Are you the girl next door? The boy next door? Have you all your life been known as “a good kid”? Well, with Halloween right around the corner, this is no time to be polishing your halo. In fact, it’s time to forget comfy and try on some seriously sinful and evil shoes. Come on, by now you must be sick of that squeaky clean reputation. If you’re chronically cute, the trick to looking evil this Halloween is all in the eyes and makeup. Forget the costume for now. Without scary eyes and makeup, that vampire outfit on you looks...well...cute.
Halloween Contact Lenses
At any party, people mostly focus on your face (and not on other body parts like you might think). Your face is where they’ll get the cues that say she’s hot, he’s smart, she's dark, etc. So, why not try wild eye crazy contact lenses for Halloween that go with your costume. They’re not as expensive as you might think and they’re safe to wear even if you don’t normally wear contacts or need vision correction. Besides, they’re just plain evil looking (in a fun way of course), and when you wear them, you're guaranteed to blow your friends away.
Halloween color contact lenses (also known as special effect or theatrical lenses) are opaque contacts painted with freakish designs that completely cover the iris and your natural eye color. A small hole is left clear for your pupil (so you can see). Opaque colored contact lenses work the same way changing brown eyes to blue, and so on. A special type of crazy lens, called a scleral lens covers the whites of your eyes as well which makes for an especially creepy look. Scleral lenses aren’t all that comfortable, are custom made and quite expensive. However, well known contact lens manufacturer Ciba Vision, Cooper Vision, and retailer Coastal Contacts have lines of inexpensive crazy contacts for less than $ 60 or less a set.
Here are some examples:
For vampires and fiends, the classic red or bloodshot eye is ideal. Star Wars famed Sith Lord and evil Emperor Palpatine get the red eye vote as well. From Coastal Contacts, the favs are: Vampire Red, Darth, and Vader.
For monsters and zombies, mummies, and all other gore-related monsters, yellow, white, or black eyes are perfect. Check out Manson, White Out, Mooney, Starburst, Roach, and Black Out.
Aliens, gargoyles, and lizard-like creatures are best sticking with cat eye or reptilian eyes in any shade. Popular are Banshee, White Cat, Red Cat, and Gremlin.
Homemade Halloween Makeup
As for makeup, first up is changing your natural skin tone, and I don’t mean a healthy glow from the tanning booth. I’m talking sickly yellow, greenish tinged, death warmed over hues. Homemade face paint is cheap and easy to make as well as non toxic. You can fake bruises, warts, and all manner of unnatural facial features.
To make face paint in different colors, mix together 1 tsp cornstarch and 1/2 tsp cold cream until well blended. Stir in 1/2 tsp water and then add food coloring. Wash and dry your face before applying. Use your fingers to apply to large areas and paint brushes to draw scars, lines, and other designs.
For bruises, apply deep blue powder eye shadow with a wet make up brush. Blot charcoal grey and green shadows on top and smudge the whole bruise to taste. For warts, stick pieces of puffed wheat to your face using small pieces of tissue soaked in the face paint mixture.
For homemade blood take 1/2 bottle of light corn syrup and add very hot water a little at a time to make the right consistency. Add a little liquid soap and tint with red food coloring (a little blue or green coloring will make the blood darker). Smear on to taste and store in the fridge.
So, say goodbye to cute and on the darkest night of the year, look your best with irresistibly evil crazy contacts and crypt-raising scary makeup.
Leanne Tremblay is a successful freelance writer and publisher of several successful web sites. She also writes numerous articles on gardening, outdoor living, and work-at-home topics, and publishes a site on colored contact lenses that features wild crazy eye contacts and cat eye contact lenses for Halloween and special events.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leanne_Tremblay
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