People say that no other cat breed can be as beautiful as the Russian Blue! They are indeed wonderful cats, which can steal anyone’s heart with their emerald green eyes, silver-tipped fur, refined boning and plushy coats!
These cats have a very strong personality. It is not the owner who chooses to take in a Russian Blue cat, but it is the cat that chooses to accept him! The cat has the final say as to how the relationship develops. If you are lucky enough to win her trust, you will get her full loyalty and love. The cat will treasure you more than anyone in the whole world.
Unlike the other cats which are usually very friendly to people, the Russian Blue kitten is rather shy when meeting a stranger. The little one hides in a safe place, most of the times behind pieces of furniture. From there the kitten can review all the new aspects of her life. The only working strategy at this point is to sit down, quietly dangle a shoelace or move a cat teaser back and forth slowly and wait. The Russian will be unable to ignore the motion and will most certainly try to catch the moving object. This is the first step in establishing a relationship with the cat. From there on, you can hope for a serious relationship with the kitten. Lots of cat toys, as the Russians remain eager to play throughout their lives, no loud music and meals on time are the most successful tools you have for that matter!
The Russian Blue cats are very intelligent, as their most important characteristic is that they always look carefully before leaping. Apart from the fact that the Russian Blue will have gained a large amount of play time from you at your first meeting, he will also have guessed just how interested you are in getting to know him. You have to be totally devoted to him in order for the cat to feel that you are the owner he was looking for!
The Russians never like changes. So, if you decide to take one, then he must be sure that he will stay a long time and be treated as a valued member of your family.
To sum it up, the Russian Blue cats are very intelligent and agile. A person who takes in such a cat must be able to treasure all the qualities the Russians have!
Visit Cat Breed Adivce to find out more about Russian Blue Cats .Learn new things about your Russian Blue Cat .
Source: High Quality Article Database - 365articles.com
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Cats can be naturally stubborn and don't like to follow their owners' instructions. This makes it tricky to train cats although there are ways to overcome this. Your cat may appear to be too set in its own ways and too stubborn to change the way it behaves, but by making a solid commitment to follow the correct strategies and rewarding with treats or punishing as appropriate, you can accomplish training.
Cats are extremely clever animals, yet they do not comprehend the standard of cause and effect like people do. When you scrutinize a cat's behavior it is crucial to take action without delay or your response will not be very effective because the cat cannot make the connection between its unacceptable behavior and your reaction.
A great technique to incorporate into your cat or kitten training is to encourage opposite behavior. Because cats are typically more affected by favorable reinforcement rather than punishment, this technique is usually successful. For example, if your cat is playfully clawing the fabric of your favorite chair, redirect your cat's behavior to a toy.
Cats can be trained, though "cat training" is often jokingly considered self-contradictory. The best way to train your cat is with rewards after a good performance; favorite cat treats are good. Remember to reward your cat whenever it exhibits the behavior you want. Rewards need not be material; an occasional hug or simply sitting down for a session of petting and grooming is also good.
It might seem like your pet is ignoring your commands on purpose, but it really is important to never respond with violent behavior. Punishing your pet with violence won't help with your cat training and will only make your cat become scared of you, creating tension in your relationship. Such cruelty is totally unnecessary and a more positive response will go much further.
It can be extremely difficult to train a cat, but with the correct approach and incentives you can change the behavior of your cat. Never respond to your cat with violence and always use positive reinforcements. With the correct methods you can have a well behaved and loving pet.
About the Author
Cat training is almost impossible as cats are independent-minded and stubborn - but it can be done.
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Cats are extremely clever animals, yet they do not comprehend the standard of cause and effect like people do. When you scrutinize a cat's behavior it is crucial to take action without delay or your response will not be very effective because the cat cannot make the connection between its unacceptable behavior and your reaction.
A great technique to incorporate into your cat or kitten training is to encourage opposite behavior. Because cats are typically more affected by favorable reinforcement rather than punishment, this technique is usually successful. For example, if your cat is playfully clawing the fabric of your favorite chair, redirect your cat's behavior to a toy.
Cats can be trained, though "cat training" is often jokingly considered self-contradictory. The best way to train your cat is with rewards after a good performance; favorite cat treats are good. Remember to reward your cat whenever it exhibits the behavior you want. Rewards need not be material; an occasional hug or simply sitting down for a session of petting and grooming is also good.
It might seem like your pet is ignoring your commands on purpose, but it really is important to never respond with violent behavior. Punishing your pet with violence won't help with your cat training and will only make your cat become scared of you, creating tension in your relationship. Such cruelty is totally unnecessary and a more positive response will go much further.
It can be extremely difficult to train a cat, but with the correct approach and incentives you can change the behavior of your cat. Never respond to your cat with violence and always use positive reinforcements. With the correct methods you can have a well behaved and loving pet.
About the Author
Cat training is almost impossible as cats are independent-minded and stubborn - but it can be done.
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Encouraging Creativity in Children - What not to do
Children develop creativity because of what we SHOW them, not because of what we tell them to do or not do. It is amazingly easy to discourage children from being creative, but why discourage it. It is easy to steal experiences from children, experiences in their culture, education and upbringing, because we do not encourage their creativity. Hennessy and Amabile (1992, Goleman, Kaufman and Ray, 1992 - The Creative Spirit) identified some common "creative killers" that are commonplace in our schools and homes.
