us and dogs, who are omnivores, cats can't process grains and other carbohydrates very well. Their bodies just aren't built that way.
Guess what the main ingredients of those "scientific" diet foods we were feeding Raja? Corn, wheat and other grains! She need to go on a "Catkins" diet and fast!
The Ideal Cat Diet
The ideal diet for any cat is protein, fat, moisture and low carbohydrates... just like the makeup of their natural prey: small animals and birds. If left outside, cat's eat what they catch and they don't chase after corn on the cob! They prey on mice, chipmunks, birds, etc.
The only cure for feline obesity according to Dr. Hodgkins, is low carbohydrate, high protein wet cat food. She insists that all cat owners drop dry cat food altogether. So, armed with this new information, I went on a quest to find readily available canned cat food that consisted of decent meat ingredients and that had carbohydrates at the recommended amount: 10% or less.
My Search For Healthy, Low Carbohydrate Cat Food
It took a while, but I found quite a few flavors of Fancy Feast, Petsmart's Sophisticat Supreme, Walmart's Special Kitty, Trader Joe's Tuna Cat Food, and Innova Evo's Cat and Kitten that met the low-carb, high protein, healthy ingredients criteria.
I discovered that it's important to read the labels of the canned foods you feed your pet and not trust any brand totally with your pet's health. Even within the above mentioned brands, there were flavors of canned cat food that were too high in carbohydrates or that had low quality ingredients.
How To Read A Cat Food Label
The key to reading labels is to make sure the food has decent ingredients and low carbs.
Here are some ingredient criteria that you should look for:
* 1st 2 ingredients must be some form of meat, and NOT meat or fish by-products. (by-products are poor sources of protein and should not be the main ingredients in any quality cat food.)
* No corn or corn meal in the list of ingredients. Corn has a high-glycemic index which means it is too readily converted to sugar in the body... VERY high in unnecessary and dangerous carbohydrates.
* No rice, or other grains in the first 5 ingredients. (Same problem... too easily converted to sugar & too high in carbohydrates.)
* No bone meal or bone phosphorous in list of ingredients. (Bone meal and bone phosphorous may contain harmful and poisonous chemicals.)
* Actual carbohydrates 10% or less.
* Limit feeding of canned food with fish ingredients to no more than 3 days per week. (Fish has mercury which is poisonous to your cat.) NOTE: Be vigilant when reading cat food labels. I was surprised to find that some non-fish flavors of canned food contained fish somewhere in the ingredient list. This is ok, but just be sure to limit feeding of fish-containing foods to 3 times per week to be safe.
How To Determine The Carbohydrates In Canned Cat Food
By law, each can of cat food must list the "Guaranteed Analysis" percents for protein, fat, fiber, moisture and ash. There is no requirement to list carbohydrates, so those must be computed from the other guaranteed analysis percentages.
Yikes, math! No sweat, the math is simple enough. Just add up the percentages for protein, fat, fiber, moisture and ash. If the total is 98% or higher, then carbohydrates will be 10% or less, which is what we are looking for. (This assumes the usual moisture content of 75-80%). The carbs will vary somewhat if the moisture % is not in the 75-80% range so you'll have to re-compute.
For More Information...
Please see my blog: http://Help-My-Fat-Cat-Lose-Weight.blogspot.com for complete formula details and a list of healthy cat food brands and flavors that I found.
We were relieved that we had found a way to prevent feline obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related maladies that our cat might have contracted if we had remained with her inappropriate dry food regimen. So if your feline friend is getting lazy and fat in his/her old age, try switching to healthier wet food and put your pet on a "Catkins" diet for the rest of his/her happy life!
About the Author
Tom Thomas is the co-owner of a chubby adult cat named Raja. I've done some research into cat diets and nutrition to solve her weight problem and to make sure she doesn't develop a more serious condition, like feline diabetes.
Visit my Blog at: http://Help-My-Fat-Cat-Lose-Weight.blogspot.com for the complete feline obesity story and a list of healthy cat foods for your feline friend.