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on Saturday, July 2, 2011
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Ah yes, the cat litter box. As much as cat owners love their precious felines, the cat litter box along with the associated mess leaves much to be desired.
Even worse is ensuring that your cat uses the litter box and doesn’t urinate outside the box. As anyone will tell you, nothing gets out the smell of cat urine.
So below are three cat litter box training tips that you can use to ensure that your cat knows to use his litter box when the need arises.
1. Most mother cats have already trained their kittens to use the litter box before you bring them home. That’s why it’s important that you don’t get a kitten that was weaned too soon from its mother.
As soon as you bring your cat home, put him in the litter box, take his front paws and gently dig in the litter with them. Even if he doesn’t need to “go” at the moment, he’ll get the idea. Keep bringing him to the litter box until he actually either urinates or defecates. Then watch him throughout the day as he familiarizes himself with your home to make sure he knows where to find it.
If you find you have to move the litter box at some point, repeat this procedure until he finds it and uses it.
2. Keep the litter box clean at all times. Scoop it daily, if necessary. Cats hate smelly litter boxes and will go elsewhere if their litter box is too disgusting. Change the litter box weekly and disinfect the box every time.
3. Clumping litter is more costly but makes the job of scooping much easier. Some cats don’t like scented litter because they prefer to only smell their own scent. If you’re vigilant about keeping up with scooping and cleaning, the cat box shouldn’t really have a strong odor.
Cleaning out the cat litter box will always be an unpleasant part of owning a cat but the way I look at it, it’s better than what dog owners are faced with. Dog owners have to walk all over the backyard picking up huge pieces of dog feces, knowing that their whole backyard is their dog’s “litter box”. Yuck.
For more tips on cat litter box training, visit our blog The Cat Door.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sylvia_Jaumann
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Even worse is ensuring that your cat uses the litter box and doesn’t urinate outside the box. As anyone will tell you, nothing gets out the smell of cat urine.
So below are three cat litter box training tips that you can use to ensure that your cat knows to use his litter box when the need arises.
1. Most mother cats have already trained their kittens to use the litter box before you bring them home. That’s why it’s important that you don’t get a kitten that was weaned too soon from its mother.
As soon as you bring your cat home, put him in the litter box, take his front paws and gently dig in the litter with them. Even if he doesn’t need to “go” at the moment, he’ll get the idea. Keep bringing him to the litter box until he actually either urinates or defecates. Then watch him throughout the day as he familiarizes himself with your home to make sure he knows where to find it.
If you find you have to move the litter box at some point, repeat this procedure until he finds it and uses it.
2. Keep the litter box clean at all times. Scoop it daily, if necessary. Cats hate smelly litter boxes and will go elsewhere if their litter box is too disgusting. Change the litter box weekly and disinfect the box every time.
3. Clumping litter is more costly but makes the job of scooping much easier. Some cats don’t like scented litter because they prefer to only smell their own scent. If you’re vigilant about keeping up with scooping and cleaning, the cat box shouldn’t really have a strong odor.
Cleaning out the cat litter box will always be an unpleasant part of owning a cat but the way I look at it, it’s better than what dog owners are faced with. Dog owners have to walk all over the backyard picking up huge pieces of dog feces, knowing that their whole backyard is their dog’s “litter box”. Yuck.
For more tips on cat litter box training, visit our blog The Cat Door.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sylvia_Jaumann
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on Friday, July 1, 2011
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Every night, you wake up to your cat neatly perched next to your head, sleeping away as if it was normal for your two to share the same pillow. So, you end up pushing him off and then you get back to sleep, only to have the same thing happen only a couple of hours later. If this is you, there is an easy way to solve this problem, all you need to do is purchase a cat house, which will give your kitty its very own spot to take it easy and rest.
What makes a cat house such a great alternative for your cat to sleep on other than your bed is its lovely design. Usually, one will be cylindrical in shape and will be crafted out of some type of wood, usually particle board, that is then covered in some kind of durable fabric. This cylindrical shaped structure will feature enclosed sleeping areas, anywhere from one to three, even four depending on the number of levels the one you get has, giving your furry companion a nice, cozy spot to catch some Z's.
Now, the above design of a cat house is a very basic one that you can get for your cat because there are actually a slew of other elaborate options that are also available. Like, you can get one that that have different limbs juxtaposing out of them, providing your kitty with a place to run and jump around. There are others that have hanging toys perfect for your cat to swat around and play with. And, there are even ones that have different open perches, so if your cat does not feel like being cramped for the night in an enclosed area, it can just sprawl out and sleep that perch.
In addition to cat houses, there are also many other cat furniture options that you could purchase for your cat. Like, cat trees or kitty gyms, which provide a nice spot for your cat to get rid of all its energy. Some of the other selections available include scratching posts, cat towers, cat houses that are for the outdoors made from sturdy, weather resistant materials, and cat stairs if your kitty needs a boost to get on certain things.