Evaluation - Constantly looking at what children are doing, evaluating them, commenting on what they are doing, worrying about what they are doing can make them worry and not realize the value of what they are doing. Also, it can make them lose the enjoyment in the actual process of creating some thing. Surveillance - You know how you feel when someone is standing over you watching what you are doing? You probably hate it, or start to make mistakes or get flustered. This surveillance or constantly watching children can have the same effect on children. It can make them feel as though they are under constant observation. It may make them resist the opportunity to take risks in their creativity or hide their creative abilities. Rewards - Offering rewards and motivations for their creativity can reduce the need for the child to create things for creativity's sake - for the enjoyment of creating something. Competition - Creativity does not have to be about competition. We all have creative skills in different ways. If we encourage children to compete against each other, to create the best picture etc, it can reduce their creativity. There will always be one picture that is better than the others, there will always be one bit of junk modeling that is better than the others. Anything created by a child should be praised for its own value and worth, not compared to the models or pictures of other children. Restricting Choice - If we TELL children what activities to engage in, it can reduce their curiosity and passion to create. They should be allowed to explore and experiment with their own creativity and method of production. Over-Control - If we keep telling children how to do things, how we think they should do things, this can reduce the creativity and originality of the child. It can leave the child feeling that what they are doing is not good enough, a mistake or it is a waste of time trying something new. Putting Pressure on Children - By putting pressure on children, it can actually give them an aversion to creativity. If we expect amazing results every time a child creates something, this can put unnecessary pressure onto them. This can again restrict their ability to perform or to experiment. Also, if our expectations are too great, it may be because they are beyond the child's developmental level.
So how can we encourage children to be creative? 1. Encourage children to keep trying - they may be the most creative child in the world, but if they do not keep trying and do not see any task through to completion, we will not know how creative they are and can be. 2. Show appreciation for their efforts - praise them! 3. Try not to help them too much. Resist the temptation to take over or to finish the task for them. 4. Try not to supervise too much. Allow them to be spontaneous. Having self-confidence is essential to the development of their creativity. 5. Provide a creative atmosphere. Allow the child easy access to creative equipment, such as clay, drawing books, pens, paper. Provide them with toys that encourage creativity. If you're worried that they may start drawing on the wall, ensure that they understand there are only certain areas they can do their "messy" play, such as the kitchen, or conservatory. Tell them often enough and this will sink in. 6. Daydreaming - daydreaming is an important process. It enables the child to imagine things and different outcomes. Some aspects of day dreaming are important for developing problem solving skills. BUT don't let the child day dream TOO much. If you feel the child is sitting day dreaming too much, ask them to fill you in on their daydreams, perhaps they can lead to fun activities. For example, they tell you part of the day dream, then you fill it in a bit more, then they add a bit more and so on. It can then become a game. 7. Let the child be "different". Let the child know that there is no "right" answer to a problem, they should be encouraged to be unique and innovative. If it doesn't work this time, hey, who knows it might work out with another problem. 8. Encourage problem solving and planning in many different areas of their lives. When they solve a problem (or don't solve it), encourage them to look at why and how they solved it, so they can use the skills in other areas. 9. If the child doesn't want help, don't pressurize them, but if they ask, offer them the support they want. Children, like adults, need rules to live their lives by. Children need to learn to control their behaviour according to the situation and rules of society. There are times and places where creativity may not be important, for example, colouring on the wall with felt pens is obviously not appropriate in most households. However, there should be a balance between the times when children can be creative, explore and experiment. Sometimes choices should be restricted and direct instruction given, but at other times, children should be given the choice to explore and develop their creative abilities. It is important that the child does not go through life only learning about rules and conformity, not creativity and joy. Encouraging Creativity in Children - Drama and Playacting Drama and Playacting Drama and playacting are great ways to encourage children to be creative. There are so many ways you can do this. Pretending to be Anything Ask them to pretend to be something - a cat, a dog, a giant, a car, a lawnmower, the world, a pencil sharpener - anything they want to be. Get them to think about what it is like to be a lawnmower or the world or a cat or a dog. This can also be done within the context of story telling. See the article on Story telling. Get them to make noises that they imagine the thing they are copying would make. Cut out some pictures and ask each child to pick a picture. They then have to pretend to be what's on the picture for two minutes - a cat, a dog, a car - whatever's on the picture. Try and get them to be spontaneous. Have an Adventure Pretend something exciting is happening. Get your children to shut their eyes, tell them the car can fly when their eyes are shut and they wish long enough. When they open their eyes and say it's not flying, you can say - "well, that's because you opened your eyes!" Then get them to imagine where you could fly to. You see a man jogging. Ask them why they think he is running. Is he running away from pirates? Is he the world's fastest runner? Is he running around the world? Where is he going to? The questions are endless. Plays If you really want to get into this, you could encourage children to put on plays. Ask them to make up a story, then they can act it out to you. Perhaps put on fancy dress costumes, use silly voices, make some props. It doesn't have to be expensive or look fantastic. They should be able to use their imagination to do these things. If they don't want to make up a story, perhaps they could act out a story they already know. If they really enjoy this, they could perhaps do the play for friends or other relatives - grandparents, aunts etc. Again, making the props or costumes or inventing the story are ways to encourage them to think creatively. The Shy Child You will always find some children who are reluctant to get involved in this sort of creative play. Start with small steps. Perhaps they don't want to appear "silly" in front of their siblings or friends. If they don't to take part, perhaps encourage them to watch you and the other children playing. When they see how much fun it can be, hopefully they will want to take part. If they don't, encourage them to be involved in some other way, such as handing out cards, making props, etc. It may be that they are not children who want to be involved in drama-type play, but they may be creative in other ways - drawing, colouring, creating props etc. Don't stifle their creativity - just encourage it in another direction! Encouraging