The act of offering. Christmas gifts is always enhanced if you take some trouble in matching the gift with the recipient.
Sometimes, though, it is not as easy as it may seem, especially if the gift is for someone you have not seen very often throughout the year; or someone whose tastes you do not know that well.
If that person is a cat lover, though, it is something you are probably aware of however often you may see them. There is every chance that choosing a cat related gift of some sort will be well received.
Cat gifts fall into two categories. The first is something the cat itself (or themselves) can use; the second is something for the cat owner which is adorned by something feline.
Cat Lover Gifts For The Cat Itself
The range of possible cat lover gifts that a cat can actually make use of is quite small, but nevertheless offer an opportunity to buy something both the cat and the owner appreciate. The cat, of course, would probably be happiest with a brown paper bag; at least, I have had cats in the past who would spend much of an evening hiding in such a cheap and cheerful toy.
Assuming brown paper bags are out, what other cat lover gifts can you consider? It will most likely be something the cat can utilise in the home, as when they are off on their travels they like, and need, to be unfettered. An exception, though, is a cat collar. If you know the cat does not have a collar already, then that is an option, but bear in mind that some cats just hate collars and find them uncomfortable. Also, if they are not a good fit, they can become a hazard.
It is probably better to opt for a gift that belongs and stays in the home. For example:
Cat Blanket
There are some very warm, comfortable and attractive cat blankets around, and they make nice cat gifts. We all know how cats love to curl up in front of a fire in the winter; with a warm fleecy blanket to lie on, they will be in heaven. You can add a personal touch to this gift by having the blanket personalized with the cat's name. The cat won't care about that, but it's a nice touch for the owner's pleasure.
Cat Basket
Something a little bit more elaborate as a cat lover gift is a cat basket. I am referring here to a basket to sleep in, not something that is simply for carrying a cat to the vet. Remember, though, that cat's can be very choosy. It would not be surprising if the cat turned it's nose up at a new basket, at least initially. If you spend a lot of money on the basket, then that can be a disappointment, even if the cat owner is very appreciative.
Cats, though, have moods. One day it may take to the basket, especially if you tell it not to get inside!
There are, of course, other things you can buy for the cat itself. Small toys, food treats (fresh salmon may go down quite well), but what is it in the home that cats enjoy most? Sleeping. That means that a cat blanket or type of bed could be a popular gift. We all know, however, that the cat will be the one to decide if they want to use it or not. Never mind, the cat lover recipient will appreciate your gift.
Gifts For The Cat Owner
The choice of gifts that are cat related, and may be suitable for the cat owner, is much greater than for the cat itself. If you think about it, just about anything in the home could have a cat theme to it. Many of these gift items have cat pictures on, or are cat shaped.
Some examples of what you can buy include plates, place mats, coasters, clocks, fridge magnets, ironing board covers, doorstops and a whole lot more. Many of these types of items will be appreciated by a cat lover as a gift.
One good idea is to find a gift that you can personalise, with a picture of the owner's cat. If you have a digital camera, it should not be difficult to get a picture of the cat while visiting before Christmas, without arousing too much suspicion of what you are up to. Once you have the picture, then you can probable find somewhere to add that picture to mugs, place mats and other household items, and end up with the perfect Christmas gift for the cat owner.
Really, the choice of cat lover gifts is wide. That is not surprising, given the huge popularity of cats. So, enjoy looking, and try to find something just that little bit different for your cat lover friends and relatives.
This cat lover gift article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner author of the Gifts For Xmas website.
Relax, get in the Christmas spirit, and read Roy's new Christmas Story, for adults or children, about Santa Claus and a little girl living on the edge of a tropical rainforest.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roy_Thomsitt
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