Hi, i'm Fuzzy! I wanted to take a bit of time to talk to you today about cat pregnancy. You see, if we are not spayed it's likely going to happen.
Cats will usually go into heat at about 3-4 months of age and after that we will have only one thing on our minds, mating. After the heat cycle begins it will be very hard to keep us inside the house. We will yell alot and creep around the door just waiting for the oppurtunity to sneak out.
If we get out you can be sure that we will have no problem finding a companion. Sometimes the boy cats will even fight for the oppurtunity.
If you aren't sure if your cat is pregnant I will give you some inside tips. About three weeks after breeding you will notice that our nipples will start to swell and turn red, we will be hungry all the time, and we may even throw up. Our personality will change too and we will want to cuddle all the time.
If you decide that your furry friend is pregnant you should take her to the vet immediately for a health check-up. During the last four weeks of pregnancy you should switch to kitten food and stick with it until she is done weening her little ones. It might also be a good idea to get her a calcium supplement to prevent eclampsia.
When your cat is finally ready to give birth you have it easy, we take care of that ourselves! Just make sure that she has a nice box lined with newspaper to give birth in. While she is giving birth take the kittens and place them into a seperate box with a heating pad covered with a towel. This will keep the babies from getting chilly.
After that mess is over with put your queen and her kittens in a new towel lined box big enough for everyone. If you can put them in their own room and be sure that it is very warm and quiet. Keep the mom's litter box, and food nearby and keep feeding her the kitten food. After about three days the kittens should open their eyes. At one to two weeks they will be crawling around, aren't we cute?
At three weeks your kittens should be walking and playing. Now you can give 'em some wet food, show 'em the litter box and let 'em do their thing. You and your vet should be able to take it from here. If not come back and talk to me at fuzzycat.com.
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