Creativity in Children - Junk Modelling Junk Modelling - get your household junk (well, the clean kind anyway), boxes, toilet roll tubes, kitchen roll tubes, cereal boxes, paper anything you can find. Give the kids some glue, some pens, some scissors (if they're old enough or help them if not) and let them loose. See what they come up with. A hotel? A house for their dolls? A cave? A car? An animal? Whatever is in their mind, they can create. If they sit their looking blankly, encourage them to "see" things differently. Pick up the cereal box and say, "doesn't this look just like a house" "or a car" "or a spaceship?" Doesn't this toilet roll tube look like a rocket or a snake or a telescope? Give them the ideas and let them run with them. Encouraging Creativity in Children - Telling Stories Stories - Stories are a brilliant way of encouraging creativity in children. You can do this in so many ways. Adults You tell the story - tell a story without a book. If you're not a natural story teller, perhaps you could read a child's book first and then perhaps change the names and make it slightly different. Then sit down with the child and tell them the story without a book. Make faces, do silly voices, encourage them to do the actions. You might feel silly at first, but the more you do it, the more you'll find your own inner creativity!! And besides it's fun to be silly sometimes!! If you're feeling brave, you might like to make up your own stories. Kids love stories involving themselves. Make the characters have their names. If you've got lots of children to tell the story to, this might not be a good idea, as some children might feel left out. But if you've got one, two, three or four kids with you, I'm sure you can think of different characters with their names. Don't be worried about giving their names to animals or aliens or cars or whatever. Children will usually think that is really funny. Bear in mind the child though, if you don't think they'll find it funny to be a pig or an alien, then think of something else. Adults and Children Tell a story together. You can start this in a simple way. You can all say a sentence, so you might start. "One day, it was very dark and Bill was in bed when he heard a loud noise." Then one of the children says a sentence - "Bill was scared, he didn't know what it was." Then another - "He thought it might be his pet alien, Nigel". Etc etc Let them be as silly as possible - being silly can lead to great imaginative stories. Then you can go on and on. Other adults can also be involved. When doing this, be wary of it going on for too long and becoming boring. If it seems to be going nowhere, start another story. If the children don't seem interested, get them to start the story instead of you. They might pick something that is more interesting to them then. Children Ask the child to tell you a story. Ask them to make one up. You may find that at the beginning the stories are a bit short or a bit repetitious, but the more you encourage the child, the better a storyteller they will become. If they struggle with this, get a picture book (without words if possible) and ask them to make up a story around the pictures. Or show they pictures from any book, such as a book about fish, or animals or houses and ask them to use those to make up the story. If you're feeling really creative, get the children to cut out lots of pictures from magazines or draw lots of pictures. Put the pictures on cards. Then sit in a circle. Each child (and adults) picks up a card and has to carry on the story from there. If the children seem to find story telling really difficult, go back to basics. Show them a picture and ask them to imagine something. For example, show them a picture of an old man. Ask them how old they think he is, what they think his name is, is he friendly, is he grumpy, is he happy etc. Do this often and it will encourage them to think more about things they see around them. Do the same with animals. Ask them to give a name to the animal, a personality, what do they like to eat - again encourage them to make up silly things, as well as "real" things the animal may eat. Books Above all, books are still a VERY important part of the creativity process. Read to your child, do it whenever you can. Don't just leave it until bedtime. Reading can be a great part of a bedtime routine, but it shouldn't be the only time. Some parents may find that their child is really tired at bedtime and doesn't want a story then, so why not read during the day. Sit down with your child anytime you can and read them a story. If you struggle to find the time for whatever reason, ask another adult to read to them. If you have an older child, ask them to read to the younger children - this will improve their reading skills as well. Above all, remember story telling should be FUN!!!!!!!!!
About the Author
Winnie Jones is a qualified and experienced teacher in sociology, child development, psychology and more. www.winnieiswise.blogspot.com and www.winnieswisdom.com.
By Kim Cierech
I have been a canine stylist for over 10 years. The most common question I get asked by my human clients is, "How can I stop my dog from getting ear infections?" Not too long ago, other then placing cotton in their ears during maintenance baths, I didn't know.
My friends dog Ace was plagued with ear infections and she agreed to allow me to test some holistic products on him. I bought a product that's base was made from tea tree oil. I was familiar with tea tree oil because I bathe many of my canine clients with a tea tree oil shampoo, when their skin is dry or if they are suffering with a minor skin irritation.
When the product arrived, we put 7 drops in each of Ace's ears and massaged them a few seconds. This is a little more then the recommended dose, but Ace is a very huge dog. For the next 7 days my friend repeated the 7 drops in each ear for 3 times a day. Incredibly we had hit pay dirt. From the very first application she noticed that Ace wasn't digging and scratching at his ears, which was allowing the healing process to begin. It has been over 8 months and he has not suffered any ear infections to date.
I have recommended this product to several of my clients who are very happy to report that they have had similar results. I'm thrilled because now I can recommend a holistic product that I know works. My clients are happy because they have just saved themselves an expensive trip to the vets.
I wasn't aware at the time but this product is also recommended for cats. I am not a cat owner and didn't really notice if it could be used on both, at the time when we were trying to heal Ace. I'm happy to report that it can be used on felines and add a special bonus that it can also kill ear mites. If you are the owner of a cat who is plagued with ear infections or those dreaded ear mites, I have written a very small web site that includes all of the holistic ingredients of the formula and where you can purchase this product.
Kim enjoys studying numerology, parapsychology and experimenting with herbal remedies. She has worked as a canine stylist for over 10 years. http://holisticdogandcat.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kim_Cierech
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I have been a canine stylist for over 10 years. The most common question I get asked by my human clients is, "How can I stop my dog from getting ear infections?" Not too long ago, other then placing cotton in their ears during maintenance baths, I didn't know.
My friends dog Ace was plagued with ear infections and she agreed to allow me to test some holistic products on him. I bought a product that's base was made from tea tree oil. I was familiar with tea tree oil because I bathe many of my canine clients with a tea tree oil shampoo, when their skin is dry or if they are suffering with a minor skin irritation.