To check out all the cat house options, and other cat furniture selection, that you could buy for your cat, forget about going to the local pet store. You don't need to waste a trip there or the gas. What you can do instead is just hit the Internet and do some online shopping. Really, you can find what you want online and what's great is that it generally will be at the best prices possible, plus, your purchase will be shipped right to your home. Shopping has never been so convenient.
So, if you want a good night's sleep without your cat bothering you, a purchase that you need to make is buying a cat house. It will give your cat its own spot to snooze, allowing you to sleep without any distractions.
About the Author
Jesse Akre, owner of many niche stores, offers online consumers insight when purchasing plush cat furniture, durable cat houses, and grand cat trees.
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Sometimes cats go blind as they age. This can be a different sort of disorientation to the cat who is born blind. Older cats who find their eyesight decreasing will slowly adapt and use their other senses. If the blindness comes on more suddenly, you may find some fearfulness as the cat adapts to its new limitations.
While all cats should be kept indoors for their safety, this is particularly true for a blind cat. If something chases the cat, they may not know where to run to find safety. Even if they do escape, the sudden movement may disorient them to a point that they are unable to find their way home. Blind cats should always be supervised if they wander outside to sit in the sun. A harness is a great way to keep the cat close but still allow it to smell the outside air and enjoy the sounds of birds.
Keep the household stable. Don't move the furniture. Blind cats will rely on their memory and their whiskers. However, keeping furniture in the same general places will help keep them from bumping into things unexpectedly. This helps them feel more secure in their environment.
It's also helpful to keep litter boxes and food dishes in the same area. Blind cats will find their way to these places by smell. However, all cats hate changes. The stress of changing certain habits is even harder on a blind cat.
Avoid lifting your blind cat as much as possible. Lifting can create a sense of disorientation. If you do have to lift the cat, place it back down in a familiar area. As they get older and go blind, it may be harder for a cat to leap up on a favorite sleeping area, like a bed. A set of stairs can be helpful. Watch as your cat learns to negotiate these things. Such props keep the cat safer. As long as they are doing the movement, they will feel more oriented in their space. They will also feel a greater sense of mastery over their handicap.
An older blind cat still needs play time for stimulation. Noisy or smelly catnip toys are a great way to keep them active.
Cats rely on other senses to a great degree. Although blindness is a handicap, with a minimal amount of effort your blind cat can continue to live out his life safely and happily.
Bonnie Koenig lives with her three cats. She and her Siamese, Cheysuli, maintain their website My Siamese
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bonnie_Koenig
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While all cats should be kept indoors for their safety, this is particularly true for a blind cat. If something chases the cat, they may not know where to run to find safety. Even if they do escape, the sudden movement may disorient them to a point that they are unable to find their way home. Blind cats should always be supervised if they wander outside to sit in the sun. A harness is a great way to keep the cat close but still allow it to smell the outside air and enjoy the sounds of birds.
Keep the household stable. Don't move the furniture. Blind cats will rely on their memory and their whiskers. However, keeping furniture in the same general places will help keep them from bumping into things unexpectedly. This helps them feel more secure in their environment.
It's also helpful to keep litter boxes and food dishes in the same area. Blind cats will find their way to these places by smell. However, all cats hate changes. The stress of changing certain habits is even harder on a blind cat.
Avoid lifting your blind cat as much as possible. Lifting can create a sense of disorientation. If you do have to lift the cat, place it back down in a familiar area. As they get older and go blind, it may be harder for a cat to leap up on a favorite sleeping area, like a bed. A set of stairs can be helpful. Watch as your cat learns to negotiate these things. Such props keep the cat safer. As long as they are doing the movement, they will feel more oriented in their space. They will also feel a greater sense of mastery over their handicap.
An older blind cat still needs play time for stimulation. Noisy or smelly catnip toys are a great way to keep them active.
Cats rely on other senses to a great degree. Although blindness is a handicap, with a minimal amount of effort your blind cat can continue to live out his life safely and happily.
Bonnie Koenig lives with her three cats. She and her Siamese, Cheysuli, maintain their website My Siamese
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bonnie_Koenig
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I have had my dear cat Jasper for about 5 years now and like the most of the cats, well almost all the cats, he also used the litter box to do his business. Couple of years ago I happened to see a movie where a cat used the toilet and not only did i find that very funny, but also started to think if my kittie could do that as well, why not? He´s no worse than other cats doing it! So after researching the mighty web I started to toilet train my cat and now my cat has been using the toilet for almost two years and either one of us could not be happier about that.
Many people who own cats probably think that it would be almost impossible to train cat to use toilet. Well it is not, it has been done for many years. So how to toilet train your cat? The whole idea is that the transition from using the litter box to using the toilet should be accomplished in a series of stages. For some cats it happens faster, for some a bit slower, it depends on what breed your cat is. For some breeds there are different techniques than for others.
When I first started to toilet train my cat I made a lot of mistakes probably because since training cat to use toilet is becoming more popular, it also means that internet is filling with information about it. And unfortunately most of it is false information. Toilettrainmycat is definitely the best book on how to toilet train cat that i was able to find. It has pretty much all the information you could imagine about the subject and at least for me it didn´t take too long to toilet train my Jasper after getting the right instructions.
