“Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetites under automatic control, leave our natures free to explore the larger experiences of life. Too many of us divide and dissipate our energies in debating actions which should be taken for granted.” – Ralph W. Sockman
Most of us have at least some habits that we know do not support our well-being and success. Experts say that in order to break a habit, you need to replace it with a different habit. So, let’s take out the habits that drain you, and add habits that give you energy! These things can be pleasurable things that nurture and restore you!
Here are some ideas to get you thinking (remember these daily habits will be different for everyone!):
# Take a bubble bath
# Go for a walk
# Write in your journal
# Write a thank you note
# Call a friend
# Do 10 minutes of stretching
# Have lunch out under a tree instead of at your desk
# Get to bed a half hour earlier
# Wake up a half hour earlier
# Brush your dog (or cat!)
The idea is not to add habits that you feel you SHOULD do - rather, to add habits that you would really LOVE to do because you know they will make you better able to enjoy life and do the things you must do!
Many people have a very difficult time with this. They are so stressed out and so guilt-ridden that they can’t imagine doing anything for themselves on a daily basis!
A couple of tips to integrate these new daily habits:
# Develop some sort of visual reminder. Most of us are so busy with full lives, it is helpful to have some kind of daily reminder until the habit becomes just that - a habit!
# Try adding just one of your 10 daily habits at a time. It's less overwhelming, and you'll likely experience greater success!
So, write down your list of 10 daily habits, and start enjoying yourself today!
Visit LifeHouse Coaching to sign up for "Blueprints for a Dream Life" and receive Edi Sowers' f*r*e*e* weekly articles, coaching tips, and special offers. Edi works with women business owners who work at home and face the arduous challenge of balancing their personal and professional priorities in order to build their dream life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edi_Sowers
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