When the product arrived, we put 7 drops in each of Ace's ears and massaged them a few seconds. This is a little more then the recommended dose, but Ace is a very huge dog. For the next 7 days my friend repeated the 7 drops in each ear for 3 times a day. Incredibly we had hit pay dirt. From the very first application she noticed that Ace wasn't digging and scratching at his ears, which was allowing the healing process to begin. It has been over 8 months and he has not suffered any ear infections to date.
I have recommended this product to several of my clients who are very happy to report that they have had similar results. I'm thrilled because now I can recommend a holistic product that I know works. My clients are happy because they have just saved themselves an expensive trip to the vets.
I wasn't aware at the time but this product is also recommended for cats. I am not a cat owner and didn't really notice if it could be used on both, at the time when we were trying to heal Ace. I'm happy to report that it can be used on felines and add a special bonus that it can also kill ear mites. If you are the owner of a cat who is plagued with ear infections or those dreaded ear mites, I have written a very small web site that includes all of the holistic ingredients of the formula and where you can purchase this product.
Kim enjoys studying numerology, parapsychology and experimenting with herbal remedies. She has worked as a canine stylist for over 10 years. http://holisticdogandcat.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kim_Cierech

The Ragdoll cat breed goes back to the 1960’s in California. It is very popular for the relaxation skills the cats in this category are capable of. The Ragdoll cat is able to completely relax, which allows people to handle them in almost any possible way, without the cat to complain about any pain. This is where their name comes from: they go totally limp when picked up! This is probably the fact to cause the whole controversy surrounding the Ragdoll cats. One of the accounts even claims that this breed has been left on Earth by an alien race. Many of these wild claims were made by the breed’s founder and are still passed around.
Their special traits as the characteristic limpness when picked up, as well as their easy going nature are what they are selectively bred for. They are the result of mixing Birman, Persian, and Burmese cats.
To go with its large size and long, muscular body, the legs on the Ragdoll are medium to medium long and the back legs are longer than the front ones. Their chest is very big, as well as the shoulders. To speak about the coat, these cats have silky fur, which needs to be groomed on a daily basis. A wide toothed comb is the best tool for this! This will prevent tangles and remove dead hair that can cause hairballs. A gentle brushing with a long bristled brush is also very good for these cats. The pointed color pattern can be colorpoint, mitted and bicolor. The colorpoint coat takes about two years to fully develop.
These cats come in lilac, seal, blue, and chocolate, but there are also some special colors like red and lynx point. The adult males weigh between 15 to 20 pounds, while female cats are smaller, that is from 9 to 13 pounds. This clearly qualifies the Ragdoll cats as the largest domestic cat. They are wonderful companions though!
When it comes to their personality, you must know that these cats are very gentle and easy going. They are loyal and loving towards their owners. Ragdoll cats are famous for their placid temperaments as well as their affectionate nature. Unlike the other cats, they do not have any fighting instincts, so you they must rather be kept inside than left to defend themselves. They are not aggressive and might therefore be easily hurt by other cats.
Visit Cat Breed Adivce to find out more about Ragdoll Kittens .Learn new things about your Ragdoll Cat .
Source: High Quality Article Database - 365articles.com
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Pets are very important members of a family. They are wonderful companions who offer their owners unconditional love. A cat or a dog can definitely be counted on for comfort in lonely times. They are very generous with their affection. All they ask in return is a warm place to sleep, a bowl of water and nutritious food. Considering all they give their owners, these requests could be seen as trivial. Although providing food and shelter for pets may not be a big deal, it is imperative they receive exactly what they need.
There are many kinds of pet food on the market today. If shopping for pet food an individual will find all sorts of well-known brand names as well as no name brands. If buying from a pet store or veterinarian there are special diets available. It's very important to know what you are feeding your pets. Some pet foods may taste great to your cat or dog but contain very little nutrients. Just as humans need nutrients and vitamins to maintain a healthy body, pets need them also. Many pets are fed from the family table. Owners may assume feeding their pets table food provides them with proper nutrition. This is not necessarily true. After all, not all humans are in the habit of maintaining healthy diets. Sure pets love table scraps and are not likely to turn them down but are they actually benefiting them or hurting them?
Vitamins and minerals are very important in a pet's diet. When pet food is initially made or processed there are vitamins and minerals added. However through the processing stages many of these are lost. When pet food is exposed to light and air many of the nutrients are broken down and therefore the pet is not receiving the intended amounts. This is where multivitamins come into the picture. Multivitamins are important for your pets. Because much of the needed nutrients are not included in pet food or lost before the pet gets them, multivitamin supplements are an excellent way to insure pets receive the recommended amount. Just as there are multivitamin supplements for humans, there are multivitamin supplements for pets.
Why are multivitamins so important for your pets? As with humans, pets are subjected to sickness and disease. A proper diet, including necessary vitamins and minerals help to insure a pet is fully guarded against common diseases seen in pets. Multivitamins are able to boost your pet's immune system, preparing them for fighting off parasites and disease. Multivitamins are important for your pet's heart health and to insure healthy gums and teeth. As pets age these issues become more and more important and so multivitamins are definitely recommended for aging pets.
An issue that tends to torment pets, especially dogs as the age is bone and joint disease. Often termed as arthritis, there are several types of bone disease seen in these pets which affect different areas of their bodies. Pets, unlike humans are unable to verbally express their pain and suffering. They may be silently suffering with excruciating joint pain, unknown to their owners. With time this pain will become visible in the way the pet walks and moves around. Multivitamins can help pets maintain healthy joints and bones. A pet requires certain minerals and vitamins to maintain joint and bone health. Because owners aren't certain they are receiving these necessities in their pet food, multivitamin supplements are important.