I already said that both of us are much happier now when my cat is using the toilet. Well I´m happier of course because I save money since I never have to buy or scoop litter again and the odors, they are gone too. The reason my cat Jasper is happier is that cats using toilet is not just a party trick but it is also a much healthier and more comfortable option for the cat than using the litter box. I have read about studies that indicate that all the disinfectants and deodorants that are found in the most litter boxes can be very harmful for your cat. All that said it is a nice party trick as well, I could not be more proud of my Jasper.
I thank you for reading my short article about how to toilet train your cat and I hope you will all be able to achieve that with your cat! If I would write a step-by-step instructions here... well it would just take a whole lot of time and I am not much of a writer, so I can just recommend for you to visit this website. They really have all the information you need to train cats to use toilet. Thanks again!
About the Author
Kristin Harris, the most important things in my life currently are my new job and of course my cat Jasper! But always trying to find a little time to surf the web.
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If you want to be able to save your furniture from the claws and abuse of your feline friends, you need to make sure they have some furniture of their own. Thankfully there is a wide variety of cat furniture on the market that you can let your fuzzy pal romp on day in and day out, knowing your furniture will last longer because of it.
But do you know how to pick out cat furniture? If you haven't taken a look in the furniture area of your favorite pet store you may not be aware that there is a huge market in pet furniture and quite a variety of pieces to choose from. Here are some things to take into consideration when selecting the right piece for your cat or cats.
- Weight - How heavy is your cat? If you have more than one, you need to know the weight of each of them. All pieces of cat furniture differ in what they can handle, some pieces are made for smaller cats, who aren't going to stress the joints, others are heavy duty pieces made for monster cats. Look for the maximum load capabilities before making a purchase.
- Style - while you may not think style is a consideration to make in cat furniture, it really is these days. Gone are the days where cat furniture was just a scratching post. Now they come in various shapes, sizes and colors. From a bed that is as modern as your living room furniture, to a three-tiered tree with perches that are the same color as your living room sofa.
- Materials - Discerning pet parents like to know just what they are putting their pet on. Just like people, animals can have allergies or reactions to some chemicals. When they play on these pieces your cat is likely going to claw and chew the furniture and could ingest some of the materials used in the making of it. Read up on the cat furniture you are looking to buy to see what kind of materials were used in construction and if there were any chemicals used. If possible, look for natural products.
- Safety - No one wants a pet in pain. Once you have selected the cat furniture you are going to have for your feline, make sure it's safe. Feel around on it, inside and under the piece. For those that are covered with carpet or sisal rope, it's possible some of the tacks used to hold it together have not been hammered down and are just waiting for your cats paw to come into contact, or worse, an eye. Feel all the edges and carpeted areas for anything sharp and hammer them down before letting your cat start playing.
Keeping these few topics in mind as you start your shopping for cat furniture will help create a home that is more happy for your cat, and make your home furnishings a lot happier that they are no longer the subject of your cats clawing desires.
As the owner of many online sites, author Jennifer Akre, shares her insight on how to make your pet's living space more comfortable with crazy cat furniture, cozy cat houses and climable cat trees.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Akre
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But do you know how to pick out cat furniture? If you haven't taken a look in the furniture area of your favorite pet store you may not be aware that there is a huge market in pet furniture and quite a variety of pieces to choose from. Here are some things to take into consideration when selecting the right piece for your cat or cats.
- Weight - How heavy is your cat? If you have more than one, you need to know the weight of each of them. All pieces of cat furniture differ in what they can handle, some pieces are made for smaller cats, who aren't going to stress the joints, others are heavy duty pieces made for monster cats. Look for the maximum load capabilities before making a purchase.
- Style - while you may not think style is a consideration to make in cat furniture, it really is these days. Gone are the days where cat furniture was just a scratching post. Now they come in various shapes, sizes and colors. From a bed that is as modern as your living room furniture, to a three-tiered tree with perches that are the same color as your living room sofa.
- Materials - Discerning pet parents like to know just what they are putting their pet on. Just like people, animals can have allergies or reactions to some chemicals. When they play on these pieces your cat is likely going to claw and chew the furniture and could ingest some of the materials used in the making of it. Read up on the cat furniture you are looking to buy to see what kind of materials were used in construction and if there were any chemicals used. If possible, look for natural products.
- Safety - No one wants a pet in pain. Once you have selected the cat furniture you are going to have for your feline, make sure it's safe. Feel around on it, inside and under the piece. For those that are covered with carpet or sisal rope, it's possible some of the tacks used to hold it together have not been hammered down and are just waiting for your cats paw to come into contact, or worse, an eye. Feel all the edges and carpeted areas for anything sharp and hammer them down before letting your cat start playing.
Keeping these few topics in mind as you start your shopping for cat furniture will help create a home that is more happy for your cat, and make your home furnishings a lot happier that they are no longer the subject of your cats clawing desires.
