To encourage cats there must be treats and rewards. When your cat hears rustling of a food bag or a can opener sounds does you cat come running? This would be a clear illustration of such behavior. Cats hear those sounds and often related them to food rewards.
Make sure to first take your pet to the veterinarian, to ensure there are no undetected health issues that be be aggrabated or intesified by the training activities.
For the highest effectiveness be sure to give immediate appraisal such as treats, a full tasty meal, or even a toy as a reward just to ensure your cat has been properly encouraged to maintain good behavior.
At a later time after your cat relates the saying "good" with a treat and the positive act you may later use just the saying and a nice scratch behind the ears for positive reenforcement.
Using positive emphasis and reinforcement, the pet will be willing to learn good behaviors and basic instructions or commands.
Training tip and guidlines:
1. It is better to start before the pet has a chance to form or develop any unwanted behavior. So for a more responsive and open experience try to start when they are kittens.
2. A gentle hug, caress or whisper will leave a longer impression than yelling and bitter words. So try to give positive reinforcement at all times.
3. Training must be limited. Frequently but brief. Cats work better in four to six sessions of 5 minutes intervals of training rather than two one hour sessions. Because cats possess a short attention span and lose interest very quickly.
4. To limit the cat's distractions such as climbing a tree or playing with the neighboring pets keep training indoors.
Discipline should be instilled for a well behaved cat, but tough punishment must be avoided. Cats usually do not respond to hitting or yelling. That generally leaves them afraid of you doing the action rather than the bad behavior. During training the pet with defer from negative acts. Keep your approach a positive one. In response to your negative actions the pet will stop loving you and will not achieve the desired result of having a happy loving relationship with your wonderful pet cat!
This article was written by Liz Barton. Learn how to solve your cat behavior problems - you'll find more information on cat problems by visiting http://www.secretsofcats.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Barton
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