You know now that multivitamins are important for your pets, which multivitamin supplements should you give them and where do you buy them? Perhaps the best person to ask about multivitamin recommendations for your pet is their doctor, the veterinarian. Through regular examinations your pet's vet will recognize any abnormalities that might exist. If your pet is showing signs of poor health in their joints and/or bones, the vet will know what they need. Proper multivitamins can help your pet's joints and bones, helping them to live a longer and more enjoyable life.
The Internet is a great resource for information about the importance of multivitamins for your pets. There are countless websites which are dedicated to pets and their wellness. These sites provide beneficial details about the relevance of specific vitamins and minerals for your pet's health. Researching and learning all you can about what your pet needs will help you insure they hang around for a long time. Just as there are many types of pet food on the market, there are many kinds of multivitamins on the market for your pets. Not all pets require the same dosages of multivitamins so it's imperative to learn what your pet needs before adding them to your pet's daily regime. Your pets love you. Return that love by providing them with multivitamins.
About the Author
Grant Eckert is a freelance writer who writes about topics concerning pet care such as Pet Medicine
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Under all possible domestic cats, the race of the Maine Coon is without any doubt the biggest! There are Maine Coons with a weight of over 15 kilograms and a length over all including the bushy tail of more than one meter. Whenever people visit me, they are impressed with my cat Gino. And he is not fat at all. He is just big and full of mussels. I can leave the front door wide open. Nobody would come into my patio. Even the dogs of our street respect him and stay away.
It was a big change for Gino, when we came from Middle Europe to Brazil six years ago, but now he got very well acclimatized. As there is no winter time, he doesn't show this wonderful winter coat and the very impressive mane, but he is still a semi longhair with a very different coat to all other cats here around. It was not at all the first time, we moved. I always had a life like a gypsy. This kind of life only a Maine Coon can accept.
Because there is something very special about Maine Coons. Normally cats have their territory and they really do not mind that much, who opens the tins for them. Maine Coons are different, they don't grow any deeper connection to the territory, but they have a firm connection to their owner. By the way, I never had the impression to be the owner of my cat. He is staying with me, because he likes the way I am treating him. I can take my cat, visit a friend or go out for fishing, he loves to travel or go by car. Whatever we do, it is all right, when we are together. He is not depending on me, but he is the kind of an adventurous cat. Of course I can leave him at home, but I always tell him: "I'll be back in some hours." ... or tomorrow.
I had heard about a woman, who had a Maine Coon in Germany and after five years she gave the cat away to another neighbor, because she had to move to another city. Just fourteen days later, the Maine Coon died. Reason was a broken heard.
Another thing special I experienced is that people suffering from cat allergies never had problems with Gino. Maine Coons have special oil, which coats their fur.
So if you are interested to buy a Maine Coon, be aware what you are going to do. This race lives almost twenty years. When your kids are grown up, the cat is still there and still trying to be your good friend.
Regine Hehn is a cats enthusiast and practitioner. She owns and maintains New Cat Care.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Regine_Hehn
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It was a big change for Gino, when we came from Middle Europe to Brazil six years ago, but now he got very well acclimatized. As there is no winter time, he doesn't show this wonderful winter coat and the very impressive mane, but he is still a semi longhair with a very different coat to all other cats here around. It was not at all the first time, we moved. I always had a life like a gypsy. This kind of life only a Maine Coon can accept.
Because there is something very special about Maine Coons. Normally cats have their territory and they really do not mind that much, who opens the tins for them. Maine Coons are different, they don't grow any deeper connection to the territory, but they have a firm connection to their owner. By the way, I never had the impression to be the owner of my cat. He is staying with me, because he likes the way I am treating him. I can take my cat, visit a friend or go out for fishing, he loves to travel or go by car. Whatever we do, it is all right, when we are together. He is not depending on me, but he is the kind of an adventurous cat. Of course I can leave him at home, but I always tell him: "I'll be back in some hours." ... or tomorrow.
I had heard about a woman, who had a Maine Coon in Germany and after five years she gave the cat away to another neighbor, because she had to move to another city. Just fourteen days later, the Maine Coon died. Reason was a broken heard.
Another thing special I experienced is that people suffering from cat allergies never had problems with Gino. Maine Coons have special oil, which coats their fur.
So if you are interested to buy a Maine Coon, be aware what you are going to do. This race lives almost twenty years. When your kids are grown up, the cat is still there and still trying to be your good friend.
Regine Hehn is a cats enthusiast and practitioner. She owns and maintains New Cat Care.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Regine_Hehn
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on Thursday, April 21, 2011
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Cats are fun pets to have. They can be very affectionate and at the same time they are also very independent and fairly low maintenance when it comes to making sure they are healthy. The one thing that you need to keep a constant watch over is how much your cat eats every day. Cats are creatures that will eat as much as you let them (kind of like dogs). While they might be finicky about the type of food they are being fed, they don't do much to keep track of the amount that they are eating. And because pet lovers love to spoil their pets with an abundance of food (making sure that dish is never empty), feline obesity has become a major problem. One of the reasons that feline obesity is so problematic is that it predisposes cats to diabetes, arthritis and even hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver). Of course there are several ways to monitor your cat's weight and keep them in shape (which will stave off obesity).
One of the best ways to monitor your cat's weight is to switch them from a "free choice" meal plan to a "meal time" meal plan. Free choice eating is what most cats do because they have owners who will keep their food dishes full, enabling them to eat whenever they want. A good way to counteract this (and save your carpets) is to only feed your cats at a certain time of day, and to feed them smaller portions. The recommended diet is only an ounce of food (not a cup).