As the owner of many online sites, author Jennifer Akre, shares her insight on how to make your pet's living space more comfortable with crazy cat furniture, cozy cat houses and climable cat trees.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Akre
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on Wednesday, June 29, 2011
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I don't know if obedience classes for cats exist, but it seems unlikely. The idea of independent cats being paraded around on leads is somewhat hard to deal with but despite what dog owners would have you believe, cats can be trained using a few simple aids.
Feeding Time
Be consistent in the times that you feed your cat. Although they obviously can't tell the time as such, cats appear to know when it's their feeding time if you keep to the same time daily. A well-fed cat is unlikely to beg at your dinner table, particularly if it has already eaten when you sit down to your meal. If the cat does beg at table, remove it at once to its own food bowl.
Scratching Post
Cats need to claw at something. In the wild they use tree trunks but if you have no trees or have an indoor cat, a scratching post is a must in order to save your furniture and carpets. Whenever the cat shows signs of clawing where it shouldn't, pick it up and take it to the scratching post. Soon enough it will learn what it can claw at and what it can't.
A liquid repellent can also be applied to furniture to stop cats from scratching, as the taste is dreadful to a cat. However, apply a very small amount to fabrics in a hard to see place to start with, just to make sure that there is no adverse reaction with the material.
A bored cat often becomes a badly behaved cat and kittens love to play but even older cats need exercise. Ping pong balls are great for a game of football - many cats are very dextrous and watching them is as entertaining for the owner. Something on the end of a piece of string which they can bat about and attack as you dangle it in the air or drag it along the ground is also fun for owner and cat. Wear your cat out with some strenuous exercise and it will be too tired to be naughty.
As with dogs, treats are a useful training aid for cats as they can be used as a reward for a task achieved or just for good behaviour. Some cat treats have other benefits such as removing plaque from the cat's teeth and preventing fur balls.
Water Spray
A water spray is useful to train a cat that fighting with other cats or using your best plant pots as a toilet is not acceptable behaviour.
Cat Grass
Cats instinctively eat plant matter or grass to induce vomiting when they have a fur ball. If you don't want your best plants eaten, provide a pot or two of specially grown grass for cats. It will be a lot better for them too.
Observation Post
Cats like to have a good view of the world. If you don't want them sitting on the backs of your chairs or on your window sills, provide a specially built high up place for the cat to sit. As with the scratching post, if they make for your sofa back or bookcase, pick them up and put them on their observation post.
No matter what training aids you use, training your cat will still require patience but it will pay off in the end.
Liz Canham is the proud owner (or maybe servant) of three cats and is webmistress of The Cat Lover.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Liz_Canham
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Feeding Time
Be consistent in the times that you feed your cat. Although they obviously can't tell the time as such, cats appear to know when it's their feeding time if you keep to the same time daily. A well-fed cat is unlikely to beg at your dinner table, particularly if it has already eaten when you sit down to your meal. If the cat does beg at table, remove it at once to its own food bowl.
Scratching Post
Cats need to claw at something. In the wild they use tree trunks but if you have no trees or have an indoor cat, a scratching post is a must in order to save your furniture and carpets. Whenever the cat shows signs of clawing where it shouldn't, pick it up and take it to the scratching post. Soon enough it will learn what it can claw at and what it can't.
A liquid repellent can also be applied to furniture to stop cats from scratching, as the taste is dreadful to a cat. However, apply a very small amount to fabrics in a hard to see place to start with, just to make sure that there is no adverse reaction with the material.
A bored cat often becomes a badly behaved cat and kittens love to play but even older cats need exercise. Ping pong balls are great for a game of football - many cats are very dextrous and watching them is as entertaining for the owner. Something on the end of a piece of string which they can bat about and attack as you dangle it in the air or drag it along the ground is also fun for owner and cat. Wear your cat out with some strenuous exercise and it will be too tired to be naughty.
As with dogs, treats are a useful training aid for cats as they can be used as a reward for a task achieved or just for good behaviour. Some cat treats have other benefits such as removing plaque from the cat's teeth and preventing fur balls.
Water Spray
A water spray is useful to train a cat that fighting with other cats or using your best plant pots as a toilet is not acceptable behaviour.
Cat Grass
Cats instinctively eat plant matter or grass to induce vomiting when they have a fur ball. If you don't want your best plants eaten, provide a pot or two of specially grown grass for cats. It will be a lot better for them too.
Observation Post
Cats like to have a good view of the world. If you don't want them sitting on the backs of your chairs or on your window sills, provide a specially built high up place for the cat to sit. As with the scratching post, if they make for your sofa back or bookcase, pick them up and put them on their observation post.
No matter what training aids you use, training your cat will still require patience but it will pay off in the end.
Liz Canham is the proud owner (or maybe servant) of three cats and is webmistress of The Cat Lover.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Liz_Canham
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on Tuesday, June 28, 2011
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on Monday, June 27, 2011
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A young and attractive woman walks into the Starbucks to get a quick drink before her lunch meeting. As she pays for her drink and walks towards the exit, holding her cup of late, a young gentleman follows her. He takes a few moments to introduce himself and throws a compliment her way. The girl smiles, but she feels uncomfortable by his boldness, she doesn't want to be rude so she thanks him politely. She increases her pace, hoping that he gets the hint that she might be in a hurry and won't bother her further. The guy continues with his pursuit by asking for her phone number. At this point the girl brushes him off and quickly walks away.
