Cat Furniture - Comfort For Your Kitty During A Move

If you are preparing for a move and have a feline friend who will be moving with you, or are thinking of bringing a new cat into your home, you should keep in mind that cats are not always big fans of new places. They like their familiar surroundings and territory, and asking them to go to a whole new place with new smells and sounds can be a bit of a shock. You can soften the impact on your cat by being cognizant of this and making sure there are some familiar things for your pet to be comfortable with in the new house.

When many people move into a new house, they think of getting all new things to go with it. This means new furniture for the people, new cat furniture, new everything. This is not the best option for your feline. Save the new cat furniture until your kitty has been in the new digs for a while and has adjusted to the space. When you first move, those familiar pieces of cat furniture that move with you will give your cat a little comfort and a 'piece of home' that will let them know being in this new place is alright.

If you are considering adding to your family, and taking in another cat as a pet, make sure it has its own space. All animals like a place that is their own, their haven from the rest of the world, where they know they can feel safe and secure. For a cat, this is often a piece of cat furniture they can crawl into and hide. It is going to take this new addition to your family a little while to get used to everyone. A lot of people coming up to a cat and trying to cuddle and coddle is maybe a bit much. So, create a save zone, in cat furniture, where the cat can go and is left alone by everyone, so it can get a little more comfortable with it's surroundings. Your cat will come out when it's comfortable and ready.

If you re having a problem coaxing your cat out of it's new safe haven, you may want to bring in more than just cat furniture, its time for cat toys as well. You can start by playing with some of the toys that make noise or are colorful that you know the cat likes. While he may still not come out, you can eventually put those toys close to the cat furniture, so he is tempted to reach out, only if for a quick hit. After a couple of times being able to smack at a toy, he may be willing to venture a little further out of his cat furniture home to try and hit the toy again. Over time your cat will realize that this new home is just as safe as the old one, and will acclimate to the new surroundings.

Jennifer Akre, owner of numerous online specialty shops, shares her insight on how to create more feline friendly space in your home by using decorative cat furniture, cozy cat houses and sleek cat trees.

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