Another dietary precautionary measure to take with your cat is to feed them a meat-based diet. Cats can't digest carbohydrates (which are overly present in the preservative filled dry cat food they are often fed). When buying your cat's food, look at the ingredients. Any food that is higher in sugar and flour than it is in protein and fat should be passed over in favor of a food with the opposite ratio. A good diet can help avoid various cat disease, cat illness and other health problems
Cats like to sleep all day on the bed or thier own cat furniture and most people are content to let them do it. But this dearth of activity is one of the major factors in feline obesity. A better way to approach those daytime hours is to play with your cat! Get a few inexpensive cat toys for them to play with, or get down on the floor and play with them. If you aren't up to running around with your pet, a laser pointer makes a great substitute. You can sit still and they can chase the light from the pointer (just make sure you never shine the pointer into the cat's eyes).
You obviously love your pet or you wouldn't have one and it is probably hard to realize that by allowing cats to be so independent you are probably doing more harm than good. The good news is that with a little bit of effort and a small change of habit, your cat will stay healthy for a long long time.
David is an expert on pet care. For more information see his site AceCatHealth.com and for cat furniture or dog steps see AceCatFurniture.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_P._Lee
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One of the best ways to monitor your cat's weight is to switch them from a "free choice" meal plan to a "meal time" meal plan. Free choice eating is what most cats do because they have owners who will keep their food dishes full, enabling them to eat whenever they want. A good way to counteract this (and save your carpets) is to only feed your cats at a certain time of day, and to feed them smaller portions. The recommended diet is only an ounce of food (not a cup).
Another dietary precautionary measure to take with your cat is to feed them a meat-based diet. Cats can't digest carbohydrates (which are overly present in the preservative filled dry cat food they are often fed). When buying your cat's food, look at the ingredients. Any food that is higher in sugar and flour than it is in protein and fat should be passed over in favor of a food with the opposite ratio. A good diet can help avoid various cat disease, cat illness and other health problems
Cats like to sleep all day on the bed or thier own cat furniture and most people are content to let them do it. But this dearth of activity is one of the major factors in feline obesity. A better way to approach those daytime hours is to play with your cat! Get a few inexpensive cat toys for them to play with, or get down on the floor and play with them. If you aren't up to running around with your pet, a laser pointer makes a great substitute. You can sit still and they can chase the light from the pointer (just make sure you never shine the pointer into the cat's eyes).
You obviously love your pet or you wouldn't have one and it is probably hard to realize that by allowing cats to be so independent you are probably doing more harm than good. The good news is that with a little bit of effort and a small change of habit, your cat will stay healthy for a long long time.
David is an expert on pet care. For more information see his site AceCatHealth.com and for cat furniture or dog steps see AceCatFurniture.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_P._Lee
By Rona Limsy
Can you sense if your cat has ear mites? If you can spot the signs in its early stages, regardless of how minor an ailment it may be, then the chances of limiting any kind of long-term damage is increased greatly. This is very true of cat ear mites.
If your cat does pick up this irritable infection, the signs can be quite clear. Ear mites will most certainly cause your cat to shake its head quite often. As well as the usual more frequent scratching of the infected ear, you should also look for any blood or discharge coming from the ear. Since an infected area will tear due to constant scratching, there may also be a putrid smell. If your cat displays some of these signs, you can be fairly sure it has ear mites.
There are a variety of causes for cat ear mites. These include common bacteria, through to yeast infections and parasitical mites attaching themselves to your cat's ear. Since they are attracted to wax, it is critical that keeping your cat's ear clean is top on your list. If a cat is infected, there can be serious long term effects if a mite is left untreated, for example rupturing of the blood vessels around the ear, and disfigurement.
Thankfully, your cat has a wide range of treatments available, both traditional and alternative. Should you follow the traditional treatment, the first thing that will normally happen is for a vet to wash your cat's ears via a method called flushing. This needs to be carried out by your vet, since there is the possibility you may harm your cat if not done properly.
After this process, your vet will place your cat on a treatment of drugs or antibiotics. As in treatments that are used against fleas, these courses may last up to 4 weeks, to ensure that both the original ear mites and any eggs that have been laid are destroyed. If the infection has spread, which commonly happens, then a specialist flea cure such as shampoo or powder must be used.
However, there are also less traditional methods of dealing with cat ear mites. Since antibiotics can actually decrease a cat's immunity to certain ailments, they can be less beneficial ultimately. A natural alternative to antibiotics is Ear Dr., from PetAlive. This is a mixture of both natural and herbal treatments, and contains olive oil and tea tree oil, both of which has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents in it. Since they are natural products, the cat benefits from effective treatment and a greatly reduced possibility of future infections.
Although cat ear mites are extremely irritating for the pet involved, by looking out for and recognizing the signs, and keeping your cat's ears clean, you can deal with this problem quickly and minimize the pain to your cat.
To get more recommendations for cat ear mite treatments, visit http://www.My-Pet-Cat.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rona_Limsy
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Can you sense if your cat has ear mites? If you can spot the signs in its early stages, regardless of how minor an ailment it may be, then the chances of limiting any kind of long-term damage is increased greatly. This is very true of cat ear mites.
If your cat does pick up this irritable infection, the signs can be quite clear. Ear mites will most certainly cause your cat to shake its head quite often. As well as the usual more frequent scratching of the infected ear, you should also look for any blood or discharge coming from the ear. Since an infected area will tear due to constant scratching, there may also be a putrid smell. If your cat displays some of these signs, you can be fairly sure it has ear mites.
There are a variety of causes for cat ear mites. These include common bacteria, through to yeast infections and parasitical mites attaching themselves to your cat's ear. Since they are attracted to wax, it is critical that keeping your cat's ear clean is top on your list. If a cat is infected, there can be serious long term effects if a mite is left untreated, for example rupturing of the blood vessels around the ear, and disfigurement.
Thankfully, your cat has a wide range of treatments available, both traditional and alternative. Should you follow the traditional treatment, the first thing that will normally happen is for a vet to wash your cat's ears via a method called flushing. This needs to be carried out by your vet, since there is the possibility you may harm your cat if not done properly.