Does this scenario sound familiar? Whom do you sympathize more, the guy or the girl? Who do you think made a mistake? How would you behave in a similar situation? What went wrong? The truth is that there is no right answer to all these questions. The two people described above may not necessarily be wrong for each other and could potentially even be great together if they met under different circumstances. What really happened was that their energies didn't match. She had "cat energy" and he had "dog energy" and we all know what happens when dogs meet cats -- they chase them!
If you ever owned a dog, perhaps you already know how dogs behave when you take them out for a walk every time they see another dog walking by. They stop, their attention turns towards the new dog, their ears perk and sometimes they just run for it. That other dog is very fascinating to them and they are extremely eager to meet them. Now, what happens when a guest comes to a home that has dogs? The dog gets excited, wags its tail, and sometimes even jumps on people. There is nothing wrong with that, it's just the way dogs are. Whenever they sense a new energy in the room, they want to find out about it as soon as possible. When they get used to the new energy, they calm down.
What about cats? As a cat owner myself, I can tell you that cats are completely opposite. They do not feel comfortable with the new energy. They need their time and space to get used to it, and until they do, they will sit quietly under the couch and intensely stare at the new person who just walked in. When they are ready to get to know you, they will come out and be friendly. Again, there is nothing wrong with being a cat. It's just who they are. They get very overwhelmed with new smells, new environments and they do not feel comfortable with unfamiliar energy. That doesn't mean cats are not curious about new people. Cats are very curious animals and they love our company. They just need more time to get to know us.
Now, having said that, can cats and dogs potentially live in harmony? Of course they can, if they learn and respect each other's boundaries. It may not be realistic to explain this to a cat or a dog, but it might be a helpful analogy for humans. Why is it so important to know about this? Because this makes us more aware of our instincts, fears and desires, as well as the fact that somebody else may very well be completely different from us in that sense. This awareness can help us a great deal when we interact with one another for the first time.
Keeping the two energy types in mind, being mindful to ourselves and others, how easier could it be for us to approach someone we're attracted to and not take it personally when others are being too shy to talk to us? Most importantly, whichever energy you think you might have, there is nothing wrong with it. Not all men have the "dog energy" and not all women have the "cat energy." Also, it is very common for our energy to change depending on where we are and who we meet.
Katherine Bouglai.
Personal Relationship Coach.
Visit my home page.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katherine_Bouglai
Katherine Bouglai - EzineArticles Expert Author
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Does this scenario sound familiar? Whom do you sympathize more, the guy or the girl? Who do you think made a mistake? How would you behave in a similar situation? What went wrong? The truth is that there is no right answer to all these questions. The two people described above may not necessarily be wrong for each other and could potentially even be great together if they met under different circumstances. What really happened was that their energies didn't match. She had "cat energy" and he had "dog energy" and we all know what happens when dogs meet cats -- they chase them!
If you ever owned a dog, perhaps you already know how dogs behave when you take them out for a walk every time they see another dog walking by. They stop, their attention turns towards the new dog, their ears perk and sometimes they just run for it. That other dog is very fascinating to them and they are extremely eager to meet them. Now, what happens when a guest comes to a home that has dogs? The dog gets excited, wags its tail, and sometimes even jumps on people. There is nothing wrong with that, it's just the way dogs are. Whenever they sense a new energy in the room, they want to find out about it as soon as possible. When they get used to the new energy, they calm down.
What about cats? As a cat owner myself, I can tell you that cats are completely opposite. They do not feel comfortable with the new energy. They need their time and space to get used to it, and until they do, they will sit quietly under the couch and intensely stare at the new person who just walked in. When they are ready to get to know you, they will come out and be friendly. Again, there is nothing wrong with being a cat. It's just who they are. They get very overwhelmed with new smells, new environments and they do not feel comfortable with unfamiliar energy. That doesn't mean cats are not curious about new people. Cats are very curious animals and they love our company. They just need more time to get to know us.
Now, having said that, can cats and dogs potentially live in harmony? Of course they can, if they learn and respect each other's boundaries. It may not be realistic to explain this to a cat or a dog, but it might be a helpful analogy for humans. Why is it so important to know about this? Because this makes us more aware of our instincts, fears and desires, as well as the fact that somebody else may very well be completely different from us in that sense. This awareness can help us a great deal when we interact with one another for the first time.
Keeping the two energy types in mind, being mindful to ourselves and others, how easier could it be for us to approach someone we're attracted to and not take it personally when others are being too shy to talk to us? Most importantly, whichever energy you think you might have, there is nothing wrong with it. Not all men have the "dog energy" and not all women have the "cat energy." Also, it is very common for our energy to change depending on where we are and who we meet.
Katherine Bouglai.
Personal Relationship Coach.
Visit my home page.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katherine_Bouglai
Katherine Bouglai - EzineArticles Expert Author
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Particularly for first time pet owners, or people who are used to dogs, a newly adopted cat or kitten's behavior may sometimes appear very puzzling. In order to communicate with the cat in a way that benefits both owner and animal, it is necessary to learn about basic cat body language and cat behaviors.
To begin, examine the tail. Your cat's tail can show his or her mood. When the tail is relaxed and not moving, the animal is probably relaxed. But if the tail is still and pointing straight up in the air, you cat is probably happy and want to interact with you. The tail is a basic indicator in cat psychology.
However, if you notice that your cat's tail has started to twitch or "whap" back and forth, watch out! This signals that he or she is done playing and needs some alone time. The quicker the tail twitches back and forth, as well as the amount of the length of the tail that is twitching can signal exactly how irritated kitty is. Remember, he or she will give you plenty of warning before scratching or biting, so watch the tail.
Next, we can look at a cat's general posture. If your cat is curled up tightly or has a paw over his or her face, she is sleeping and wishes to be left alone. On the other hand, if her body posture is more relaxed - for example, she is sprawled across the floor, it might be play time. Many cat problems can result from not being careful about observing posture, and playing with kitty when he or she doesn't want to be played with.
Cats signal interest in playing, or otherwise interacting physically, by flipping over onto their backs. Most, but not all, cats are sensitive about their bellies, and will scratch or bite if you try to pet them there. Because cat behaviors and "play" are forms of training to become better hunters, it is wise for humans to interact with a cat in "play mode" through the use of toys rather than hands. Cats can get very excited, and are very easily spooked, so don't get mad or emotionally hurt if the cat lashes out at you.
Watch your cat's posture and tail position as you pet or cuddle him or her. Cats differ from most dogs in that cats often change their minds about wanting to be petted while you are in the act of petting. The cat's posture and tail position often signals this transition. Pressing away with their paws, or a flicking tail, is a good indication the cat is feeling uncomfortable being held. In this way, most cats provide ample warning prior to attacking or lashing out. If you respect your cat's wishes, a strong bond will develop over time. The cat will become more trusting, and you'll develop a wonderful relationship.
About the Author
Understanding cat psychology is critical to preventing cat problems. Most cat behaviors communicate their mood.
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To begin, examine the tail. Your cat's tail can show his or her mood. When the tail is relaxed and not moving, the animal is probably relaxed. But if the tail is still and pointing straight up in the air, you cat is probably happy and want to interact with you. The tail is a basic indicator in cat psychology.
However, if you notice that your cat's tail has started to twitch or "whap" back and forth, watch out! This signals that he or she is done playing and needs some alone time. The quicker the tail twitches back and forth, as well as the amount of the length of the tail that is twitching can signal exactly how irritated kitty is. Remember, he or she will give you plenty of warning before scratching or biting, so watch the tail.
Next, we can look at a cat's general posture. If your cat is curled up tightly or has a paw over his or her face, she is sleeping and wishes to be left alone. On the other hand, if her body posture is more relaxed - for example, she is sprawled across the floor, it might be play time. Many cat problems can result from not being careful about observing posture, and playing with kitty when he or she doesn't want to be played with.
Cats signal interest in playing, or otherwise interacting physically, by flipping over onto their backs. Most, but not all, cats are sensitive about their bellies, and will scratch or bite if you try to pet them there. Because cat behaviors and "play" are forms of training to become better hunters, it is wise for humans to interact with a cat in "play mode" through the use of toys rather than hands. Cats can get very excited, and are very easily spooked, so don't get mad or emotionally hurt if the cat lashes out at you.
Watch your cat's posture and tail position as you pet or cuddle him or her. Cats differ from most dogs in that cats often change their minds about wanting to be petted while you are in the act of petting. The cat's posture and tail position often signals this transition. Pressing away with their paws, or a flicking tail, is a good indication the cat is feeling uncomfortable being held. In this way, most cats provide ample warning prior to attacking or lashing out. If you respect your cat's wishes, a strong bond will develop over time. The cat will become more trusting, and you'll develop a wonderful relationship.
About the Author
Understanding cat psychology is critical to preventing cat problems. Most cat behaviors communicate their mood.
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Cats, although very independent are also considerably affectionate and fun pets to have. Making sure your cat is healthy requires the simplest of upkeep. However, you do need to monitor the amount of food your cat consumes each and every day. If you allow them to, cats, in a similar manner to dogs, will eat as much as they possibly can. While they may well be particular about the kind of food you give them, they seem to have no self control over the actual quantity they eat. We all love to spoil our pets, making sure there is always more than adequate food available in their dish but feline obesity is fast becoming a problem on a grand scale. One of the main reasons that this obesity is such a problem is the fact that it predisposes cats to arthritis, diabetes, and even hepatic lipidosis, known as fatty liver. Luckily for the cat, there are many ways to keep an eye on the weight of the feline, warding off obesity and ensuring they keep in good shape.