After this process, your vet will place your cat on a treatment of drugs or antibiotics. As in treatments that are used against fleas, these courses may last up to 4 weeks, to ensure that both the original ear mites and any eggs that have been laid are destroyed. If the infection has spread, which commonly happens, then a specialist flea cure such as shampoo or powder must be used.
However, there are also less traditional methods of dealing with cat ear mites. Since antibiotics can actually decrease a cat's immunity to certain ailments, they can be less beneficial ultimately. A natural alternative to antibiotics is Ear Dr., from PetAlive. This is a mixture of both natural and herbal treatments, and contains olive oil and tea tree oil, both of which has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents in it. Since they are natural products, the cat benefits from effective treatment and a greatly reduced possibility of future infections.
Although cat ear mites are extremely irritating for the pet involved, by looking out for and recognizing the signs, and keeping your cat's ears clean, you can deal with this problem quickly and minimize the pain to your cat.
To get more recommendations for cat ear mite treatments, visit http://www.My-Pet-Cat.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rona_Limsy
There are some nice free black cat wallpapers.

From Wikipedia:

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From Wikipedia:
Historically, black cats were symbolically associated with witchcraft and evil. In Hebrew and Babylonian folklore, cats are compared to serpents, coiled on a hearth. Originally in Britain and Europe, a black cat crossing one's path was considered good luck; however they were also seen by the church as associated with witches. It was the church, who considered them unholy and pagan, who altered their reputation. The black cat was still usually seen as good luck, however in the USA and parts of Europe which were affected by the witch hunts the association with witches caused them to be considered as bad luck. In places which weren't affected particularly by witch hunts, they retained their status as good luck, and are still considered as such in Japan, Britain and Egypt. However in Romanian culture and most of all in Moldavia historical region, even if this region was never affected by witch hunts or anti-paganism, one of the strongest superstitions, still feared by many people, say that black cats crossing ones path represent bad luck.
Ralph Chaplin created the image of a black cat in a fighting stance, the IWW's symbol of sabotage.
Since the 1880s, the color black has been associated with anarchism. The black cat, in an alert, fighting stance was later adopted as an anarchist symbol. More specifically, the black cat - often called the "sab cat" or "sabo-tabby" is associated with anarcho-syndicalism, a branch of anarchism that focuses on workers' rights. Anarchists, Situationists and Revolutionary Industrial Unionists such as the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) believe that a general strike could be the spark for revolution. (Mainstream unions in the United States of America do not support the general strike.) But it is the spontaneous surprise strike, which invariably occurs without union authorization, that is referred to as the wildcat strike.
In testimony before the court in a 1918 trial of IWW leaders, Ralph Chaplin, who is generally credited with creating the IWW's black cat symbol, stated that the black cat "was commonly used by the boys as representing the idea of sabotage. The idea being to frighten the employer by the mention of the name sabotage, or by putting a black cat somewhere around. You know if you saw a black cat go across your path you would think, if you were superstitious, you are going to have a little bad luck. The idea of sabotage is to use a little black cat on the boss.
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Do you buy your Christmas cards at the local vendor as everybody else? Or do you make use of your digital camera to create your own personalized gift cards for Christmas? This before Christmas article will tell you how to do it.
It is very easy nowadays to give your Christmas cards a fully personal look and feel by using modern technology. And it isn't expensive either. With a digital camera, your computer and your printer you can do everything yourself. But just with the digital camera you can create the part that turns your Christmas cards into a personalized gift for Christmas and have it produced by a Christmas cards printing service.
Remember, that for many the annual Christmas card is the thing that keeps the connection to other family members and friends living far away. Many people hold the feeling of belonging to someone's inner circle for years without meeting just by receiving the annual Christmas card. Christmas cards should be taken more seriously than we might use to do.
Tips to make the personalized picture card - read on
As pictures taken with digital cameras come as immediate results you can easily experiment a little and take some alternatives. Here are some ideas for what to focus on. Later I will give you ideas to including the Christmas feeling into the picture:
Alternative 1: You are living alone Take a picture of yourself or of your dog, cat or pet. Alternative, take a picture of your house, a room, part of your garden or something else people will clearly relate to yourself.
Alternative 2: You are living in a family or the like You have very many options: - Take pictures of the youngest member of the family. The youngest member is the one that receivers of the Christmas card will appreciate most to see the development of 'since last Christmas'. If you have a pet in the family include that with the child. - Take pictures of the whole family. It isn't a problem that it is an arranged photo. - Take pictures of the youngest child with the oldest member of the family. That will always generate a lot of feelings and attention.
How to include the Christmas feeling into the picture? You will need very little to add that extra Christmas feeling into your photography. If you are only taking a picture of a single person or two you can let a candlelight play a big role in the picture frame. A newly married couple looking from each side into a candlelight without any strong light added might be an intimate and cute picture for Christmas. We have a lot of symbols we use for Christmas: Christmas tree, red ribbons, red apples, red in general, Christmas decorations, candle lights, Christmas presents made as nice packages, yes, even snow and darkness. All symbols of Santa Claus. You might have many more ideas. Include one or two of these in the picture when you take it to underline that feeling of Christmas. (I don't expect you to include a full Christmas tree - just a small twig will do.)
How should the Christmas picture look like? Make the Christmas picture look as simple as possible. Not a lot of detail. Focus on the main motive and idea of the picture and avoid a lot of things around. These will only make the picture messier. That means go close to capture the essence of it as a Christmas picture. Include if possible just a few colors as that will make the picture look more professional.
Select the best alternative shot, stay with it and be happy with that.
Layout of the Christmas card and printing the cards
Do it your self cards Depending on the word processor you use you will have access to the possibility to insert pictures and insert the text you want to have printed on the card. In many cases you will have access to card formats with pre-made card templates. That makes the whole process much easier. You can also search in Google for templates for Christmas cards or the like. When you have finished your layout and made a proof print you can start your production of your own personalized Christmas cards. T use more heavy paper will improve the look and feel of your self-made Christmas cards.