You should switch from a "free choice" meal plan to a "meal time" plan. Cats are normally able to eat any time they choose, as the owners just keep filling their dishes up. If you change this regime and feed your cat at set meal times and with smaller amounts of food this will certainly help the cat to stay in shape. After all, the recommended daily quantity of food for a cat is only one ounce, not the cupful we give them every time they look at us with those feed me eyes.
Cats in general have difficulty digesting carbohydrates. Carbs are present in abundance in dry cat food, which is also full of preservatives, so another measure you can take is to feed your cat a meat based diet. Always look at the ingredients when you are buying cat food. Products which have more flour and sugar than fat and protein should be substituted in favor of a food of the opposite ratio.
Most people are happy to let their cats sleep all day long on their favorite cat furniture or cat tree but this lack of movement is one of the major factors in feline obesity. You should buy some inexpensive cat toys and get down on the floor and play with your cat during day time hours. If you yourself are not in a physical condition to do this, then you could always use a laser pointer which acts as a great substitute. While you remain seated the cat will run around after the light from the pointer but remember to take care not to accidentally shine the light into your cat's eyes.
You clearly love your pet or else you would not have chosen to have one, but you should be aware that by letting your cat be too independent you could be causing more harm than good. However, the good news is that by making a little effort to change the cat's habits, your pet will have a long and healthy life.
About the Author
David Lee is an expert on pet care. See his site for more information on cat furniture, Dog Disease, Dog Illness cat teeth.
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on Sunday, June 26, 2011
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We all know that cats are curious creatures and tend to stick their noses into things, just to give them a smell. Cats live by using their noses to decide what is good or not and will not eat anything that does not smell good to them.
However, we tend to think of dogs as the critters that get themselves into situations where they can be poisoned, as they tend to put everything, good and bad, into their mouths.
I will agree that in the situation of putting things in their mouths, cats have much more sense, but on the other hand, because of their natural curiosity cat tend to get into as much trouble as dogs.
There are many household items that tend to present dangers of a toxic nature to cats, some things that we would not even think about.
Potpourri for example can be toxic to a cat. No, not the smell, but the liquid, as many of us simmer potpourri to create a calming atmosphere. I can almost bet a cat would not drink the liquid, but should some spill on a cat's fur and the cat in turn lick it off, when it is grooming itself, it can be toxic. As there are cationic detergents and essential oils present in the water.
Essential oils are another thing we have around the house and do not spend much time thinking about. However, these too, can present a danger to a cat, as they are easily absorbed through mucous membranes and a cat's skin.
Hard to believe but the cationic detergents used in fabric softeners, sanitizing products used in the home and soaps and lotions we use to kill germs can cause a cat serious skin problems. If this product is absorbed by the skin, it can cause ulcerated sores and if ingested, inflammation of the mouth, tongue and esophagus. It is important that you keep your cat away from these products. Should your cat suffer any of these symptoms call your vet at once.
Jewelry can also be detrimental. No, not rings and things, but the new fun stuff like the glow jewelry bracelets and glow sticks. They contain a liquid that can cause death to a cat through respiratory paralysis. How does a cat get into the liquid, usually through play by biting into the glow stick or bracelet? The liquid tastes horrible. As a result the cat will more than likely over react to the taste and may drool or throw up. Should this happen quickly try to get the taste out of the cat's mouth by diluting it with milk, tuna fish water or some of the cat's food. To be certain the cat did not get any of the liquid on its fur, take the cat into a dark room and if it glows, quickly wash the residue off the fur with warm soapy water and rinse.
Snail bait, something we use to kill snails and slugs, has a product called metaldehyde in it that can cause neurological problems in a cat. The bait usually comes in the form of tablets, powder, granules or a liquid and if it gets on the cat's fur and is ingested when the cat is grooming itself can cause some serious problems.
If you use this product at home, keep a watchful eye on your cat. A reaction to the product can cause a cat to pant excessively, act disoriented, drool, vomit, have muscle tremor and much more. Should you notice any of these symptoms call your vet immediately.
Another thing you would not think about is the flea treatment used on dogs. Canine permethrin is extremely dangerous to cats. Should you use a product containing this chemical on your dog, do not let your cat near the dog until the product has completely dried on the dog. Should your cat get any of this on its fur and lick it off it could be deadly to the cat.
Easter lilies and any other members of the lily family are toxic to cats. By that I mean all parts of the lily are poisonous to a cat, should the cat bite into it. Chewing on a leaf can cause renal failure and if not caught at once can cause serious problems for the cat and huge veterinarian bills
Antifreeze can be a serious problem also. Cats and dogs too, love the taste of antifreeze and it is toxic to both pets. Should you spill some antifreeze on the garage floor or in the driveway rinse it off at once. Be watchful if your car tends to leak antifreeze onto the driveway.
Over the counter medicines, do NOT give your cat any over the counter remedies for any type of ailment unless prescribed by your veterinarian.
The list of things that can harm a cat are endless and as a result make no attempt to even think of giving your cat an aspirin, Tylenol, any antacid for upset stomachs, cold remedies and be wary of your prescription drugs. A cat's metabolic system is unique and cannot handle products that humans and even dogs can handle. So if you value your cat's life do not attempt to self medicate your cat, call your vet, that phone call may save you many dollars.
Last but not least are rat and mouse poison pellets, keep these away from your cat as they contain an ingredient that stops the activity of vitamin K. Ingesting a pellet can cause your cat to develop a serious bleeding disorder.
One of the most important numbers you can post in your house in case of an poison emergency with one of your pets is the ASPCA Poison Control Number it is toll free (1-888-426-4435.) They also have a website that has a great deal of information on it www.aspca.org.
Keeping our cats healthy is an important job and one each of us should take it seriously.
Keeping our pets healthy is very beneficial not only to the pet, but to our pocketbooks. If this article has been of benefit, please visit my web site and blog at http://www.cats-and-dogs-on-the-web.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Audrey_Frederick
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However, we tend to think of dogs as the critters that get themselves into situations where they can be poisoned, as they tend to put everything, good and bad, into their mouths.
I will agree that in the situation of putting things in their mouths, cats have much more sense, but on the other hand, because of their natural curiosity cat tend to get into as much trouble as dogs.
There are many household items that tend to present dangers of a toxic nature to cats, some things that we would not even think about.
Potpourri for example can be toxic to a cat. No, not the smell, but the liquid, as many of us simmer potpourri to create a calming atmosphere. I can almost bet a cat would not drink the liquid, but should some spill on a cat's fur and the cat in turn lick it off, when it is grooming itself, it can be toxic. As there are cationic detergents and essential oils present in the water.
Essential oils are another thing we have around the house and do not spend much time thinking about. However, these too, can present a danger to a cat, as they are easily absorbed through mucous membranes and a cat's skin.
Hard to believe but the cationic detergents used in fabric softeners, sanitizing products used in the home and soaps and lotions we use to kill germs can cause a cat serious skin problems. If this product is absorbed by the skin, it can cause ulcerated sores and if ingested, inflammation of the mouth, tongue and esophagus. It is important that you keep your cat away from these products. Should your cat suffer any of these symptoms call your vet at once.
Jewelry can also be detrimental. No, not rings and things, but the new fun stuff like the glow jewelry bracelets and glow sticks. They contain a liquid that can cause death to a cat through respiratory paralysis. How does a cat get into the liquid, usually through play by biting into the glow stick or bracelet? The liquid tastes horrible. As a result the cat will more than likely over react to the taste and may drool or throw up. Should this happen quickly try to get the taste out of the cat's mouth by diluting it with milk, tuna fish water or some of the cat's food. To be certain the cat did not get any of the liquid on its fur, take the cat into a dark room and if it glows, quickly wash the residue off the fur with warm soapy water and rinse.
Snail bait, something we use to kill snails and slugs, has a product called metaldehyde in it that can cause neurological problems in a cat. The bait usually comes in the form of tablets, powder, granules or a liquid and if it gets on the cat's fur and is ingested when the cat is grooming itself can cause some serious problems.
If you use this product at home, keep a watchful eye on your cat. A reaction to the product can cause a cat to pant excessively, act disoriented, drool, vomit, have muscle tremor and much more. Should you notice any of these symptoms call your vet immediately.
Another thing you would not think about is the flea treatment used on dogs. Canine permethrin is extremely dangerous to cats. Should you use a product containing this chemical on your dog, do not let your cat near the dog until the product has completely dried on the dog. Should your cat get any of this on its fur and lick it off it could be deadly to the cat.
Easter lilies and any other members of the lily family are toxic to cats. By that I mean all parts of the lily are poisonous to a cat, should the cat bite into it. Chewing on a leaf can cause renal failure and if not caught at once can cause serious problems for the cat and huge veterinarian bills
Antifreeze can be a serious problem also. Cats and dogs too, love the taste of antifreeze and it is toxic to both pets. Should you spill some antifreeze on the garage floor or in the driveway rinse it off at once. Be watchful if your car tends to leak antifreeze onto the driveway.
Over the counter medicines, do NOT give your cat any over the counter remedies for any type of ailment unless prescribed by your veterinarian.
The list of things that can harm a cat are endless and as a result make no attempt to even think of giving your cat an aspirin, Tylenol, any antacid for upset stomachs, cold remedies and be wary of your prescription drugs. A cat's metabolic system is unique and cannot handle products that humans and even dogs can handle. So if you value your cat's life do not attempt to self medicate your cat, call your vet, that phone call may save you many dollars.
Last but not least are rat and mouse poison pellets, keep these away from your cat as they contain an ingredient that stops the activity of vitamin K. Ingesting a pellet can cause your cat to develop a serious bleeding disorder.
One of the most important numbers you can post in your house in case of an poison emergency with one of your pets is the ASPCA Poison Control Number it is toll free (1-888-426-4435.) They also have a website that has a great deal of information on it www.aspca.org.
Keeping our cats healthy is an important job and one each of us should take it seriously.
Keeping our pets healthy is very beneficial not only to the pet, but to our pocketbooks. If this article has been of benefit, please visit my web site and blog at http://www.cats-and-dogs-on-the-web.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Audrey_Frederick