Use a printing service for your personalized Christmas cards Most photo service providers will be able to deliver your personalized Christmas cards in the number you want. The more cards the cheaper. You can search for bargains in Google. You will be able to select the layout and additional text online with many photo printing providers.
The earlier you start your production of your own personalized Christmas cards the better a chance you will have to get them done in time for a modest cost. Your efforts this year to provide family and friends with a truly personalized Christmas card will be highly valuated, you will see.
About the Author
Do you need a new digital camera before Christmas - take a look on Canon Digital Cameras with highly recommended digital cameras at http://www.CanonDigitalCameras.net .
Soren Breiting is taking a lot of pictures all year round. See his high resolution Stock Photos at A-Z Fotos .
Cats are as common as dogs, but somehow there are a lot of people who dislike cats more than they do dogs, but when asked why, their reply would be, oh, I just hate them, no particular reason. Why is it that some people dislike cats? Are they misinformed? Do they have misconceptions about the furry felines? Given a chance to change their opinions on cats, it is certain that they will find these animals just enjoyable as dogs as pets.
Since cats and dogs are the most common house pets, they are frequently compared and judged. Through these constant comparisons, misconceptions about cats are formed, and people will realize some not-so-attractive qualities about cats. But a cat shouldn’t be compared with a dog, as a dog is an affectionate animal, and requires constant love and attention, whereas a cat has a more independent character. That would be appealing to some people who prefer a pet which isn’t so demanding.
Let us now rid ourselves of the misconceptions we might have towards cats. Here are two examples which you may find familiar.
“Cats are cold towards people and have no personality.”
Yes, compared to dogs, cats are a lot less affectionate. They do not run to you with wagging tails when you come home from work to greet you, and in fact, they may even seem indifferent towards you. Therefore cats are misunderstood as being cold and would not make a great pet. But cats are very loving creatures; it is just that they have selected moments when they want to be affectionate, and it is not all the time that they want to be friendly.
Don’t misunderstand your cat’s rubbing and nestling up your leg as a sign that it’s hungry and wants food or treats. Just because they are not as affectionate as dogs does not mean that they do not appreciate some warmth and affection from their masters. Cats are more quiet creatures, and they rather chill on your lap, table areas or smuggle up next to you when they want to get some rest.
“Cats are able to handle themselves and do not need human contact”
Here is another false impression about cats which is not totally true. There may be more stray cats than dogs in your neighborhood, but it does not mean that your pet cat since birth will want to wander into the real world and take care of itself
Cats are easy to maintain, and they take care of themselves well, as we all already know. A cat, however, if well taken care of with a lot of love will be affectionate towards its master, and will want some contact with them. These are probably the most appreciated qualities about cats- low maintenance, compared to any other pets out there. See below for more information on Siamese Cats.
For more information on Misconceptions about Cats or visit http://www.siamesecatsinfo.com/2-common-misconceptions-about-cats/, a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charley_Hwang
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Since cats and dogs are the most common house pets, they are frequently compared and judged. Through these constant comparisons, misconceptions about cats are formed, and people will realize some not-so-attractive qualities about cats. But a cat shouldn’t be compared with a dog, as a dog is an affectionate animal, and requires constant love and attention, whereas a cat has a more independent character. That would be appealing to some people who prefer a pet which isn’t so demanding.
Let us now rid ourselves of the misconceptions we might have towards cats. Here are two examples which you may find familiar.
“Cats are cold towards people and have no personality.”
Yes, compared to dogs, cats are a lot less affectionate. They do not run to you with wagging tails when you come home from work to greet you, and in fact, they may even seem indifferent towards you. Therefore cats are misunderstood as being cold and would not make a great pet. But cats are very loving creatures; it is just that they have selected moments when they want to be affectionate, and it is not all the time that they want to be friendly.
Don’t misunderstand your cat’s rubbing and nestling up your leg as a sign that it’s hungry and wants food or treats. Just because they are not as affectionate as dogs does not mean that they do not appreciate some warmth and affection from their masters. Cats are more quiet creatures, and they rather chill on your lap, table areas or smuggle up next to you when they want to get some rest.
“Cats are able to handle themselves and do not need human contact”
Here is another false impression about cats which is not totally true. There may be more stray cats than dogs in your neighborhood, but it does not mean that your pet cat since birth will want to wander into the real world and take care of itself
Cats are easy to maintain, and they take care of themselves well, as we all already know. A cat, however, if well taken care of with a lot of love will be affectionate towards its master, and will want some contact with them. These are probably the most appreciated qualities about cats- low maintenance, compared to any other pets out there. See below for more information on Siamese Cats.
For more information on Misconceptions about Cats or visit http://www.siamesecatsinfo.com/2-common-misconceptions-about-cats/, a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charley_Hwang

The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of cat. It is also called a "Foreign Type" cat. This cat combines the Siamese body with a diversity of colorings and patterns.
The Siamese cat was imported to Britain from Siam (Thailand) in the later half of the 1800s. According to reports, both pointed and solid colors were imported. The gene that causes the color to be restricted to the points is a recessive gene, therefore the general population of the cats of Siam were largely self (solid) colored. When the cats from Siam were bred, the pointed cats were eventually registered as Siamese the others were referred to as "non-blue eyed siamese" or foreign shorthair. Other breeds that were developed from the moggies of Siam include the Havana Brown and the Korat.
It was not until 1977 that the Oriental Shorthair was accepted for competition into the CFA. In 1985, the CFA recognized the bicolor oriental shorthair. The bicolor is any one of the accepted oriental shorthair color patterns with the addition of white to the belly, face, and legs/paws.